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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300763976' post='2672869']
It's not paranoia when it's rooted in hard facts. The hard facts are that you lot have been looking for an excuse to roll Pacifica ever since they got out of terms from Karma. I can't count the thinly veiled attempts to drag them into war. When the last one failed like the rest, you just outright declared on them, citing all sorts of paranoid things, about how you had to deal with the boogeyman before he came for you in your sleep.
You know, I could replace a couple words and it would literally be the WCE from beginning to your declaration on us. I recall the humble beginnings of trying to make sure GOONs didn't gain power by entering a bloc, failed attempts at declarations, and then just taking the first entry point that landed in your lap.

I'm curious what other times GOONs has tried to attack Pacifica and failed though. Got any examples?

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300763976' post='2672869']
It's not paranoia when it's rooted in hard facts. The hard facts are that you lot have been looking for an excuse to roll Pacifica ever since they got out of terms from Karma. I can't count the thinly veiled attempts to drag them into war. When the last one failed like the rest, you just outright declared on them, citing all sorts of paranoid things, about how you had to deal with the boogeyman before he came for you in your sleep.

Have you ever considered working with Alterego and the rest of Team Lunatics to establish a minimally coordinated and organized PR campaign so it doesn't seem you are all over the place making no sense at all? :s

Edited by Lusitan
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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300764224' post='2672874']
You know, I could replace a couple words and it would literally be the WCE from beginning to your declaration on us. I recall the humble beginnings of trying to make sure GOONs didn't gain power by entering a bloc, failed attempts at declarations, and then just taking the first entry point that landed in your lap.

I'm curious what other times GOONs has tried to attack Pacifica and failed though. Got any examples?
The so-called "WCE" is irrelevant to this war, it is mere coincidence that we face you now. Unless you still believe that I had that much control over our coalition that I got to select our initial target. I know you think you're so amazing that I could only think of you between then and now, but that's hardly the case. I forgot rather quickly after that coalition fell through, and even today I don't really give a damn about GOONS. [i]You're not even my primary focus anymore this war.[/i] You haven't been for awhile.

Also, to answer your question and provide an example, Red Raiding Safari comes immediately to mind. Not only a massive targeted aggression against NPO's home sphere, but a plethora of remarks goading and taunting Pacifica to respond.

Edited by HeroofTime55
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[quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1300746064' post='2672620']
This is false, we requested you to prepare to help us from before we were even attacked. It was made clear that your paperless relationship with STA and Polar would trump our treaty..
[color="#0000FF"]It was more the fact you asked us to aid those who despised us destroy those whom we were friendly with. You made it clear prior to the war that you would want no part in a Polar coalition, not after their conduct in BiPolar. We respected that decision and for that reason would never have asked you to support this side. What I fail to understand is why you would ask us to join a side you knew that we would be just as unwilling to support.[/color]

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300762890' post='2672853']
Only because they were still under terms at the time. Otherwise you would have pre-empted them then.
We had bigger concerns at the time...

[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1300763126' post='2672856']
No, No. I am right and you are wrong. We dominate you by simply existing. All your thoughts and all your actions are dictated by our existence. We are just that awesome.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1300757848' post='2672781']
Wonderful. Again without any actual substance or refuting argument. Just a bunch of insults and crap spewed forth. Maybe if you tell me what exactly was not fact about my statement instead of stating I simply don't know, you would actually be able to refute my statement.

Do you even know what you are arguing or are you arguing for the sake of insulting? It appears you have no clue what you are actually arguing but simply wish to insult me. If you actually wanted to argue, you would have at least attempted to refute what I stated instead of simply insulting. Yet, i am the one without a logical argument? You don't even have an argument period. But please continue on, it truly does amuse me to watch you act as if you know what you are doing.

I have no idea what the above quote post says, as I've apparently developed a taste for pre-claiming posts have no meaning or substance and don't actually argue any points as a method of sustaining my posting here at these forums. Should I partake in some form of heated debate, it would be best to step away from the conversation, because I don't actually have any conversational skills. I've learned a lot from what I've read on these forums and have adjust my personality to fit that of the typical OWF poster. I've developed a knack for posting replies longer than a letter-size document in order to aggravate as many posters on the opposite side as I can. If I don't have at least five people quoted in one of my posts, let me know. I will certainly have this remedied. If I ever lose my tendency to replace real words with lazy-man's slang, please let me know. I don't want to start sounding educated or anything while I debate people.

Thanks for listening, chef.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300767438' post='2672937']
Correct, it is many examples.
No, it's a deflection.

