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Everything posted by Branimir

  1. He knows well. They all do. But its not conducive to their current political agenda of pushing terms on us, so they will make up things.
  2. While its always funny to see alliances with 1/3 of their membership base in perma peace mode on the winning side (currently 55/99 nations overall) calling out alliances of 300 members for their 35 nations in the same predicament but on the losing side, lets get the absurdity of this thread down a notch despite the hilarity of it.
  3. You didn't think that one through, did you. Thats the problem with knee jerk reactions. Give yourself some time before posting, it works better then.
  4. Seriously? I thought that by now, you would abandon your hilarious party line propaganda, when actions so blatantly showed what is up. You can repeat your nonsense a thousand time, who in their right minds should get fooled? Or are you just trying to fool yourself? Comrade. NpO is directly allied with people which primary agenda is only to hurt us and I am of a firm well substantiated opinion that sentiment is also shared, propaganda spam notwithstanding. Actions speak louder then words. Words are cheap. On the topic matter-- VE war rawr.
  5. Simplistic views from simplistic minds.
  6. Being a member of a CN alliance is a simple administrative matter of passing entrance. Being Pacifican goes beyond that. Something that holds true for as well also other CN present communities and cultures. Now, spam ahead.
  7. I am aware you were once a member. We are a mass recruiting alliance, many walked our halls. Majority Pacificans, some wanderers, spies here and there, as well as attention seeking posers who were a bad joke. Setting the record straight here, for other nonsense you produce in mass quantity I do not care.
  8. You never was, or will be a Pacifican. You are a poser, attention seeker and a strange mildly amusing joke. Now, feel free do spam us with nonsense, but leave that absurd claim to rest.
  9. Allies and good alliances signing a mutual treaty and a... ...Prodigy reference make this a great win.
  10. Incorrect. We clearly no where stated we were asked for reps, but rather that a punitive measure was suggested as a possible term which comes to that monetary value. Please, let us keep to what has been stated. We object to disallowing our ability to rebuild after war via the means of punitive usage of extended peace mode on nations that are key for that. That the war continues perhaps is more on the fact we are yet to get official terms and negotiations started. NPO has immeasurably smaller rate of long term p.m. usage then, for example, many alliances on your side. Calling us out on it, is missed. I thought this war was not about EQ. Interesting. I understand you are ranting, but be mindful when you talk about the alliance with by far most wars fought, damage received, damage dished out. Easily accessible statistical information (including the ones about our 100k plus nations, or ex now) proves we fought hard, well and are still with widening positive damages ratios. This was painful to read.
  11. I can not change what transpired between Sengoku and Brehon during EQ war. Nor could I be possibly bothered too. That is the the bottom line here. Other then that, if we were not counting on monetary assistance coming from the targeted nations on the talked about possible terms, then perhaps we wouldn't be so vehemently opposed. Those nations have a purpose to meet already explained. Those in the monetary departments of the Order can share their numbers. To disable that possibility would be a harsh punitive measure for us,...and over what? That a small fraction of our nations stayed in peace mode during war? Practice more wide spread among those calling for this term from the opposite side? A practice that is common place. Are we the supposed cause for this war so to be thusly subjected to special cosideration? This is just more blood lust, and all those with a hard on for us will cheer this idea. I am just here, to take note.
  12. Not much obviously. It answers it perfectly. Those nations are active and with a specialized purpose of sending out resources. We are not talking about some random collection of nations, utilization of aid slots of those nations is at its maximum. Therefore, blocking them from their purpose that they are certain to achieve amounts to a tangible monetary loss for the alliance that adds to a very lot with purpose to achieve a serious stunning of our growth. Considering the losses we sustained that monetary loss to post war rebuilding would be serious. Hence, its a punitive measure aimed at an alliance that was pulled to the conflict via treaties from alliances that used peace mode unmeasurable more.
  13. No offense, but I had no idea pax corvus existed until just now. We live and learn,...
  14. We destroyed +7 million NS. Fought +2k wars. Let me claim victory for the New Pacific Order right now and right here :P
  15. It was a statistic available to me as from that cut off, the last strength division of ours starts. Tell me storyteller, point out this horde of nations from our upper tier that didnt fight at all, like this thread did for TOP. Who are these masses of nations? NpO member (Mompson) mentioned on our boards (***so I am using Polar stats now***) how we only lost half of our above 100k NS nations. So, I suppose is that what irks you? Them 17 nations? Damn, NPO really didnt fight this war then. You all know we use banks, and mock us for it. Well, that dozen of nations that irk you so do not negate we fought in all tiers, including the highest which is now cut.
  16. Facts to back up his claim how this war only smaller NPO nations fought. Which can not be backed, as its incorrect as already explained. In regards to current stats, with which you are trying to deflect from the original falsehood made. We can easily cycle in and out of peace mode. Nations currently in, get out and in again. And so you accumulate 1963 wars, and 7 mil NS taken and 6.7 mil NS damage given http://ri5.rialliance.net/warstats.php You do not accumulate such figures, sitting in peace mode. Such damage can not be dished out in this time frame by fighting only in the lower tiers because there smaller amounts of damages is being dealt due to size (we dont have 600 lower tier nations nibbling). Those nations fought and will again. Many of which previously much higher in rank, but war did its thing.
  17. Oh Valhalla is fighting in this war? Didn't know, must have slipped my mind,.... You made a wild claim, got caught on it and responded by story telling and by no facts or numbers. Entirely, ChairmanHal of course.
  18. Ah yes, the tired old uninformed speaking out of ones ass. In every war on the outnumbered side there comes a point where the current top nations of the outnumbered alliance are the ones that are in peace mode as all others got rolled downward. So, the stupid crowd searching for something to scream about, use that unavoidable moment in every war to scream-- look they hid their top tier in peace mode during this war and let only the lower tiers to fight! We started the war with over 100 nations in above 55k, and now we have around 30 nation. So yes, we are letting only our small nations fight! Sure! Sometimes the stupid of this place, really is something special. And ALWAYS predictable.
  19. I dont see NPO having a top tier anymore. Perhaps the battle has been won there, and a new front can now be open in ranges where ex-top tier NPO nations reside. ultimately this is all silly. Neither is TOP the only one with a minimalistic approach to this war on their side, neither do I mind. Makes it easier for me and my Comrades. So, carry on people.
  20. We declared twice as more wars on you then vice-versa. You did well, but you got buried by a bigger foe. It was very brave of you to meet us head on. You have my respect.
  21. With what hit mi6 that night. Ask them about it they are good allies to take the heat for you.
  22. Haha funny you would mention this here as we only contra blitzed mi6 as top was in peace mode by in large and we couldnt really blitz them which was our intention. You just came along. Also our contra blitz was far more epic then yours :p. A nasty slap when you wanted to ride high- sorry about that but you were just available. Much respect for that.
  23. You can hardly stomp someone if more then half of your alliance is in peace mode, 1/3 permanently. OH YEAH GIRLFRIEND I JUST WENT THERE hurrrrr :P
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