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Everything posted by Branimir

  1. [quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1297213673' post='2626288']Maybe someone from Pacifica can confirm, its late and I don't fancy trawling through old threads atm [/quote] We did.
  2. [quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1297205127' post='2626090']As for the NPO thing, if the facts are as FAN says they are, then Cortath should have been more forthcoming. It does sound like Cortath's point was more "They're not in control of things, I am." though. [/quote] No, it couldn't be that simple now, could it? I think that proper thing here to do is to hang on Cortath's words and twist them in bad faith. So does it matter that Dilber is not even in the alliance any longer? Of course not. Anyway, diplomacy is overrated. Better to not talk to some people, ever. Hope we do exactly that in the future, words are a wastin'. Fine issue but I really loved the flag with the gun. Sexy.
  3. [quote name='jerdge' timestamp='1297119752' post='2624608'] You're taking this game WAAAAY too seriously. To be honest, a lot of people replying to you are doing the same. Or are you all just still unable to tell a forum from the other? After all this time? Really? Either way: [/quote] It is obvious from the content of the OP, that its entirely IC and meant to be as such, thus, it is a simple mistake of not posting it in the right part of the OWF which is an understandable mistake for someone who only has 10 posts grand total (including this thread). So, in essence, you are taking stuff too seriously. It is just a simple mistake of not posting it in the right venue.
  4. I FORGIVE YOU, LET THIS MAN IN Btw., [quote name='Remlin' timestamp='1297117842' post='2624550']Despite this, I know that the Mushroom Kingdom isn’t like other alliances. The Mushroom Kingdom prides itself on being above the coldness and heartlessness and unforgivingness that most other alliances exhibit. [/quote] Which this war proved. lulz
  5. As a "Friend of the Order" and the oldest living person of the original Paradox settlement on this world, I say-- bad TOP, bad. Anyway have fun, etc., war rawr etc., etc., etc. whatever at this point.
  6. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1297031242' post='2622737']Roq, you don't get it. You can only have one reason. It can only mean one thing. You have to chose: black or white?[/quote] It is not about having one reason-- it is about reasons that contradict themselves. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1297031471' post='2622750'] The point would be to minimize the pile-on by having gotten enough swing alliances or "floating strength" to join the Polar side or have waited Doomhouse(potentially deployed on other fronts) out. [/quote] ? I will leave the content of well laid down OP, as a counter view as to how that still makes no good sense or logic at all. And giving you credit, that you are not silly people, only good sense and logic left for this DoW is to not let NPO not being involved in another war. Hurt and destroy it now, again, as its a opportune moment for it.
  7. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1297030449' post='2622707']Not at all. Archon's lines are about Polar/STA protecting the flagship alliance. NPO's early involvement would not have been conducive to Polar's overall war effort and holding them off made the most sense strategically and just get NPO rolled.[/quote] You do understand that if we fallow your line of logic, then in the moment deemed opportune for our entrance in the VE-NpO war we would be countered by overwhelming forces-- namely the non-engaged (at that point) people we already are attacked by and plus whatever additional defensive pacts we would trigger. So preemtion makes no sense, at all. This entire line of logic, is depraved of it. Azaghul was honest about it, and I give him props for that, that you saw that we weren't to enter and then brought the war to us. I do not know who exactly is to believe your tired line as it so obviously falls flat down on its face, but if you want to continue riding it for unknown reason,...well I can not stop you. Actually its better for my side of the argument. But anyway, if you missed it; [quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1297028779' post='2622671']Although it really isnt my business, but you should communicate more among yourselves so that your common DoW does not mean three different things for every alliance head. Just looks silly. Come back latter once you get your stuff straight. We will talk then. Cheers. [/quote] Think about it. Seriously. Cheers now.
  8. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1297029436' post='2622684']Um what? No one really cares what we call it except you.[/quote] It is not a matter of how one calls it, but is more fundamental and a matter of why one even started it. Currently it seems you among yourselves are not exactly clear as to why you started it. Roq said how you started it out of possibility of our entrance. Archons DoW said how you started it because we were being sparred from war intentionally by NpO/STA. If you do nor care that you collectively are not making sense, then that is your thing but it would be nice if you could come to terms among yourselves as to why you launched this attack. edit: [quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1297029820' post='2622691'] Defending your direct treaty partner (NSO) who was attacked. What's my prize? [/quote] The person I quoted was clearly referring to current NpO-VE conflict. If I misunderstood that and he meant it in a broader sense, then my answer to you would be that in that specific case we were not asked to join in.