The only example thus far was Red Raiding Safari. Conspiracy theories about how we do nothing but plot to destroy NPO aside, RRS wasn't about destroying NPO. It was about telling people they can't tell us who to raid. It would've happened no matter who was telling us we couldn't raid red. It wasn't about fighting NPO, it was about tech raiding.

So got any other examples? "Everything" is a pretty big dataset. I'd assume you'd have at least two dozen more examples.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300768133' post='2672950']
No, it's a deflection.

The only example thus far was Red Raiding Safari. Conspiracy theories about how we do nothing but plot to destroy NPO aside, RRS wasn't about destroying NPO. It was about telling people they can't tell us who to raid. It would've happened no matter who was telling us we couldn't raid red. It wasn't about fighting NPO, it was about tech raiding.

So got any other examples? "Everything" is a pretty big dataset. I'd assume you'd have at least two dozen more examples.
Can't really think of any off the top of my head, I sort of stopped caring about GOONS awhile ago. Sorry.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300768167' post='2672952']
I already did, a couple posts back. Read the goddamn thread.
You specified an example of when goons tried to and failed at attack NPO? I didn't see it. That is what Beefspari was asking for, not an example of what you thing a failure is.

[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300768290' post='2672955']
Can't really think of any off the top of my head, I sort of stopped caring about GOONS awhile ago. Sorry.

Yeah sure you did

Edited by r00tn00b
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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300768290' post='2672955']
Can't really think of any off the top of my head, I sort of stopped caring about GOONS awhile ago. Sorry.
In other words, you're just making things up. You agree that we've done "everything" wrong and that's a great example, but can't think of more than one thing.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300768415' post='2672957']
In other words, you're just making things up. You agree that we've done "everything" wrong and that's a great example, but can't think of more than one thing.
I'm sorry, you're just not relevant enough to warrant my attention anymore.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300769323' post='2672964']
No, I just have better things to do than to play with you goonies. Like watching TV.

Sorry, maybe we can arrange a play-date later this week. I just don't feel like it today.
You definitely didn't have anything better to do until you got called out. You're the number one poster today (twice the second highest) and have probably more posts in this thread than anyone. But sure, stick with that excuse.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300769323' post='2672964']
No, I just have better things to do than to play with you goonies. Like watching TV.

Sorry, maybe we can arrange a play-date later this week. I just don't feel like it today.

Half this thread is you, you obviously have nothing better to do. You just don't have anything to support your argument. :lol1:

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300769416' post='2672965']
You definitely didn't have anything better to do until you got called out. You're the number one poster today (twice the second highest) and have probably more posts in this thread than anyone. But sure, stick with that excuse.
[/quote]The day is only an hour in, my friend. Maybe later tonight I will care to participate in these shenanigans.

But if you have to ~call me out~ over a simple, light joke, as if it was dead serious, and then carry on for this long because I refused to acknowledge you ~calling me out~ on a silly joke, well, I think you might need more than a day to rest your tired little brains. You're honestly boring me right now.

See you later.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300769792' post='2672968']
The day is only an hour in, my friend. Maybe later tonight I will care to participate in these shenanigans.

But if you have to ~call me out~ over a simple, light joke, as if it was dead serious, and then carry on for this long because I refused to acknowledge you ~calling me out~ on a silly joke, well, I think you might need more than a day to rest your tired little brains. You're honestly boring me right now.

See you later.
I understand people live in different parts of Bob, but in official Bob time we're only about 7 minutes into the current day. When I posted, you had 49 posts for the day. Second place was 24. Please tell us more about how you don't care about us when you've posted a gigantic number of times in this thread. Your "I have better things to do" and "you're boring me" excuse only came up so you don't have to admit you don't have anything else to add to the argument.

See you later!

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1300729648' post='2672365']


So you accuse me of avoiding a question, I then answer it. Then you ignore my question.

I'm glad this discussion was so useful.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300769416' post='2672965']
You definitely didn't have anything better to do until you got called out. You're the number one poster today (twice the second highest) and have probably more posts in this thread than anyone. But sure, stick with that excuse.
He does have the most posts here.

Here's the top three:
HeroofTime55 128
avenger218 103
Antoine Roquentin 75

[quote name='Henry' timestamp='1300770827' post='2672976']
So you accuse me of avoiding a question, I then answer it. Then you ignore my question.

I'm glad this discussion was so useful.
Actually, he answered your question quite completely. His answer was that he doesn't care what people think. You not liking his answer doesn't mean he didn't give one.

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