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Everything posted by Branimir

  1. [quote name='Lanore' timestamp='1329703416' post='2924306']Planning a crusade and political retaliation against the latter group isn't just reasonable, but kind of expected after the last war and given Sparta's take on it. If MK/NPO/NG don't know that Sparta in all likelihood despises them at this point they are daft.[/quote] Just think of the surrender terms we pushed on them,.....man that was some draconian, vengeful, mean, cruel and unusual punishment. Yes, it would be not only reasonable, but expected as you say. One can not forgive such cruelty,....wait no, I dont quite see how that is reasonable and expected. At least towards my alliance. I think that Letum and Roq convo really illuminated this thing. It certainly painted a clear picture adding to the facts also made public knowledge here (like, how they could have happened in the first place, and kept a nice little secret).
  2. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329418321' post='2921910']Hi, I'm Branimir, and I can't handle the truth. Like I said, please re-sign OoO. You're like a carbon copy of D34th, seriously. NPO has been hypercritical and especially skeptical of me, despite me telling them I wasn't going after them, but it's very good since they're an easy target and a great way to kick things off.[/quote] Thanks in further proving me right. Your reaction to what I highlighted is dooming you, but not the truth though. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329418767' post='2921915'] Because seriously, Branimir, Brehon is trash, and he's going to drag you down to the sewer with him. [/quote] I dont know him that well, I am only sporadically active. If we go down, well will go down. But that wasnt my leading point, it was about better ways for you to handle this thing
  3. Roq, how you handle the inconvenient truth of the matter for you, is the way how this will go for you. The way you reacted, isn't what is desirable for someone in your position as you are too much self consumed (sorry, that is the way how it comes out, I am not saying this to try to offend you) and that has lead you to your behavior mistake. You didn't properly owned up to your roll in all of this, reacted too hostile to anyone that mentioned it. You helped made this about you, exactly what your ex friends wanted to happen and facilitated. Nobody will fallow you, and if you want your vendetta to happen, you must step back to the background (only Archon could be the "voice of karma", despite the key roll of others, get my drift?) . Despite all, and in contradiction to some fears expressed here by some posters, the truth is out and is not forgotten. The show fallowing in this thread, is anyway, irrelevant, transitory and now largely annoying ranting offensive to common sense.
  4. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1329260756' post='2920620'] Or perhaps, just perhaps, he feels really disillusioned and wants to take it out on MK? How many words did Doitzel write regarding his inside knowledge of NPO's inner circles, airing their dirty laundry, and so forth in the days leading up to the Karma War? 10,000? 20? More? It was an absolute crapload whatever it was and yet the consensus was that he was righteously angry. But Roquentin makes a larger number of posts, mostly short ones, perhaps adding up to a similar total and he's ready to be fitted with a jacket with extra long sleeves? Please. [/quote] You are correct, but yet I feel your comparison fails on a different level. Roq is complicit to the actions he now denounces. By action and inaction at the time. While the drama produced by one of the previous gang members breaking his omerta, is entertaining for the rest of us, the house of cards which he is destroying can not go without him dropping as well as he is an intricate part. Not just any, not just random. This isnt going clean and setting things up right in shock and awe of what is recently discovered (you used the example of Doitzel, well as you know he dropped his bomb immediately after actions he felt were terrible were planned, so to actually stop them), this is spiteful vendetta rage *years* post fact trying to consume previous partners which flames burn him as well. He gets no free pass card, but with damning his ex partners only damns himself as well. Though I love the drama, and say keep the ball rolling. I am sure this thing will deliver more gems, so ill just sit back now and stfu.
  5. This is some good drama and while I really have no place up in here, feel as though one tidbit I have to add. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329246298' post='2920461']I offer a lot of people an alternative to their position as meatshields or outcasts in MK's vision of the world. [/quote] You fail to understand a crucial thing in your personal jihad. You are a culprit. No one is going to fallow, you. Chew on that.
  6. Jack is correct, the text in the original post that serves as a statement from the victorious coalition previous to the quoted instrument of peace, is just a statement from the victorious coalition with which wording anybody can agree or disagree with. Though, as is overlooked but its the only relevant thing, in the instrument of peace only concessions made are from FARK and FAN. Victors of the conflict are clear, by any standard. In the case of FAN concession is indeed minimal, no reentry, but there. War did not end with a simple statement of "end of hostilities" bur rather with terms to which one side needed to yield, and did. No spinning, denial, delusion can change the facts contained in the black and white of the instrument of peace, nor in the hard reality of loses on the battlefield. Though Sir Paul put it best, as far as I am concerned. For NPO and FAN this is merely an armistice and there is no need for this back and forth.
  7. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1327267828' post='2904936']I hope you can appreciate what you've got here because you aggressively attacked, lost, and have been permitted to walk away without being placed under any terms to restrict your rebuilding.[/quote] While it is true its a vicious world out there, being in alliance that dished out and received both ends of the blade I well realize this fact, one must though also take into consideration that both defeated alliances here fought the war (unlike sparta) and facing the odds they did got pulverized. I predominantly fought fark nations and at the end I saw previously high tear nations going inactive, or lots of them left with around 100k wc (they are not going to just bounce back in one update as many of us will after this all). I think they got a beating and then some and there truly isn't a need to further gut them. But of course, NPO cant as well walk away from another preempt if it happens. While that is a matter of future affairs, here and now I think terms are well suited to the war that was had.
