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Recruiting friends IRL



"Good news, everyone!"

So, yeah, I'm sure some of you have attempted to recruit your friends and family... and often to your chagrin, no doubt. I actually tell most of my friends that I play, and among some of my friends it's become a sort of joke that I always try to make them play. I have had varying degrees of success, but nobody has stuck around for the long haul.

My best friend from college moved to a different country and shortly discovered that I suck at keeping in touch with people. He signed up to communicate with me. He played for several months, perhaps almost a year. This has been quite some time ago... when I was at VE.

Then a year or so later I had a girlfriend that I convinced to sell tech for awhile. She could never remember the steps (really bright, I know), and it got old telling her each link to click. She eventually deleted. Shocker.

Most recently I got a colleague of mine in China to signup. He's Chinese. Anyway, we share the same network at work, and I somehow momentarily forgot that we wouldn't be able to aid each other. Anyway, I sent him some aid, as he's a tech seller, but later got a message/reminder that it's not OK. The message said I may be deleted, and I checked the forums for a place to beg forgiveness but found none. So, I thought I'd post this here. It seems there may be a 3-strike policy. I hope so.

While I don't want to get banned/deleted, I'd be a lot more productive IRL if that happens, I think.

So, if you're wondering, the "good news" is that we appear to have a 3-strike policy (fingers crossed), and barring that I will hopefully experience an uptick in my IRL productivity.


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I was too young to remember the fall of the Berlin Wall, although old enough to follow the 1996 US presidential election and remember with clarity the death of Princess Di.

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The mods are actually pretty good at this kind of thing. Sharing a network isn't allowed, but it doesn't warrant a ban either if there isn't reason to believe you are using multis or it is just a one-off.

At least that is how I always understood it.

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Yeah... I remember my first nation... honestly don't remember the name of the second... they got deleted at 2 days and 0 days old, respectively.

On a completely unrelated note, I used to have an alliance with several friends and friends of friends. It was good fun for a couple years, as most of us stuck around for a while. At our peak there were about 20 of us (out of 25 in our alliance) that all knew each other. It made the few small skirmishes we got in to a blast. It's pretty awesome when 80% of your alliance members have the ability to call each other, much less find a way to coordinate. It got to the point (pathetically enough) that Cybernations became a frequent topic at parties and social gatherings. We even started having barbeques for the sole purpose of discussing alliance matters. We barely had a reason to have a forum (which was rarely used) and most of us, sans maybe a couple, never bothered with IRC.

Time has taken it's toll, however. It's down to just me and one of my other buddies as the last digital references to those days. DT has been a good home to us, though. Hindsight being what it is, even though we were already a DT protectorate, we should have talked more in those days... and for that matter, Symphony too (another DT protectorate at the time).

Anyway, sorry for the small wall of text in your thread here Farns, especially considering you've probably read similarly worded paragraphs before.

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It's my understanding that between the rules, the situation, and the responding mod, generally the offending nations are simply deleted and that's that, if action is taken at all. From there, if it's one person with actual multis, you just make a new, clean nation and learn your lesson; if it's two people you find two networks, or you play rock-paper-scissors and only one person gets to keep playing with 1 new nation.

People mistake "deleted" and "banned." A person who is banned is often not deleted immediately, and a person who is deleted is not necessarily banned.

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"...a colleague of mine in China to signup. He's Chinese."

Haha... Yeah, I thought about that, but - believe it or not - there are some expats working in China. And I work with some of them, too. ;-)

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Well with the number of university students around banning people for sharing networks would be extreme.


I think it really restricts RL recruiting into the game considering people most likely recruited would be family or colleagues.

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The amount of abuse going on in 2006 of the then existing rules was pretty extreme. People had family members their parents didn't even know existed playing CN if you get my drift. Still, if the aim is to keep things one player-one nation, the current system keeps a lot of people from playing and is rapidly becoming less effective as the number of devices with IP addresses and web browsing capability increases over time.

Something needs to change.

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The amount of abuse going on in 2006 of the then existing rules was pretty extreme. People had family members their parents didn't even know existed playing CN if you get my drift. Still, if the aim is to keep things one player-one nation, the current system keeps a lot of people from playing and is rapidly becoming less effective as the number of devices with IP addresses and web browsing capability increases over time.

Something needs to change.

You should suggest it, we are not in 2006 anymore so it could probably have a positive effect in the game.

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I find myself discouraging colleagues from even inquiring about CN. :)

I would hate it if one of them created a nation and got mine deleted. So they all know CN to be a boring browser game full of nerdy misfits with severe complexes. And twitching, most CN players have a twitch that acts up when someone mentions tech (that is what they know)

Of course at one time one of my bar buddies created a nation and stuck with it for two weeks... GOONS raided him and he had a blast.. and then went on a christmas drinking binge and forgot to collect. In his words "couldn't be arsed to create another nation"

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Hmm... the quote option is not working for me atm.

@shelrich: Don't mention it. I love reminiscing about the old days, and some would say I do it too frequently. Anyway, thanks for sharing!

@Baltus: Of course I remember you! Heh. Hope you're keeping well.

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