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Burning Glory

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Everything posted by Burning Glory

  1. LOL. its all good....There are like 20 old TPF over there, GL to you guys as well BG.
  2. LOL, well TPF has 3 protectorates..... NVO, RF, and a secrete one Look at it like this, if all of the small AA's were raided to death then they would just join bigger AA's and most of the tech raiding will stop and wars will dwindle......Well maybe not but its good to help friends anyway Neo, don't worry about it....You guys are friends of TPF no matter the round or the reason or the outcome. No need to defend your stance on things, your treaties, or why it happened. What happened, happened for a reason and it was fun. Stay cool! BG. O
  3. Orbit Black; Some of the greatest group of nations in the game, and great friends of TPF I'll shout out for you BE, I hate to see you go, SRSLY! You keep the game fun and your full of laughs. It was an honor to know you and have you on my team. GL with what ever your next choice in TE will be! BG.
  4. TPF will be backing OB as Hellas is a protectorate and was attacked for defending against a raid by an AA over 3 times their size! Go get'em OB BG.
  5. Death is inevitable, everyones time comes at some point and you will never see us surrender! If i was in your shoes i'd take a look around you! Things are not always as they appear. BG.
  6. While i understand your decision to sit it out, you are going to miss all the fun! Besides who knows when the next big war will be BG.
  7. I lol'd!! I say bring it! As long as i get to bring 3 or 4 of them down with me, then I'm happy as a fly on Shiat!! Speaking of Shiat, looks like PC is at the height of their glory.....Soak it up now boys, it won't last long Can't tell you how much it erks me to see old friends fighting each other, and over some BS to beat all! TPF forever! BG.
  8. Aperantly you don't know TPF My thought as well! OH, I'd say we are doing just fine.....The fact is, as long as we bring every attacker down with us then we win!! And if you doubt that, then just keep checking NS of the next few days PC and MK are going down!! Let me make it clear, every TPF nation will gladly sacrafice their own to defend each other and our allies as we would rather have class and honor then infra. Besides this war has just started, lets see who's on top int the next week or 2 o/ Mogar o/ CDS
  9. Very honorable guys! To all that think this war is just a walk in the park, let me remind you of past wars. Also there will be list made and those who jump ship will reap what they sew. 64D doing the honorable thing!! O/ 64digits BG.
  10. Tool has always had my respect and i for one applaud them for their honor and tact. Of all the AA's in CN, TOOL is among the best! Keep your heads held high!! O/ TOOL BG
  11. TPF is here for another fun filled and exciting round....Round 4 was great I hope and wish to contribute my part into making round 5 even better. TPF will be going a new direction for this round, and we will be light on treaties. We will still have a few protectorates but they must have at least 20 members. Thanks again to all of our friends and allies, as well as the peeps we war'd against for keeping it real and fun!! Also thanks to every TPF member from last round, I would like to see you all back and ready for action! BG.
  12. heh, nukes....I used mine up during the last war i was in, but of course not untill i got nuked for 3 days in a row lol!! BG
  13. I was not aware that this happened, and Jim even though you are a good friend of mine this is very disappointing to me that you would try to take members of mine. I would have to agree this is not a good start for IDIOT and the fact that you are starting round five while still in round 4 and going about it the wrong way makes it very difficult for the AA's you have recruited from to not carry this to round 5. None the less GL in round 5! BG.
  14. isn't really last min, as i said 2 or 3 days ago several of FARK nations hit our top nations...I wouldn't call that changing sides, i'd call that a defense to the attacks as several of our nation have done. But its ok, you guys have already attack and we will fight. BG.
