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Everything posted by smurthwaite

  1. This was good. 0/Jack for going out of your way to pull this off. Now, 2.56792 years from now, you had better build up your military for some sort of war of retaliation? Good prank.
  2. Hails and all that jazz. Good reading. [quote] We've broken our chains and flown from the darkness, and while there are many more obstacles to clear and many miles yet to go, I know with ever fibre in my being that we will make it. [/quote] This line stuck out to me. I think i would agree with the sentiment of it. Good luck getting the rest of the way.
  3. [quote name='Courland' timestamp='1334637546' post='2954686'] Don't act like you never played just the tip Charles. You're not fooling anyone. Although, to be fair to GOONS, we do have a habit of prancing around in fuzzy pink booty shorts with MONGOLS emblazoned across the butt, so maybe we were kind of asking for it. [/quote] Somebody nominate this guy for spokesman of the decade.
  4. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1334786593' post='2955463'] Not really sure why people are throwing a fit over this. Good luck to both of you. [/quote] I agree. I hope you both enjoy where ever it is you find yourself.
  5. You know, I was a big fan of your AA theme. I enjoyed getting to know you guys through the diplomats that were at NPL. I am delighted that my fellow residents of Planet Bob also seem to universally share these sentiments. Good luck and don't be strangers.
  6. [quote name='NationRuler' timestamp='1334614253' post='2954467'] Is NPL really too Polar to MP? Also, I hate agreeing with Gibs, but Smurth does indeed suck. [/quote] You get back to your cave!
  7. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1334611543' post='2954448'] Yes because we have a history of attacking people after taking their money. you, NPL, by your leadership's own admission deserved it. Your multiple Instances of threatening our raiders, and trying to screw around with our rep deal did you no favors with my membership. You better believe we were going to take that shot. [/quote] I was in leadership and I know, being the gentlman that you clearly are, you would never take such an admission out of context; let me clarify for the rest of you; we deserved to pay reps. NPL sat down with Sardonic (proverbially) and came to the conclusion that we had, in fact, overstepped the bounds of acceptable behavior (let's chalk it up noob behavior, to a bunch of guys who were in a new AA and had never been government before)(this is the only admission we ever made about deserving anything). We came to terms and paid them. There was a hicup in the payment that was taken care of when things were clarified. Then, a month or so later, Goons hit us, all 70 of us. So yes, it does appear that you do, in fact, have an established history of attacking people after taking their money. Funny how it works huh? That whole bully syndrome - we let you bully us, but you attacked anyway, only you had call in help to attack, the help of all DH + Alchemy + Europa, and we still fought you for almost two months. Now you attack a micro, who has another micro come to their aid, and you need the help of all DH + PB. I'll leave it at that; I'm sure you'll offer some sort of excuse for your behavior. I'm done now. Good day; I SAID GOOD DAY!
  8. Wow. Taking a walk down memory lane.
  9. [quote name='death from above 82' timestamp='1334468738' post='2953649'] for aiding our tech seller and the tech seller of your bloc partners by the way- you had the first act of aggression- 3 on 1 raid- then declaring war on mongols edit changed a word [/quote] I'm sure you would have figured out by now that talking sense does no good to the collective mouth breathing mentality of Sardonic and cronies. Don't pay. They'll just attack anyway. And then they will try to blame you for it. Isn't that right Sardonic?
  10. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1334604783' post='2954385'] I think he was saying that he was involved, and actively pushed that agenda. Either way, this argument has been beaten to death a million times. Not worth it. Back on topic, Smurth sucks. [/quote] For $2, Gibs, you can find out how hard! All other members of GOD find out for free.
  11. [quote name='Tick1' timestamp='1334352111' post='2952440'] I also love all of these accusations yet I see no proof other than the words coming out of your mouth. If you care to actually prove a point you'll need to do a bit more work than stating something which could very well be a lie. [/quote] Empty rhetoric. You believe it to be a lie, the burden of proof falls squarely on your shoulders.
