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Everything posted by Branimir

  1. Valiant effort there JunkaTywin, but you have been bested. Time to move on
  2. Well, its official now. JunkaTywin isnt the worst poster in Polaris. Congratulations Tywin
  3. I do not want you or Polaris. You set us up the last war for your buds that now are sitting out this one as if they can escape what is coming for them. But it is fine. I have no special grudge over that. I am too old to take offense over such. It is the part of the 'game' we play. Letum said in our DoW we were not stopping the war this time around and we will roll with our allies. We are doing just that. In regards to my personal desires I must admit I want more your 'better half'. But there is no great grudge there I just like them less and their sitting this one out makes me want them more :)
  4. You acted within a coalition and under its mutual understandings-- goals. Not alone. Therefore part of its machinations and at that crucial one. There is nothing 'dirty' about it, I fail to see this great need to distance yourself from it. It is coalition warfare, we are not alone on this planet and must work with others. You have a strange need to spin things a peculiar way when its not needed. But I do not want to argue. It is not my goal, nor are we on peer level-- you have an alliance to lead, I just nukes to fire. So yeah, war rawr
  5. Other targets, like NPO and NG, were more connected therefore it was left to treaty chaining for them to enter. Do whatever you like and have fun with it :) <insert chest thumping here>
  6. And it all becomes so clear :D JunkaTywin-- doomz ultimate weapon of mass destruction
  7. You are mistaking commentary of actions as 'propaganda trickery'. Nobody reasonable could ever expect 'OWF propaganda' in these wars to convince or change anything in this days and age. Actors are too serious for that and set in their ways. So what you have is just emotional back and forth and in places commentary of each others actions. Those comments you can address or not. But its rather silly to close your eyes to them as if they are going 'to bite'. No reason to be so insecure.
  8. Ok while we are 'very meta, much wow, so amaze' let me just briefly touch on something concerning Pacifica-Polar relations. As someone who predates NpO and as a grunt observed the entirety of the history of the relationship here mentioned, I just want to say that for the benefit of this relationship the entire NPpO thing needs to be fucking finally left in history. Let it go. Pacifican and Polarian alike must when approaching each other do so like they would any other alliance and let the specter of a tie they didn't even witness not haunt it in any way. Forget 'family', 'Orders unite' etc., and just go from where we are. Pacifica and Polaris are two distinctly different alliances.
  9. You know how this thing, global coalition warfare, goes- you open on the spot where perceived opportunity (does not always need be the most favorable or 'grandiose' in the lack of you take what you can) arises and then through maximization of offensive firepower and minimization of defensive firepower via favorable treaty activation and chaining you proceed to full engagement. That is how all previous global coalition wars functioned and had the dynamics of events in this one been on the level of previous ones we would already be in a state of full engagement by now and not have this conversation. But your side out of its strategic calculations decided to slow down the escalation and that is your choice to make. At the end though, it is a numbers game and you typically know who has more of them by the fact who started the escalation process. Some tiers may be more contested then the others. Global coalition warfare is a huge beast, many alliances being involved. It can not be neat and the ever growing treaty web ever more complicates things and sucks the joy, for the soldiers like you and I, out of it. Alliance leaders try their best to navigate this ocean- as yours Dajobo, as mine Letum. I already elsewhere stated that imo, things should roll quicker (it is not lost on me that I talk about it while on the side of the likely winner of the current war, but I do believe in my points). Boom-crash-bang, next one. I believe that to be in the interest of this place. There are 'physical' factors that ever more slow down this world-- nations are ever bigger, warchests ever bigger (their post war 'rebuilt' ever longer as standards get pushed ever forward). There are also 'nation ruler' factors-- many with time grow more invested into their nations weary of losing all that work. But on top of that, politics slow down the process ever more as well and that is definitely not needed. This is on all alliances. I see talk about 7 month war. Shit, why? In 7 months I want to fight the next one (and fallowing the pattern, a losing one). I see no way for the dynamics of this place again going in the right direction. It is set in its way. People take themselves here and this place overly seriously. It has nothing to do with 'cultural rhetorics' of 'lulz' or 'srs bzns' and all to do with basic approach to this place that people take. Well anyway, lets fight this one out and try to have fun along the way- that is the idea.
  10. A rare appearance by Bob Janova,...now that is a face I haven't seen in a long while. Cheers mate glad you are around. As a note on the topic. War started and escalated thus far as it did. No doubt why Polar could feel as the focal point of this engagement. It is obvious XX is one of the focal points for some. But not the only one. I know I am here waiting on someone else,....
