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Big News on Xbox 720 and Playstation 4 Including some Launch Games

Tom Marvolo Riddle


We already know that the Xbox 720, which is already believed to be finished after a Former Microsoft Executive hinted at specs which matched the Speculation and rumors. Not only this, but the Xbox 720 will be unveiled later then the Playstation 4. It will be unvieled on June 11th.



As for the PS4, a design of that has also been leaked, leading to speculation that both systems will feature touchscreens and lifelike graphics. The System will be publically revealed at a press conference on February 20th, putting a end to the rumors.



As for games, 2 games have been all but confirmed for release on the Next-Gen consoles. Those games are Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4.

I personally am very excited for both. Each of these games will have a massive succes rate. For me, these games will not only sell out in days, they will smash records for sales, and quickly.



In my opinion, both next-gen consoles will do great. Whether the price tag is $400, $300 or whatever, A LOT of people will still buy it. If I have the cash, I will get it. These consoles will have unmatched graphics, unmatched capabilities and best of all, unmatched awesomeness.

If you have a question or want me to research something regarding the Gaming Industry, if you have any info, go right ahead and post in the comments section.


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This is quite a stray in your usual discussion topic, but alright, I'll go with it! Anyone heard of the Ouya?

It is actually quite a common attachment for a Android phone. You can get games and everything for it, better then normal game apps.

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The real question is... why would I want 120 or more frames per second to play Cybernations?

I dont. I want 120 FPS to play Minecraft(lol) and Call of Duty. THe games that need 240 FPS, like COD, Like Battlefield and especially open world games like Farcry.

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Console gaming dies with age and knowledge, you clearly aren't at the point seeing as you don't know what you are talking about. Have fun with your out of date hardware and limited communities.

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Wait, 160GB for HDD is something most PCs don't have? And video cards no PC can have?


e: reading the PS4 link I can confirm that my PC has twice the RAM and way the !@#$ more storage space than the new system. Anybody with half a brain and 600 dollars can do the same.

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There are other reasons that the PC will keep on remaining a viable gaming platform beyond those mentioned here.

1. space constraints, i have 3 consoles and a PC, its a freaking mess. Mothballed my 360 already, haven't booted up my PS3 in months.

2. console games for the most part do get released for the PC as well, the most popular ones at any rate

3. you may or may not have a console, but you most likely will have a PC, it is a bigger market for the developer

4. Mods, you know, the good stuff?

Oh and my homebrew PC has 3 TB SATA for storage along with a 120 GB SSD.

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Console gaming dies with age and knowledge, you clearly aren't at the point seeing as you don't know what you are talking about. Have fun with your out of date hardware and limited communities.

I disagree. Nostalgia gaming is rather fun, on a Super Nintendo or N64, anything else. I find it funny that if you have a PlayStation 1, you get laughed at. You have an N64, you are revered.
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I disagree. Nostalgia gaming is rather fun, on a Super Nintendo or N64, anything else. I find it funny that if you have a PlayStation 1, you get laughed at. You have an N64, you are revered.

Not what I'm implying in my statement, I'm implying the older you get the more you lean away from console gaming as you expand your horizons. Sure consoles like the NES, N64, Genesis, Dreamcast and so forth have a place in my childhood memory however I've strayed away from console gaming almost completely since college aside from major titles that I enjoyed from high school that I purchase once they are on sale.

PC gaming is just more convenient and offers more than console gaming as well as better options with the modding communities developing endless content for you to pursue. Everything offered in this blog is misleading and at best described from the authors limited ability to do anything with software. If you really want to see the direction in which the gaming community is heading without waiting on the lacking capabilities of consoles you have to be a PC gamer. There is no way around this since everything used in a console is outdated before the console is even released.

Facts are every household that has a console also has at least one PC if not more. The additional facts is the money you spent on your computer plus your console could build you a gaming PC of decent quality capable of performing graphics at high quality. So why someone would limit their PC which has more options than a console is mindbogglingly which can only mean the person spending the money is ignorant of what is actually out there.

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Move aside PC and console...mobile gaming coming through.

Seriously though, I remember reading an article that the developers were anticipating a cut in the usual profits and the cause was mobile gaming. I think it's a combination of what Tick mentioned above about the demographic getting older and that older generation just being happy with whatever games you can play on your phone/tablet. I imagine there are other factors, of course. I keep hearing that the graphics cards aren't going to be exactly top of the line in anticipation for the smaller amount of sales they are projecting.

I still don't think these will compare to gaming PCs and when you add in that you can easily mod / upgrade a PC as opposed to waiting for a new console every, what...3-4 years? I don't think these types of strictly gaming consoles are going to be around too much longer.

EDIT: Here's the article - http://www.wired.com/opinion/2013/01/how-mobile-kills-the-console-but-advances-the-gaming-industry/

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I hear GTA V will be out on PS3 (pressing the limits), and then will release on PS4

This is correct. As of February 5th, Rockstar, the creator of GTA, said that the game will be released on both the current consoles and next gen consoles. He also said that Microsoft, creator of Xbox, will get the game 3 days-1 week later then sony.

But the game release has also been delayed to September. Speculation is that they want to finish all 4 (360,ps3,720,ps4) games before release.

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I disagree. Nostalgia gaming is rather fun, on a Super Nintendo or N64, anything else. I find it funny that if you have a PlayStation 1, you get laughed at. You have an N64, you are revered.

Uh, hello, emulators?

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Yes, that's true. But you don't get the same nostalgic feeling with emulated controls. A keyboard feels much different than the NES controller, for example.

Toss in a few coins and you can get a NES controller for PC.

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This is a message to the PC Master Race:

Xbox 720 Leaked Details: Xbox 360 will feature

1 Terabyte Hardrive

Wireless controller recharger


Webcam built in

Wireless Internet acces, including built in wi fi


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Woah, look out guys, the 720 has a one terabyte hard drive and wireless controller recharger.

Meanwhile, system building just gets better and better, the core components (GPU/CPU) more and more powerful for less and less money.

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