  12. I fully endorse the awesomeness of this relationship. Also, thanks to those who don't know us but don't like us. You give us something to strive towards.
  13. [quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1331327410' post='2936065'] Its listed in my sig, my fave wars that I was involved in was probably the GATO-1V war and GW3, nothing like sticking it out in a losing fight [/quote] No Vision was my favorite war of all time; it kept me from quitting planet Bob all together. Good call.
  14. This is those most epic fail I have ever seen on Planet Bob. Seriously, how many of you does it take to fight these guys? I'll be laughing at this for years. Give 'em hell Mongols and Kaskus. Never back down to a bully. Punch 'em in the nose.
  15. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1334151684' post='2951065'] I can't say what's worse for who, signing with Invicta or signing with CSN. [/quote] Oh, what short memories we have: Let me remind you that during the GATO v 1-Vision war, three AA's came to GATO's aid: IAA (who was disbanded because of it), CSN (who came in because of a treaty with GATO despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them) and USN (who came in because of CSN). Seriously, know your history before making yourself look like a tool. Also, congrats to our friends in CSN. Don't know much about invicta, but I'd like to
  16. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1333946157' post='2950221'] Not really, our NS had nothing to do with anything. It was more of a political calculation. [/quote] Based on this, http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=35992 I really hope NS isn't important to you.
  17. Here's to this being just the start. Onwards and upwards with our good friends at App.
  18. [quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1332429460' post='2941611'] A member of GOONS chose to attack a free nation, who happened to be a friend of Mongols. Member of Mongols chose to help the poor nation with a little drop of aid. The GOONS, backed by their impressive military forces, chose to demand excessive reparation for "aiding the raid victim", or else. Mongols chose else, GOONS chose to attack, and Kaskus chose to defend. At any point, any of us could have made different decisions and things would have been different. GOONS could have chosen to agree to the smaller reparation amount from Mongols. Mongols could have chosen to bow to the ridiculous demand. Kaskus could have chosen to abandon Mongols, and so on. [/quote] Trust me when I tell you there is enough evidence from recent history to make a clear supposition that GOONS would have attacked even had Mongols chosen different. You see, NPL aided a few GOONs victims after those nations had fled to our AA; GOONS came threatening, and we payed them reps. Not long after they went ahead and declared anyway, telling us that they just felt bloodthirsty. Validity of CB is a nonissue to the GOON mentality. Let's face it; GOONS isn't fighting a war because they think they are right; they are fighting because they have way more NS than Mongols or Kaskus. Much respect to Mongols and Kaskus for not bowing to school-yard bulling and thug tactics.
  19. Good luck Reviler. Enjoy your exit. You were a good comrade and I wish you nothing but the best.
  20. [s]1700 from NPL[/s] Bah, tricky NSO
  21. Be wary guys. Logic like this is always fodder for those who don't understand logic. By the by, great post.
  22. KemMo has misspelled my name in every NPL announcement since I agreed to FA in June. Thanks for the fun war.
  23. [quote name='Gumpper' timestamp='1326835706' post='2901677'] 1. Did you actually read the logs? 2. Do you have any evidence to support your claims or are you just doing your classic blowing smoke out your butt? 3: In response to this quote a. Didn't accept the easy terms b. Are ridiculously attributing NPL's problems as NPO's fault c. Declared war (somewhat stupidly in the first place) and now are attempting to spin it as NPO is Ebil... again... Need I go on? [/quote] As a lowly member of NPL's "low government" I would like to point out two things: 1) NPL in no way holds NPO at fault of "NPL's problems." The fault of those clearly lie with alliances who accept reps and then declare a war anyway. 2) NPL will not way seek peace until DH peaces out with our allies in FARK. Please note, and please don't confuse this, NPO and FARK are not the same as DH and FARK, as far as NPL is concerned. Thank you.
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