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Financial State of Emergency: New SteveTopia


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Im officially declaring a financial state of emergency for my nation, New SteveTopia. After bills we will be $-46,125.34. I believe one of the reason why is that some of the nations cancelled their trade with us and the citizens lost money and New SteveTopia starting losing citizens. We are currently trying to get replacement trades to jump start the economy again. I raised the taxes from 10% to 11%. If any nations are willing to send aid, this is the link to my nation. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=376504.

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First thing you need to do is set your tax rate to 28%. Then go to your alliance's forums and read the improvement and trade guides. That should help you get your nation in better shape. You can also ask your alliance for aid if you need any.


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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1299010227' post='2648409']
You should talk to the Econ department of your alliance for trades and growth guides. You should put your tax rate to max though.

[quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1299010264' post='2648411']
First thing you need to do is set your tax rate to 28%. Then go to your alliance's forums and read the improvement and trade guides. That should help you get your nation in better shape. You can also ask your alliance for aid if you need any.


Watch out, the commie is showing. :unsure:

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1299013222' post='2648473']
I'll give you 3mil if you join New Sith Order.

He has a greater grasp of game mechanics than most of them - he could be a professor!

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[quote]Nation Created: 12/26/2009 2:12:16 PM (430 days old)[/quote]

I would say that consulting with your alliance's econ people is a very good -- and long overdue -- idea.

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[quote name='SteveC1994' timestamp='1299009817' post='2648400']
Im officially declaring a financial state of emergency for my nation, New SteveTopia. After bills we will be $-46,125.34. I believe one of the reason why is that some of the nations cancelled their trade with us and the citizens lost money and New SteveTopia starting losing citizens. We are currently trying to get replacement trades to jump start the economy again. I raised the taxes from 10% to 11%. If any nations are willing to send aid, this is the link to my nation. [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=376504."]http://www.cybernati...tion_ID=376504.[/url]

After laughing for about 2 seconds, I've decided to give you a few pieces of advice. Choose wisely.
[list][*]Raise your tax rate to 28%.[*]Don't collect during Anarchy.[*]Get some trades...[*]Delete your nation, don't come back.[/list]

[quote name='Daikos' timestamp='1299015102' post='2648530']
I laughed. Hard.


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