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FAN-Legion relations



We were raging !@#$!@#$ back in the day and we !@#$ on... well... practically everyone. That's not the kind of thing you can just stand up and say, "My bad" and be done with it. We had to work at clearing the bad blood between us and other folks. In the process we made some good friends and with others we at least got it to the point where they didn't have our faces on a dartboard.

Yes, you did !@#$ on practically everyone. And I take it from this that you're saying you tried to make it up to everyone.

So I guess I missed the delegation you sent to Legion to apologize to them for supporting threats of OOC criminal actions against their members in GWIII?


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This is excellent work. A quote from mpol, some unsubstantiated "he says/she says" that dates back to the Third Great War and "OMG CRIMINAL ACTIONS! OMG!". All we need you typing out "the consequences will never be the same" and we'd be home.

Tell me with how long you've been nursing this butthurt, how infected is it by now?

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I have no idea what you're talking about, but I do know that FAN and Nordreich have worked quite hard to repair relations with one another:

- I had the honor of introducing FAN to Vox (and vice versa); a relationship that proved mutually-beneficial.

- FAN was the first alliance to come to Nordreich after our reformation to wish us all the best.

- During the Bi-Polar War, Nordreich declared war for several reasons, including directly supporting FAN.

- We continue to enjoy one of the best inter-alliance relationships I have ever personally been a party to.

- Nordreich and FAN consider each other to be allies without the added weight of a 'piece of paper' telling us what this means.

In many respects, FAN and NoR should serve as examples to those alliances that, for one reason or another, continue to be plagued by past 'issues' with each other. While it's impossible to cause those who harbor irrational hatred to change their minds about much of anything, a frank and open discussion of grievances and a commitment to working through them in an honest manner can lead to unexpected results.

So yeah....wtf are you talking about, anyway?

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I have no idea what you're talking about, but I do know that FAN and Nordreich have worked quite hard to repair relations with one another:

- I had the honor of introducing FAN to Vox (and vice versa); a relationship that proved mutually-beneficial.

- FAN was the first alliance to come to Nordreich after our reformation to wish us all the best.

- During the Bi-Polar War, Nordreich declared war for several reasons, including directly supporting FAN.

- We continue to enjoy one of the best inter-alliance relationships I have ever personally been a party to.

- Nordreich and FAN consider each other to be allies without the added weight of a 'piece of paper' telling us what this means.

In many respects, FAN and NoR should serve as examples to those alliances that, for one reason or another, continue to be plagued by past 'issues' with each other. While it's impossible to cause those who harbor irrational hatred to change their minds about much of anything, a frank and open discussion of grievances and a commitment to working through them in an honest manner can lead to unexpected results.

So yeah....wtf are you talking about, anyway?

Yeah yeah got it dude but CRIMINAL ACTIONS $%&@ FAN man.

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I'm not sure that going back and systematically repenting of each and every sin is exactly what Mpol was talking about there, Haf.

And besides, when people want to kill you and you're making your plans to go and change their mind about that, you tend to prioritize people that actually could kill you over those that are just emo hand-wringers. In fact, after you patch stuff up with the former, you can pretty much just get together with your new buddies and laugh at the latter.

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Pretty much what WN said. If Legion had a problem with it they should have gone and stamped FAN when they reformed, and I for one never heard anything about FAN angst when I was a member *shrugs*

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Probably some minor back-room issue (or SUPPORT of a minor back-room issue, to be exact) that Haflinger considers just as bad as rolling an alliance twice and keeping them in war for months over such rock-solid CBs as having a few extra soldiers.

It probably involves the Illuminati in some way.

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No, nothing to do with Illuminati. :awesome:

Before Legion surrendered, a Legion member received threats from a FAN member that if he didn't comply with their demands, the FAN member would find him at his home and beat him up.

To back up this threat, he informed the Legionnaire correctly of his home address.

And yes, that's worse than permazi. I'm sorry but the moment someone shows up at my house because of CN and starts a fight with me is the moment I go Chuck Norris on his or her ass. But most CN players are more mild-mannered than I am and are actually frightened of this kind of stalking.

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No, nothing to do with Illuminati. :awesome:

Before Legion surrendered, a Legion member received threats from a FAN member that if he didn't comply with their demands, the FAN member would find him at his home and beat him up.

To back up this threat, he informed the Legionnaire correctly of his home address.

And yes, that's worse than permazi. I'm sorry but the moment someone shows up at my house because of CN and starts a fight with me is the moment I go Chuck Norris on his or her ass. But most CN players are more mild-mannered than I am and are actually frightened of this kind of stalking.

Actually, I totally can see you going hardcore on some asses.

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One whole person said one thing? Obviously FAN planned it all.

I knew there was a good reason I judged Invicta completely by the drivel you puke forth upon these unsuspecting forums. As obviously the words of one man respresent the entire alliance.

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No, I'm not making this up. It's conceivable that the guy who told me his story was, but I consider it unlikely; he was moody but I've never known him to just make !@#$ up out of the blue.

He contacted FAN government directly; they flipped him the bird, and then attacked the alliance he joined post-GW3.

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No, I'm not making this up. It's conceivable that the guy who told me his story was, but I consider it unlikely; he was moody but I've never known him to just make !@#$ up out of the blue.

He contacted FAN government directly; they flipped him the bird, and then attacked the alliance he joined post-GW3.

So basically you admit to having absolutely no first hand knowledge of this and are just telling all of us what your Bro said?

Thanks for playing. :rolleyes:

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So basically you admit to having absolutely no first hand knowledge of this and are just telling all of us what your Bro said?

You are aware that I'm talking about events in GW3, right?

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