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Everything posted by monkeybum

  1. Just a few more points.. 1. The guys surrendering from 57th are saying Veneke "played them". I'm not taking this as a confession as it clearly isn't. I'm just taking this as showing that members of his own alliance are not seeing this post to be so clearly unlike his style, as people are saying here. 2. Quite a few people who do know veneke are saying he does sometimes write like this. 3. AND again, this is the all crucial fact.. The first screenshot that Veneke gave us to prove one of our nations is a spy, has been tampered with. That much it seems everyone is in agreement with.
  2. Every single "expert" who looked at the screenshot Veneke gave us showing the IP of the guy they claimed was a spy, has so far agreed that the IP of that nation in that post has been altered. That is a the bottom line.
  3. Trust me, If someone could prove we were wrong, I'd be much happier. I'd rather have been an idiot and discovered we were played, then really have my own ally do something like this. I'm not a computer guy, but everyone who claims to understand has been telling us that the screenshots Veneke gave us were fake.
  4. Hate to say, but considering the odds involved, I'd actually say side 1, is doing much much better at fighting, then side 2.
  5. Just to sum this up.. yes luck played out here. It sucks we got attacked and didn't have a chance to counter because peace came a few minutes later. I'm sure if we actually got to fight it would have been a nice gory long war, and we would all at the end be having a pint at the pub. Hopefully there will not be a next time, since our alliances don't have any bad blood between them. Monkeybum.
  6. Plus the fact that there is another OUT signatory fighting on the other side of this war..
  7. You managed to read our declaration ok, why couldn't you be so precise in your charter?
  8. guys its time to fess up.. If you are going to be jerks year round, no one is going to care when someone rolls you. Its just that simple.
  9. Ok that's one man I can strike off my list of "people who might be batman".
  10. This thread was alot more fun, when "private channels" were not being used.
  11. my 2 cents: 1. anyone joining CN today is facing an insurmountable obstacle. The older nations have an NS that you will never (no matter how well you play) be able to catch up to. The same is true of alliances. No truly new alliance has a chance to become significant, due to the size of the older nations. 2. This is partly caused by the fact that war can't destroy the improvments and wonders a nation has. If a nation was smart enough to have a big warchest, it will recover quickly after any war. There is no means in CN of resetting the clock. 3. As many have pointed out, war is unprofitable. 4. CN is slowly becoming so heavily legalistic, that starting a war with a CB of "I don't like you" is a sure way to be rolled.
  12. I think another factor at work, is the sheer size of the "undetermined" blocs and alliances. No recognizable side can really win without the support of some of the undetermined alliances/blocs. Unfortunatly they tend to decide based more on the activation of treaties, and not based on a legitimate CB, or global politics. What this means is that whichever side actually starts the war, needs to focus on where on the treaty web to begin the war, rather then what event (CB) starts the war.
  13. Don't see what everyone is making such a fuss over. Seems just like two allies couldn't agree on their level of commitment. 57th is a great alliance, and we are proud to be their allies.
  14. As someone who was in the know and was active, I think that Asriel more or less summed it up correctly. Both sides allies were ready to defend their allies. Both sides realised this war was an honest mistake caused by some miscommunication, and peace prevailed.
  15. Congrats to our allies in the 57th for their quick peace. Make tea, not war!
  16. Can I please be the first to suggest a name for this war? how about the "He's just not that into you" war?
  17. A lot of the behind the scenes problem here is that the treaty web is a super mess, with many alliances facing a tough choice, that could land them on either side of the conflict. This is making it really hard for leaders to make any kind of planning, not knowing who is going to join in for whom..
  18. Nice to know we are in the running! However this war might change the outcomes for quite a few alliances in this "survivor CN" game!
  19. Congrats. Nothing I like better then hearing our allies have gotten stronger!
  20. Oh well, you entertained us all for an evening or two..
  21. I fail to see FARK's point. If your ally informst you that they don't want you to join a conflict, you don't join the conflict. Its as simple as that. So if two alliances decided to go 1 VS 1, they should be allowed to do so.
  22. Since I assume no one can wait 48 hours..the real question is how much longer are we going to rehash these arguments until something real happens.
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