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Dearest PC and iFOK



Dearest PC and iFOK.

You're cowards.

You've found a way out of this war by saying that NEW asked you to stay out. I'm sure you were relieved to hear them say that, if they actually did say that. Which I'm not saying they didn't.

Neither of NEW's other treaty partners have issued a statement saying they intend to stay out. In fact, by all accounts it seems that they are accepting what is going on and are preparing to enter on NEW's behalf. Either NEW's request that their allies stay out didn't reach them, or they chose to enter anyway. At the end of the day, I suppose we can all be happy that NEW has some allies who are willing to roll up their sleeves when the going gets tough, its sad that it ended up not being you dungheaps.

There you sit, as your treaty partner gets pounded in response to a raid. Whats funny is that both of you raid, and I can't speak for iFOK, but in the past PC has most definitely screwed up a raid that almost led to war. (Spacebattles.com alliance, anybody?) Where would NEW have stood if you'd been attacked in that ordeal? Probably on your side because A) they aren't cowards and B) they probably wouldn't have to face the oh-so-horrible delimma that you did and have to find a way out of a war that didn't promote YOUR personal interests.

Admit it, more important then that NEW allegedly asking you to stay out was Pandora's Box telling you to stay out. Your nothing more then fair-weathered cowards, which explains why you've been able to stay on top all this time, you don't have the balls to step anywhere near a war that isn't decided before the first shot is fired or that doesn't promote your own personal interests.

It doesn't seem that long ago that the NSO-Rok war was going down. Do any of you guys remember that? Remember how you were basically crying because none of NSO's allies would enter to escalate a war you so desperately wanted? You wanted war then, whats the matter, your appetite suddenly disappear when it no longer looked so favorable to you? Whats funny is that you had little issues with insulting NSO's allies in regards to their not entering when you are using the same exact excuse not to enter this war. I don't know what you call that in your fairy-tale reality, but here in the real world we consider that to be lacking in consistency.

By all means, carry on fellows, I invite you to say what you'd like, but I for one see you for what you are. On you, sirs, I direct my spit.


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Shut up, memoryproblems. You're a damn joke and have no business sharing your opinion. Get back in your little box. If you're lucky, you might get some of our table scraps.

e: love youuuuuuuu

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All of you who decry PB as cowards will be the first against the wall when the real revolution comes.

if ya'll ain't running away that is right? cuz that is what ya'll be doing here. so it appears that PB will be running away from any conflict that ain't a curbstomp massively in their favor.

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if ya'll ain't running away that is right? cuz that is what ya'll be doing here. so it appears that PB will be running away from any conflict that ain't a curbstomp massively in their favor.

It's funny how YA'LL folk tend to forget how treaties work whenever it's convenient for YA'LL. YA'LL are a bunch of yappers, YA'LL.

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My only issue is that I think NEW deserves better than this. It's disappointing that no one has come to their aid yet, because they're blindingly loyal to all of their treaty partners, and I doubt they've ever hesitated to defend one of them.

edit: I don't hate Pandora's Box, I like them, so please don't assume that I'm against PB here. It's just disappointment at PC, that's all.

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Skippy speaks the truth :)

In my opinion, he does not. But in the end, we are all free to think what we want, no matter how retarded or misinformed that opinion may be.

Good luck and all that jazz.

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My only issue is that I think NEW deserves better than this. It's disappointing that no one has come to their aid yet, because they're blindingly loyal to all of their treaty partners, and I doubt they've ever hesitated to defend one of them.

edit: I don't hate Pandora's Box, I like them, so please don't assume that I'm against PB here. It's just disappointment at PC, that's all.

I like NEW, and I'm disappointed that they've gone and done this to themselves. The fact is, this is an offensive war that they've started. Protection was clearly declared over the DF AA, and they decided to test the protectors on their own. Everyone knows this. The mandatory defensive portion of PC's and iFOK's treaties with them does not come into play here.

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I like NEW, and I'm disappointed that they've gone and done this to themselves. The fact is, this is an offensive war that they've started. Protection was clearly declared over the DF AA, and they decided to test the protectors on their own. Everyone knows this. The mandatory defensive portion of PC's and iFOK's treaties with them does not come into play here.

I understand that's how treaties work, but NEW and PC were different, at least that was my interpretation of things, because of just how much effort went into obtaining that treaty. It was .. just a formality, that treaty, because of how strong the ties were, how much respect there was for NEW...

NEW and PC were cut from the same cloth, they were brothers more or less, the treaty was just a piece of e-paper, the ties at one point were stronger than that. It's something that I think has been lost on the current PC leadership, and I can't really blame them for that, but it's still disappointing. If this was another alliance, I could see the hesitation, but this is NEW, there really shouldn't have been even a moment of hesitation from PC.

[edit:] I mean, you gotta understand something, we were threatened by TPF on multiple occasions when I was there because of our closeness to NEW, so much so that I had to tell twist to stop trying to get a treaty with them (this was when PC and NEW were both small time, like I think PC had 30 members at the time.. this was a long time ago) The ties between PC and NEW were always strong, so... yeah. It is what it is, but you can see why I'm disappointed.

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NEW attacks DF, triggering INT-Fark-TPE's defense/protectorate clause.

PC and iFOK sat back because it was a bad war to fight for. It's NEW's mistake for doing a very bad raid. Had GOONS or someone else done a bad raid, it's their mistake and none of their oA treaties will protect them.

That said, PC and iFOK will still defend those who just want to curbstomp NEW, which is what any honorable MDP partner should do.

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Well goldie, people's opinions change as easy as the wind to suit their current situation. Warmongers want war, PC/iFok are standing in the way of a global war, so therefore we must troll them until they are shamed into making this global!

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This argument was stupid when NPO used it and it's stupid now. Ironically, I seem to recall most of you having different opinions when the shoe was on the other foot. It's okay though, most people are hypocrites.

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PC and iFOK sat back because it was a bad war to fight for. It's NEW's mistake for doing a very bad raid. Had GOONS or someone else done a bad raid, it's their mistake and none of their oA treaties will protect them.

Here's my opinion on the bolded part. I don't think the situation would be the same if the situation was reversed. In this instance the D > oA, but if the oA > D then I think we all know this would have turned global.

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Quick, everyone speculate about "shoe on the other foot" scenarios and use them to support your views on the current situation!

So you deny that people on your side thought that NPOs bailing was chicken!@#$?

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So you deny that people on your side thought that NPOs bailing was chicken!@#$?

He wasn't around for that. At the time, I believed it was chicken!@#$, but I also didn't have access to all the information afforded GOONS govt. back then. Not really a good analogy, considering the circumstances.

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