  8. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1327257138' post='2904813'] The NPO defeated FARK and FAN. o/ [/quote] Coalition of alliances, which NPO was part of, defeated FAN and FARK. Good peace all around, though, as Letum pointed clearly out previously,....be careful to pull such stunts against NPO in the future.
  9. [quote name='mdnss69' timestamp='1327148508' post='2904147']They won't be getting surrender terms for six months if they keep up this !@#$%^ry[/quote] Comrade, you need to inform yourself. Visit the halls of Francograd. There is no need for them fighting words. Also, something I noticed. Somebody give Roq some governmental position. Just to put that time/energy which he showed last weeks in these halls with constant talking, to some constructive use.
  10. [quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1327071830' post='2903573']Seems NPO is back to playing games with alliances, but will it take another year of NPO beating on smaller alliances before all of bob stands up and slap the !@#$@#$ !@#$ out of them again.[/quote] You should start rallying the troops now, before we do any more harm.
  11. [quote name='alyster' timestamp='1326690228' post='2900688']Let me guess, in 3 days when rest of Sparta realizes they are not at war anymore, e-lawyering will begin. [i]We never lost a war to NPO, PF, etc. Actually we managed to get white peace from most of our oponents, we were that bad ass.[/i] [/quote] Well,....yes. That is what transpired. They managed to park 2/3 of their alliance in peace mode (saving a huge chunk of their NS, money, tech) and get away with it unlike many other alliances previously that tried that, and then get the most lenient peace imaginable for someone in their situation which only included limited acknowledgment of defeat in a face of a coalition of 13 alliances. Listen, I am first to say I didn't had much respect for Sparta abilities, except for the one I saw as ability to flip flop to the winning side always, but this played out brilliantly for them and one must acknowledge that. Actually, if I were a Spartan, Ill be pretty much !@#$@#$ smug right now. The only "loss" is a "wiki entry" for them. lol, that is sooo bad They did great with this peace. Actually, unlike many other "wiki victories" they have, I consider this defeat far more valuable. Anyway, I said everything I felt in my first post here,...truly this is one ridiculous war,...and it keeps on giving. Cant wait for the last acts of it.
  12. [quote name='Azhrei' timestamp='1326674020' post='2900461']Was good swapping nukes with you, Branimir. You git [/quote] Buy improvements that boost your soldiers battle efficiency. Its not to be overlooked, war isn't just pushing the nuke button. Spread that to the rest of your alliance. Its a friendly advice, based on experience, not meant to be insulting. In "karma" war, I gave some advice to some decent VE nations I fought (like the one that you dont actually need 30 bombers in an escorted bombing raid) and they thanked me for it later on when it came in handy next wars.
  13. This entire global war is pretty hilarious. And it keeps on giving. trololol
  14. I swear to god, some people didn't read more then 3 lines of text here. Yet, they see it fit to share their "input". Never change CN. Well, to just add to the points raised in this thread (for those that actually read them), I would just like to say that it is also fairly ridiculous to not apply "cut your losses to fight another day" card. There is not much gas left in the tank of this planet. While, as the main point of this thread is, we could still drain as much fun as we can from what will soon just be fumes, we could also choose this. Two alliances that could still be a potent actor on the world stage creating drama, deciding to suicide themselves for their delusional pride, and next time situation like this arises victors not really being willing to give out "easy" terms but going for the "harsh" ones as obviously,....why not in light of all this. And to add to the absurdness, we actually have people supporting NPO (of all alliances) to put back reps on the table and to be "meanies" again to a degree. Opportunity for the rational option here is getting lost. The thing has become so one dimensional, slow, dumb, absurd. Rather then I be on an alert of a rebuilding and revitalized fan/fark waiting for some new opportune time to strike, and fallowing how the politicking game is played out, I am beating a dead horse on the battlefield. !@#$, yes, we can do that, ok. Lets do it until admin kills this boring planet. The point here raised is, dammit, get your act together and even more ass kicking can be had in the future rather then one sided pulverization.
  15. Roq old boy, you should quote that Daimos post again and respond to it. Third time's the charm. xD Btw, I really am loving this. Good stuff.
  16. I fail to see why this needs to be a public spectacle when your "treaty/BFF" thing wasn't designed to be one anyway. But just an understanding among yourselves. Awww.
  17. [quote name='Damon' timestamp='1323324377' post='2868691']We will ALWAYS fight NPO for as long as we continue to play CN though. Its what we do.[/quote] We all know that New Pacific Order is the entire point and meaning to your existence. It is greatly flattering. We though, couldn't never reciprocate this devotion, but thumps up for the great honor. It is always special to be another ones entire point of being. Keep on trucking and never, ever change (well you already did, but at least in this devotion part). See you soon.
  18. Less banter more action War is young, so much stuff to blow up
  19. Ohohohoho,....lol. A resounding win for Legion. It wouldn't be as funny if not for all the posturing prior and during this thing. It makes this so much more sweater for the winners.
  20. Everything looks better on that flag. Congratulations GATO and C&G.
  21. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, Here I am stuck in the middle with you
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