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Typical Blog Post

New Frontier


MK and/or DH and/or PB and/or XX and/or SF is the new hegemony.

The new hegemony is worse than NPO/just as bad as NPO/obviously not as bad as NPO but still awful.

We need to evaluate our actions/to form a new Vox Populi/to make more blog posts about this.


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I actually laughed. Not hard, but it was noticeable.

CN Blogs are pretty much the worst thing and the fact that this one is an exact template for them is why.

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Goes for a lot of regular board posts too.

It's amazing, and not a little sad, that a lot more time is spent arguing over if something someone did is comparable to what the NPO used to do than over the actual merits of the case.

Many people are still obsessed with the karma era PR battles. We need to collectively move on already.

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There was a time when you were not complaining about an onslaught of topics in which players declared that they were no longer be a part of the problem. When Vox was founded, the majority of members each made a topic as they joined, clarifying their reasons for joining and urging others to take similar actions.

And yet, no post like this came from you then. Why the difference now?

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I'd say your actions are on the verge of being like NPO, but not quite. I'm still not impressed even though I knew you were evil but declined until this moment to comment on the matter because I am holier than thou.

Shame on you.

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More people need to blog about how they smashed a full bottle of expensive booze, so that i would not feel as bad.

I emptied a rather good bottle of 12 year old scotch the other night. And I think the bottle got smashed in the bin this morning when the garbage man came.

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