  9. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1297028859' post='2622674']Perhaps that's how it was interpreted but it wasn't the intent as I discussed it with Archon before it was posted.[/quote] It is more then a matter of my interpretation, or even of people on my side. But you should take my advice and try to talk to Archon (or someone other if he isn't active) to exactly clear things among yourselves. Because currently, collectively you are not making sense as you are jumping in each others mouths. I am saying this because it would be also easier to talk to you as the opposite side in this war, if you all were clear on why exactly you even started it. edit: To answer your edit. The DoW pointed out, as its main reason for war, "fact" that NpO/STA are protecting NPO as they are banking on us for latter times. So hence NPO was not to enter so you DoWed us. There is little left to free interpret here.
  10. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1297028321' post='2622662']That's not actually it. The OP says that they were being held off by others[/quote] Where, exactly? [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1297028321' post='2622662']NPO's neutrality was not a certainty when we attacked.[/quote] Your entire DoW in the way it was delivered defeats your point. Although it really isnt my business, but you should communicate more among yourselves so that your common DoW does not mean three different things for every alliance head. Just looks silly. Come back latter once you get your stuff straight. We will talk then. Cheers.
  11. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1297023811' post='2622535']Not had a constant of propaganda against us and our allies? [/quote] Again with Sir Pauls tabloid? Because, that is the only thing that comes to mind,...a tabloid. Didn't know you were so fragile to take excessive grievance over a tabloid. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1297023811' post='2622535']Not allied others hostile to us?[/quote] Who, Invicta? Legion? TPF? TIO? Only thing I know about them is that you constantly bombard them with banter unprovoked on here this medium. Is it,...NSO? lol Well maybe we would sign with some other people if they didn't get !@#$ from their other allies for considering it. Our friends are who they are, we are not going to change them. You dont like them? Too bad. But dont come complaining how they are hostile to you when you are the ones who constantly instigate verbal hostility at them. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1297023811' post='2622535']They were clearly looking for an opportunity to strike us when they would have the upper hand and avoiding wars,...[/quote] Except, not. Except, that is just your speculation and attacking alliances out of your own insecurities and fears was historically laughed at and critiqued. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1297023811' post='2622535']I won't deny that there was some opportunism in our declaration of war. Any good alliance uses good opportunities.[/quote] Some? Id say it was dripping with it. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1297023811' post='2622535']But the actions of NPO say plenty. [/quote] Like what actions? Did we harass and provoke you in our embassy in your halls? No. Did we cheered a rogue and gave him subtle support in his attack on you? No. OOC: Did we bring it OOC and harassed you in your other game adventures? No It was all you.
  12. [quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1297023283' post='2622525'] NPO was attempting to remain out of the conflict in spite of it's obligations[/quote] Name one?
  13. Ignoring the usual empty political rhetorics that DoWs more often then not contain, only thing other that can be said is it was time, I suppose, for this stage of the war. Good luck to Legion and all the worst of luck to CnG.
  14. [quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1296959322' post='2621218'][IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff120/duncanking/2011/cnkitteh.jpg[/IMG][/quote] Hah I like this one. Passed out from tiredness, but still fighting in ze warz!
  15. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1296934116' post='2620788']I have no idea who this "other guy" you are referring to though.[/quote] Oh I dont know, maybe the guy I quoted in my original appearance in this thread. I would have thought it would be self evident, but some people are slower it seems. Anyway, he dispensed a jab to Haf and on the account of my sides war effort. Something about creating slogans of "scars" and such. He got a jab back at him. I am kind off tired of wise cracks from some, so I decided to paint some unflattering pictures back at them. Also to that guy, "scars" et all motif is Polars. Wrong war. [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1296955275' post='2621182'] Yeah, MK and TOP have nothing in common! I mean, they never shared the same allies, had similar standards as far as military goes. They're almost exact opposites of each other. TOP always focused on nation building to get into the upper ranges while MK was focused on getting their nations in the upper ranges. They're just two complete opposites. Not in the way of opposites attract but, more of an enemy kind of opposite. I'd call you a name but, that doesn't even do it justice. [/quote] As long as you feel the urge to spew nonsense back at me and call me names-- I did my job well. Now figure it out.