  15. First off....My apologies but i have been fairly inactive for just over a week now...First my IP was down for 3 days due to upgrades (during the last 3 days of war with 4077th), then i was on for 2 days but again off as this past week was SPRING BREAK for my kids and i wanted to spend a little time with the family. Even now my time on CN is limited until after the first week of round 5. Due to the attacks from several FARK nations to our top members and a day or 2 after us just ending war with 4077th, I have decided to move us to the opposed side of FARK. No sense in having our top nations fighting FARK while the others fight the other side...We are an all for one and one for all AA so this just would not fit our character We still WUB FARK and I'm sure this isn't an ordered attack from GOV, but as i said it just makes no sense to split our nations up... LET me make one thing clear as well, the only reason we are switching sides is because of the attacks from FARK nations to ours, had this not happened we would still be on the same side. AS of WED at server time NOON TPF will be attacking FARK and fighting along side of TF and LE. Its just barley out of the war with 4077th by 5 days but we will do our best, and i want to wish all of the nations GL! This round out of all the rounds was the best and funnest for me. I got to know a bunch of peeps better and fight in a few wars I also want to say THANKS! to all of my members for your sacrifice and dedication to TPF, you guys are great! Also THANKS! to our Allies, your friendship is always held in high regard! To our foe's, most of you were honorable and you made it fun!! GL to all in round 5!! TPF wishes to have all of our members back and welcome anyone who wants to join BG. EDIT* I just saw that OB has also joined against FARK and that side, I really hope some other AA joins FARK as I do not wish this to be a curbstomp but TPF cannot split up our nations. Also JimKongIl has more less already declared on FARK for us 2 or 3 days ago so we are moreless already at war with them due to the attacks.
  16. Well the problem with that is, you are suppose to be allies with TPF regardless of our nations rankings...you only have 3 slots and there are several others in the TOP 15 that are not TPF. My apologies but i have been fairly inactive for just over a week now...First my IP was down for 3 days due to upgrades (during the last 3 days of war with 4077th), then i was on for 2 days but again off as this past week was SPRING BREAK for my kids and i wanted to spend a little time with the family. Even now my time on CN is limited until after the first week of round 5. Due to the attacks from several FARK nations to our top members and a day or 2 after us just ending war with 4077th, I have decided to move us to the opposed side of FARK. No sense in having our top nations fighting FARK while the others fight the other side...We are an all for one and one for all AA so this just would not fit our character We still WUB FARK and I'm sure this isn't an ordered attack from GOV, but as i said it just makes no sense to split our nations up... BG.
  17. Well since we can't seem to get more peeps to join our war, I say all of us who are wanting some fun just attack all the AA's that didn't sign up for WAR JK!!! Well lets set a date anyways I say on the 22nd we all have sides picked and the 2 sides attack each other on that update.....Anyone else?
  18. LOL, and who did you think that would be...TPF? While i must admit, i was going to send some of my 40 nations not in war back when this started over to help UN and OJ out a bit, OB had planned on hitting you guys a few days before and was glad to step up and help out mutual friends Just remember its all just for fun, and RE are pretty good peeps! What are you talking about...this is TE :|
  19. First, TPF dosen't stick our noses in it unless i'm the one posting....The person your refering to might be TGE. also WAPA are our Allies, and we give a warning to most nations in an allied AA. I feel as though this could have been handled differently as it appears you wnet to war over a raid by one nation, if i understand this correctly?
  20. LOL, WAPA are our allies...guess he must be lost And i guess the reason BOS is hitting 4077th is a few of your guys attacked them during this war, and one of our guys defended against this. This is not official, but from what i can see from the war screens and what a member of mine told me...the only thing i can come up with. Also for the record, we still have not given targets of 4077th to around 30 TPF members and a few of them are raiding other nations,lol. Guess no can ever say we don't fight fair lol! BG.
  21. AGREED....also i don't know how 2 of our members could have attacked LE, as i read orders in the DOW. I pm'd one of them asking who gave the orders but no reply yet. BG.
  22. I was refering to the dow being posted at 11:30 my IP went down so it wasn't possible it came back up at around 11:50....just time enough for me to say holly crap and dow. This was is not one of enemies as you your self know that i like MASH, and Boomer very much...its just a principal thing and for fun. TY Dran, I appreciate your and the rest of MASH's sportsmanship and honorable waring amoung friends!
  23. ahhh, i took that into consideration as we attacked with less then 25% of our members and at that only 5 to 10 % were even top TPF nations. I mean what kind of war would this had been if i waited till tomorrow night to a 75 % turn out or better. Besides you said you knew about it and hr or so before it happened Darn spies...or was he BG.
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