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Let's get nation drama in cn



I look in the forums and all i see is fantasy RPing, alliance drama and the rise of team drama. But we need to think about the fact that in CN, you play as a NATION. It has grown to the point where the alliances seem to be the real nations and your nation is just like a

So really, if you are in, lets just say the New Sith Order, the NSO is really your nation, not the actual nations. If we could get more people to focus on RPing nations and getting in an alliance with other nations, getting blocs that have just individual nations, then not only will there be less "alliances", but there will be a more realistic sense to the game. The Game-Related RP section will be filled with RPers. This will make alliances grow to be huge, and will have less people like me forming 3 alliances in 6 months. Personally, i think that would be awesome if this could happen.

Also, this would allow smaller alliances to get more members quicker.

The reason that alliances will have more members is that people will be doing whatever they want, so they really don't care what alliance they are in, just one that they agree with the views. Alliances will also have a different meaning. They will be a group of nations trying to bring greater good to cyber nations, not a bunch of people that want to rule over everyone. Alliances will be nations that sign a treaty to protect each other(Like a fictional version of the EU or UN), not filling out an application and going to academy. People will RP their leaders, they will RP their people.


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People are nation leaders. We are just nation leaders in a world where there are a total of 9,917 nations and unlimited potential for more (i.e. there is no limit to "land", etc.). That being the case, no single nation and it's leader is all that powerful.

I am sypathetic to what you are saying because personally, I tend to favor freedom over conformity. However people just aren't going to do it here. If they were, it would already be happening.

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This makes no sense. The reason most of the drama is in the alliances is because it's fairly difficult to have significant drama with just yourself and most people do not want to be super politically active, which you would need to be to have drama as an individual nation. Furthermore, many are not big into nation RP'ing, it's just not their cup of tea and they derive enjoyment in CN in other, equally-valid ways (and I'm one of those people).

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We already play as individual nations hence the forums here where we can all come to share out viewpoints on events.

You may not realize it but alliances are basically as you said you wanted them to be. It is groups of individuals with a common interest that binds them together and that application thing you seem to not like is basically a treaty that you sign giving your support to the betterment of the alliance as a whole. Like the academy, that you don't want to do, was designed by people who knows how to help young nations with little experience grow and become productive members of the alliance and community/

Join an alliance Knights that reflects the things you like and learn the game.

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The guy has a point, I just don't think he expressed it clearly.

Building a nation should be difficult. Holding it together in times of war, keeping your citizens happy, staying in office if you're democratic, etc. is extremely difficult. Instead it's treated as if you just toss money into the air and infrastructure and wonders rain down from the sky, keeping your citizens complacent.

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The guy has a point, I just don't think he expressed it clearly.

Building a nation should be difficult. Holding it together in times of war, keeping your citizens happy, staying in office if you're democratic, etc. is extremely difficult. Instead it's treated as if you just toss money into the air and infrastructure and wonders rain down from the sky, keeping your citizens complacent.

I think this is much more you making a good point and then back-inferring it from his post. This isn't what he was saying, this is interesting and coherent—his post was none of those things.

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I could see why the past six months might make it seem as if CN drama trends towards individuals and not alliances.

Then again joining a game that's over eight years old, as a new nation, should make it pretty clear that this is much more of a long term game then what six months of observation gives you. Which is why it's best to learn from people who have actually been here for a while and can help you learn how to play the game well.

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So really, if you are in, lets just say the New Sith Order, the NSO is really your nation, not the actual nations

If, after reading this post, you have to keep one thought about it in the back of your head, keep this one.
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He's basically saying that alliances are the actual nations in this game, not the individual nations.

However, I like it that way. I like the idea of IRON being my nation, and I myself being a state/representative within it.

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He's basically saying that alliances are the actual nations in this game, not the individual nations. However, I like it that way. I like the idea of IRON being my nation, and I myself being a state/representative within it.

You're also too stupid to breathe so not really the best representative possible.
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I wonder how different things would be if the game had developed without a feature to group nations around an in-game alliance affiliation. I think I read a while back that Admin initially intended for nations to behave as RL nations do, and not as individuals who are all sub-units of alliances that function as RL nations do.

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