  11. You need to learn to read without speaking out loud. Now, now, it is less difficult then you think :P
  12. This took too long. Have fun fighting. Now that this is finally happening perhaps I could get my personal wish for this war, that being for your 'better half' to eventually enter into the fray. NG o/
  13. Respect guys. It can not go understated the spine you must have for ramming your 8 nation alliance into NPO for friends. Have fun guys.
  14. Down with this lame poser http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=88241 :D p.s. Yes I am bored :(, not much of engaging discussion this war. Have fun lsf
  15. There is no basis to assume that. Not for me and then even more so not for you. You are some kind of a re roll. Well, I have been around too. Due to the memory of past am I disappointed in the present. For those that do not come from many years ago, this all might as well be a fine norm. But it is not for me. Things take too long and with age I lose patience.
  16. From a singular, to many. Fear the Branimir :D Whatever, this place is not going to change nor it is able to carry a discussion by in large. Carry on
  17. I do not know of what you speak-- I am clearly dumb and regret nothing. I understand your knee jerk reaction to post something in response (+ also to squeeze in a cheap shoot= CN posting), but clearly from my post critique is leveled against this place and its evolution to less interesting politics in general (from reg. members p.o.v.) using this case as example. Other one being, the sheer wait between two global wars (and this one doesn't even qualify as one yet). Our standards (term used in the post I responded to) have continued to go into the wrong direction in regards to the dynamics of this place. MK-TOP, then NpO-TOP and NPO-Umb treaties gave new life to this place, so it doesn't become totally stale. But, I would prefer it also being fallowed with more dynamics.
  18. This world gets more boring with every evolution around its axis. It moves at a speed of bowl movements of a constipated man. Even wars can not any longer deliver. Previously, 5 days into war was not considered early days to honor an obligatory treaty. But standards have changed. Last time around, I still remember smug replies from dajobo et all when we honored our treaty with NSO. How it was expected as we are an honorable alliance that doesn't shy away from obligations. This war I can not return the compliment. But hey, early days. Fuck snx they can go couple of rounds of war hanging out right. We all know it only gets serious after a month,....lol Anyway, you do what you must. It is your call and your alliance. Insofar I respect your choices. Other then that, I regret the paste of politics in this place.
  19. This seems to be one of those things that sound better then they are considering the situation, but; I can dig that attitude, so therefore have fun.
  20. It should be time to not bother with all and everything, especially with some in particular. Rallying call of those faced with the prospect of losing is a story of championing the civilized, just, free minded etc. faced with barbaric even alien like forces of aggression and their satellites, puppets, mindless toys. It is an aged old story of good and bad used to put up moral, galvanize the troops and an ever present theme in propaganda fantasy stories. There is nothing to do with it for those towards which it isn't aimed. The mere terminology of it speaks of rather non inventing storytelling almost childish that shows that it doesn't even care how ridiculous it may sound once faced with reason so therefore there is no reason to address it from that level. It would be like explaining why Peter Pan can not be real. Such propaganda for outsiders is merely to be looked over as a part of folklore of war or something to have fun with by playing alone and taking its childish elements for amusement.
  21. Under duress you can see far more then otherwise. Obviously he and polars are upset because nobody likes the prospect of a losing war. Also, you have to rally up the troops somehow so you need to use a fiery rhetoric, doesn't matter how poorly it holds up under scrutiny of reason it will take root with the targeted domestic audience due to their heightened negative emotional sense. Always to those outside from that audience the spectacle may seem strange, funny, peculiar but it is an inherent part of war so in that sense it also must be taken. Its part of the folklore and nobody should really mind it.
  22. As a member of an alliance that got targeted pleanty a times I can tell you that I always prefered those not often times when our opponents told us whats up and not sell us their propaganda stories like we are idiots who would buy it. Oh it hurts however you get it but at least there is that. I suppose its a matter of taste and the fact I have been here from mid 2006. and saw all th stories already. Those that prefer or need their fantasy stories about civilised uncivilised aliens or whatnot are free to indulge themselves. Nobody expects those on the other side of the coin to cheer of course.
  23. You must be new here. Letum doesnt play the morality game. I fail to see from where you got the notion we were playing that tired old propaganda game here. No, there is no bs here to try to hide what we all know is true nor sell any fantasies. There are no bs CBs like in the last wars, there are no fairytales to hide the true mechanics of the events unfolding. If you bought into the last ones then you are truly of naive mind. This is honest and clean. We will let others sell fantasies.
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