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Old MDP Webs



So, I found some of these a while ago and I figured I'd share them here. Some of you really old guys may remember when the webs weren't so complicated. It'd be nice if I could find a MDP web of right before and right after every major war. (GATO keeps records of stuff like this) So far I've only been able to find a few and that was only with help from TimLee and a guy from #mushroom (sorry don't remember your name).

This one is a Pre-GW II web. It was around Novermeber, so about three months before GW II.:



The guy who found this one for me said it was a pre-GW III, but after looking at it for a while we realized it was probably Post-GW III due to the lack of LUE:

http://i46.nonpermited image host.com/24q0sb9.jpg


If you have any old MDP webs it'd be nice to see them too. All you oldies enjoy :)


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It still could be pre-GWIII (and probably is, due to the presence of alliances like ACID and MCCF). As part of their surrender terms after GWII, LUE was forced to either suspend or cancel all their military treaties, which is why they don't appear on the web.

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I made those! The first one was supposed to be a condensed one including only the sanctioned alliances and their treaties. It is from right before GWII, for two reasons: the GGA-CDS MDP and GOLD's treaties with the League. GATO attacked the whole Initiative (one of the greatest military blunders of all time), before most of the WUT signatories were in the war, mostly importantly GGA in this case. CDS refused to honour the treaty and come in on our side, so it was cancelled. After the League's decisive defeat, GOLD went full neutral and cancelled all their treaties.

The second is a complete web from a few days after major combat in GWII ended (but before LUE surrendered). You can see this because the League is still fully intact and the SWF exists. ICP and some other leftist alliances (I can't remember which) merged to form it right after the war. LUE cancelled all of their military treaties to allow their allies to back out of the war without them, so LUE is not present.

Unfortunately, nearly all of the MDP webs from back then are no longer in existence. I had a huge folder with every single one of them in it, but I deleted it along with all of my other stuff after quitting the game because we lost the Unjust War. Blame Sponge! Old links won't work anymore because the host I primarily used, xs.to, doesn't exist anymore. Any ones floating around are because other people saved them.

I do still have this one from the day the Unjust War broke out, though. I like it. (linked for huge: http://imgur.com/48dEJ.jpg )

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Man, the memories. Couldn't remember who had made them, but that's been answered, hasn't it.

I seem to recall the one from immediately pre-GW3 having the CNC-IBC treaty down in the bottom right corner.

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I have fairly regular image updates since I started running the 3D web (January 2009) which should get you a web for pre-Karma, pre-TPF-war and pre-Bipolar. (And you can always use the wiki's history feature to recreate the web at that time if the picture isn't the angle you want.) At one point Delta was going to create data files for my program for other pivotal points in CN history (UjW and BLEU war/noCB) but I'm not sure if he ever got around to it.

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I have fairly regular image updates since I started running the 3D web (January 2009) which should get you a web for pre-Karma, pre-TPF-war and pre-Bipolar. (And you can always use the wiki's history feature to recreate the web at that time if the picture isn't the angle you want.) At one point Delta was going to create data files for my program for other pivotal points in CN history (UjW and BLEU war/noCB) but I'm not sure if he ever got around to it.

That'd be interesting if he did. I was able to get the Pre-Karma, Pre-TPF, and Pre-bipolar ones you done. I was just referring to the older webs. Pre-WotC, Pre-Ujw, and Pre-1vision war would be nice to have. I'll go bug Delta and see if he ever made progress on those. I know it'd probably take a long time to reconstruct those webs, but it might be worth it for the newer people to have those old visuals.


I like your webs :)

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My hard drive crashed (literally, my roommate knocked my computer off my desk and killed it) but I'll rummage around and see if I backed up any of what I'd done on a flash drive or something. I never finished but I did get a decent chunk done that I could build off if I still have it somewhere.

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I like the groups of alliances that aren't connected to anyone but each other. They know how to grow safely.

Too bad the treaty web nowdays is so confusing you need a 9-dimensional polygon just to figure out what's going on.

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I like the groups of alliances that aren't connected to anyone but each other. They know how to grow safely.

Too bad the treaty web nowdays is so confusing you need a 9-dimensional polygon just to figure out what's going on.

Actually I could be wrong, but I don't think the blocs like GUARD and others worked out very well.

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It still could be pre-GWIII (and probably is, due to the presence of alliances like ACID and MCCF). As part of their surrender terms after GWII, LUE was forced to either suspend or cancel all their military treaties, which is why they don't appear on the web.

It's definitely before the terms were handed out in GWIII because BTA is still extant. As a part of CIS's surrender demands, BTA was disbanded, Master-Debater was expelled, and The Aquatic Brotherhood was founded.

ACID did survive GWIII but merged with Oceanic Entente around June 2007, I believe. As a part of their surrender terms from GWIII, ACID had to cancel all of their treaties and become neutral.

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Heh, I remember the pre-UJW treaty web that Sandwich Controversy (then Soviet Canuckistan) made. What's funny is that everyone back then thought that that treaty web was unbearably complicated. What's even funnier is that everyone back then laughed at how people in the Great Wars era thought their treaty map was tangled. And now we laugh at how we thought it was tangled in UJW.


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Heh, I remember the pre-UJW treaty web that Sandwich Controversy (then Soviet Canuckistan) made. What's funny is that everyone back then thought that that treaty web was unbearably complicated. What's even funnier is that everyone back then laughed at how people in the Great Wars era thought their treaty map was tangled. And now we laugh at how we thought it was tangled in UJW.


Actually, the UJW era one looks a lot simpler than pre-WOTC, which is about the time it hit critical mass. At this point I doubt any number of added treaties can make it more unreadable.

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Actually, the UJW era one looks a lot simpler than pre-WOTC, which is about the time it hit critical mass. At this point I doubt any number of added treaties can make it more unreadable.

Oh yeah, absolutely. I remember in UJW when everyone was talking about how we needed the war to "clear up the MDP web". Then just a couple months later, it was twice as bad. I think it was Thierra who finally revived the MDP web... Turned out it had gotten so bad that he needed a flowchart program to do it. Up til UJW it could be done in Photoshop or Paint. Anyway, it just kept getting worse until finally tons of alliances actually had to be represented in multiple places on the map! Then we had another war where people talked about "clearing up the MDP web", but when the dust settled, it was even worse than before. There were a couple post-WoTC attempts to revive the web, all of which were entirely unreadable, before Bob Janova came out with his 3D web. And even that only contains the top however many alliances. What people need to realize is that wars only clean up the web in the short term. Afterwards, everybody treaties up to ensure their place in the next world order.

Though RushSykes made a good point on IRC the other night... This trend is due in part to people spreading out over the years. The total number of nations has fluctuated since the First Great War, but has not drastically risen. What's changed is that there has been a long-term trend of more (and thus smaller) alliances. Hence while a single treaty in 2006 may have guaranteed that you'd have 1000 nations at your back, today you might need 8 treaties to guarantee that. Thus alliances sign more treaties today. I don't think that's 100% of the reason though. I really do think that people sign treaties too liberally these days.


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