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A Note on PB Military Tactics

Bob Ilyani


As most of you probably know, RoK is at war with PC and PC only. As much as some would like that to change, we are not at war with other PB alliances.

Now, why is that important? It's pretty obvious that they are getting beaten pretty badly. They've sent out surrender messages quite a lot of times. But that is irrelevant when compared to my next point.

They've been beaten so badly by us and our friends, they have resorted to asking their allies for the largest form of defense. For new nations. Since iFOK began peacing out of their wars, over half a million NS of nations has moved onto the Poison Clan AA. Quite a few large Umbrella nations have moved onto the AA as well. They've been moving back and forth ever since, rebuilding on safe AAs and re-entering the conflict against RoK.


(Above: A Nation deserts PC in order to rebuild in the safe haven of iFOK.)


(Above: A "genius" Umbrella nation forgets to change his AA before attacking a Ragnarok nation. He changes it 3 minutes later before attacking another RoK nation.)

We're not scared of you. We are ready and willing to fight each and every one of you. You might want to keep yourselves out of fighting us officially, but we aren't stupid. We know what's up.

I hope you enjoy fighting from underneath your shroud. Its pretty honorable.


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Yeah I've noticed PB members switching over and thought it's a shame that SF are either not seeing this for what it is or just hanging Rok out to dry. Not that that isn't sort of happening already, but this is really taking it up a notch.

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That nation was not a member of Umbrella. He changed his AA to Umbrella and purposefully hit you guys for reasons unclear to us. Perhaps to intentionally draw your ire against us.

Nations that left Umbrella during the NEW incident were not allowed back into the alliance. In fact, I believe we nuked one of the people who left during the NEW incident.

Umbrella does not condone alliance hopping into war. It's true we don't always issue forum DoWs but when we hit nations we do so from under the umbrella of the Umbrella AA. If you believe someone is in violation of this, please contact any of our gov.

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You say 'quite a few' like it was more than 1 coming from Umbrella.

Most of those you see are PC members who hopped elsewhere and hopped back, for various reasons. Buscemi was being a tard and was asked to stop, and Sunny is the only person from Umbrella's AA to jump, and I'm not sure if he's affiliated with them.

It is a couple of people doing it. Remember, a couple of people from Rok did the same exact thing in the beginning of the war, jumping to Polar, and many other people have done it with Polar, STA, and others. It is part of the game, people find causes they want to fight for and do so.

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Also before you paint Umbrella in that light, they had a member jump to NEW to fight in that war, who was banned from rejoining the alliance. It is not something they condone, let alone encourage as you imply in your post.

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You say 'quite a few' like it was more than 1 coming from Umbrella.

Most of those you see are PC members who hopped elsewhere and hopped back, for various reasons. Buscemi was being a tard and was asked to stop, and Sunny is the only person from Umbrella's AA to jump, and I'm not sure if he's affiliated with them.

It is a couple of people doing it. Remember, a couple of people from Rok did the same exact thing in the beginning of the war, jumping to Polar, and many other people have done it with Polar, STA, and others. It is part of the game, people find causes they want to fight for and do so.

That was before RoK had entered the war... not like with these alliances, who are off busy fighting their own separate front. I guarantee that, had those members known of our intention to enter days later, they would have stayed. It's almost as if PCs allies want to help them out without fighting us directly mellow.gif

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Then recognize hostilities with them? Otherwise this just seems like a waste of time. I suspect Umbrella is much more proficient their forum masks in order than the Entente.

It is part of the game, people find causes they want to fight for and do so.

Deny it took place, but dismiss it in advance if it did happen as "part of the game"? You've learned much VE. There is hope for you yet.

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Then recognize hostilities with them? Otherwise this just seems like a waste of time.

This. I honestly don't understand the shock and awe here. But if it opens a few more eyes, then so be it.

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Bob, why doesn't Ragnarok activate the bloc Super Friends since it is a clear attack by Pandora and sanctioned by Pandora.

Pandora isn't afraid to fight. Super Friends shouldn't be afraid to fight either. But, I guess we all know you guys don't want to officially begin fighting each other no matter what.

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Sunny Side King was a ghost in the first place and i believe only 2 iFOK nations ghosted PC to begin with.

Though, I certainly wouldn't mind Tautology being handed over for ZI.

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Hey, where are the other Umbrella nations on the PC AA? I can't find them.

Why won't PB and SF fight? It's because we have the same overall goal. Deal with it.

How? Superfriends isn't in the NPO War?

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The Umbrella nation who joined PC was a ghost? A ghost who sends aid to allies of the AA he is ghosting, interesting. :v:

Since RoK declared war on PC, 19 nations joined PC's AA, what represents 22% of the total nations in Poison Clan.

6 of these nations are above 50k NS and represent alone 17% of PC's NS

Very interesting how a small alliance gains so many members so fast. :rolleyes:

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This really was unnecessary. Please stop and talk to Kait before doing something like this again.
KaitlinK[RoK]: Nice Blog Bob!

Good one! I have the right to say anything I want. Have a problem with it?

Bob' date=' why doesn't Ragnarok activate the bloc Super Friends since it is a clear attack by Pandora and sanctioned by Pandora.[/size']

Pandora isn't afraid to fight. Super Friends shouldn't be afraid to fight either. But, I guess we all know you guys don't want to officially begin fighting each other no matter what.

If we wanted to fight PB we would. Personally, I don't. We are fulfilling our treaty obligations, simple as that. If I really wanted to fight you guys, this'd be a DoW from Kait, not something I wrote about on my blog.


Clever! I don't want SF to fight PB. And certainly not to save NPO. ph34r.gif

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The Umbrella nation who joined PC was a ghost? A ghost who sends aid to allies of the AA he is ghosting, interesting. :v:

Since RoK declared war on PC, 19 nations joined PC's AA, what represents 22% of the total nations in Poison Clan.

6 of these nations are above 50k NS and represent alone 17% of PC's NS

Very interesting how a small alliance gains so many members so fast. :rolleyes:

Find records of Sunny Side King ever being a member. I have no reason to lie. He ghosted in the first place to fight.

Unless you can showthe vast majority of those nations came from PB, it doesn't really matter.

Also, Bob, I was joking since that was the implication of what Jaiar(NPO guy) was asking.

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Ahh, reading fail on my part. Though the caps should have gave it away. :P

Well, ARoq and Bob... Bob implied PB tactics. Isn't what Bob is saying is being done an act of war? I simply said if they do consider the tactics an act of war then Ragnarok should activate its bloc treaty. If Bob's alliance doesn't want to activate then that's fine too. It doesn't really matter to me. I was asking a question, but everyone seems to take anything that is said or asked as an attack or jab at them or their alliance. It was a simple question asked since Ragnarok does have treaties to protect it.

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Good luck to RoK, goes to show they can't beat you without being sneaky rats. Shame on them, really. Not so scary after all.

Yeah I've noticed PB members switching over and thought it's a shame that SF are either not seeing this for what it is or just hanging Rok out to dry. Not that that isn't sort of happening already, but this is really taking it up a notch.

^ this.

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This really was unnecessary. Please stop and talk to Kait before doing something like this again.

That's rich: GOD members telling other people they should communicate with Rok gov. You get one turnip :lol1:

Also, SunnySideKing has been wearing Umbrella for weeks, if he's a ghost, why wasn't he dealt with?

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