  16. [quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1296933663' post='2620772'] and why did your emperor and moo(and several others)(though to be fair moo's was concerning other things too) post apologies? My guess is it had something to do with the first post in that q and a......remember it? I do. It said bluntly 'What can you do for pacifica'......so after a yr of strained relations your first post is what we can do for you......not lets air things out....not whats the problems......no....its what will you give us. And you say levi went in with a closed mind? L o L [/quote] I remember. Fair point. Though you had one current and one former Emperor there and really trying to mend bridges. I say that as I took their posts in that way, they really tried. You also had other membership trying to be constructive. And exactly after them you had Levi flipping !@#$. If a word of an Emperor is not enough, majority of other posters in good spirit not enough, to get over one question to at least keep the ball rolling then we truly have nothing to discuss. That question, though, was in very poor tact I agree. But I also feel that subsequent content was enough to keep going in a better tone. It is not as we could come out from that QnA as best of palls, but it could have ended better. More precisely though, I have answered the ridiculous implication by Levi how "our dear leader" made a negative appearance there. That question was not his, hence the implication does not stand. But we went off on a tangent now,...
  17. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1296927694' post='2620621']I'm curious if that is how you viewed the Legion after you defeated them in war, subjected them to a viceroy in their peace terms and then subsequently became their ally?[/quote] Actually I am still pleasantly surprised that they decided to turn a leaf with us. For that they have my personal eternal loyalty. I consider them to be bigger man then us in that case. Which went on for years. It is not even as we had any imminent mutual enemy that we both hated and wanted to jump on which would help. It just happened. But I got your point and touché, Sir. I am nothing if not a gentleman to recognize a fair jab. Maybe your other guy could stop jabbing my side so he doesn't receive some back at him. We are not Polars, if we are hated by mostly the same people. This is a different war. Maybe he can relieve some of his frustrations there. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1296927694' post='2620621']..... so drop the 2008 propaganda piece and stop being so damn stupid.[/quote] Maybe you could say that to your new buddies. You read their DoW,...right?
  18. [quote name='WalkerNinja' timestamp='1296918126' post='2620484']Start planning ahead, you'll be expected to come up with some self-important slogan about scars and commitment.[/quote] Actually we are planing ahead and taking a page of the more politically savant. We intent to surrender and then crawl into the ass hole of the guys that beat us, to make a MDoAP with them. I am sure we will soon find out how we are "intellectually compatible". It is brilliant. Anyway, war rawr, etc.
  19. [quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1296920724' post='2620521']Well, we consider the wars to one and the same. [/quote] Well, that is a stupid position to take. You were the butt hurt character in that QandA, that after Cortath's and Moo's posts in which they acknowledged our mistakes and apologized, still wanted something more in terms of initial contact, went crapping the party. Totally killed any chance of anything there, because you didn't went there with an open mind. Your delusions and bitterness are also showed by your characterizations of our relations with our current allies. You always do make me laugh. The level of bitterness is over 9000! Actually, majority of MK could never compare and they view themselves (as stormsend put it) as Joker to our Batman,...or Batman to our Joker,...or Cat woman to,...wait,..no,...Anyway, they are mere babies when considering actual raw butt hurt towards NPO that you hold and sporadically spew. Keep on truckin' man, never change! xD
  20. [quote name='Iherudia' timestamp='1296701981' post='2616889']Yes, the time span involved is definitely indicative of my enemy's skill in war.[/quote] lol Relax, son. It is just light lulz, don't be so uptight, Jeebus. Does everything have to be a bickering back and forth? It is just funny imagining you clicking and clicking and clicking as mad and yet not getting there. Must have been awesome to finally deploy one after a minute of solid clicking xD
  21. [quote name='Iherudia' timestamp='1296701211' post='2616874']I am truly inspired by my enemy's ability to take joy in swatting away a few of my nukes[/quote] Eight to be precise. In a row. In 55 seconds. Its funny. [quote name='Iherudia' timestamp='1296701211' post='2616874'] Hail Pacifica![/quote] Now you are getting the spirit
  22. [quote name='neneko' timestamp='1296685445' post='2616619'] Do you really believe they've changed even a little or do you just pretend to since you think you'll be on the orders good side the next time around? [/quote] Well if MK can change, I think we can too :colbert:
  23. This thread went from silly to utterly retarded in the end to the level it is an offense to everything sane. Unfortunately I have witness it and this can not be undone, but consider this my formal objection to the content!
  24. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1296600178' post='2615129']I'm sure you, as a member of NPO, given the karma reparations, would know all about being treated as a glorified tech farm.[/quote] Indeed. From there my lack of understanding why would anybody want to just be that. Anyway, this thread isnt about that. It is about peace and all.
  25. [quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1296599780' post='2615117']In the greater scheme of things, GOONS will gain more strategically from the defeat of NPO than they will lose by taking relatively high damage to their nations. Or at least that is their belief.[/quote] I suppose, indeed, they only wished to be a tech farm. Anyway, this is a tangent as a friendly reminder to everybody. So yeah, good luck with the peace.
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