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Tabloid Tribune #161

Sir Paul

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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1297098242' post='2624141']
So when will you join Emperor Anarch in his mission to take back the Pacifican throne?

After I have sated my desire to be the most God-awful Viceroy CN has ever seen, I will gladly install Anarch as the head of a puppet regime. At which point he may do with them as he wishes. :awesome:

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[quote name='Jocko Homo' timestamp='1297056377' post='2623412']I think they were very clear and the selective editing done in this OP is also very clear....

FAN went into those talks honestly and openly. We made the seriousness of the FAN-NPO situation as plain as humanly possible and clearly said, multiple times, that unless extraordinary efforts were made in rebuilding the mutual trust then we would surely find ourselves back at war. No serious effort was made. It wasn't even close.[/quote]
Jocko, good of you to drop by, what with all my selective editing! Ok grandpa, let's do this together!

Let's start by reviewing what my main point was:

Mpol said "In all those years we haven't heard a peep out of you. Not so much as a Christmas card." The peep is false. However, the card part is true; I always have trouble with Christmas cards, as you can see [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEF8ZKharnI]here[/url]. We did open a dialogue, despite the fact FAN continued to assert that it had zero chance of working. Hell, we even opened up a second one. We even posted gun pr0n together! The parts about how bad juju was sure he'd be attacking us again if we didn't work things out was left out because it wasn't relevant to my point that mpol is either 1) having a senior moment or 2) lied.

Now, at the end, I threw in a throw away reference from bad juju where he said that, at the moment, CN sees us as rabid dogs (he conceeded the point, as it was true) and if we ever fought it would be to the death. If that is what you want, that is fine. We can make that wish come true! However, we've still moved on. There's a reason no one has attacked you Jocko, and it's because we don't care about you. Even after this cry for attention,

We. Don't. Care. About. You.

And that's probably why you attacked us, because we didn't purge people and so we didn't "care enough." We had a chat. You got mad we didn't purge Moo or Dilber out of the alliance. We didn't purge Moo or Dilber because when we do that to old Emperors they just form more alliances like STA and NSO. Do you really want the Pantless Thunderbolts or the Moo Tang Clan running around? Anyway, let's wrap up:

FAN could walk away from this an we wouldn't slit your throat later, and that's the God's honest truth. We still don't care about you. You fell into a bad crowd and decided to pal around with terrorists. It's ok, I'm sure I'll joing some motorcycle gang and beat up shopkeeps when I'm your age. But speaking for myself, I'm in this for the long haul. We've had a long conflict before, and honestly, I'd prefer not to have another, but if you insist, you can have our affections once again. :wub:

As for Bob Janova, what about the sing along war report? You used to love those...

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[quote name='Sir Paul' timestamp='1297143017' post='2625311']
Jocko, good of you to drop by, what with all my selective editing! Ok grandpa, let's do this together!
snip snip snip

[color="#FF0000"]I believe you need to look up the definition of hyperbole. Just a suggestion.[/color]

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[quote name='Sir Paul' timestamp='1297143017' post='2625311']
Jocko, good of you to drop by, what with all my selective editing! Ok grandpa, let's do this together!

blabitty blabitty blah blah blah....[/quote]

There, i fixed it for you. :awesome:

But in all seriousness, you make a point, so I will address it.

We opened a consulate and invited a delegation from NPO to join us for talks. Cortath and a few others came.

Cortath immediately fell into a "NPO has changed, don't judge us on our past actions, judge us on what I say we will do in the future. Trust me, I speak the truth" routine.

Within a week we discovered that the very basis of Cortaths statements to FAN were an outright lie. It went downhill from there. You see this as "Opening a dialog", we saw it as proof positive that the "NEW" NPO was the same as the "OLD" NPO.

In short, you lied, we caught you, we threw you out.

That's your idea of "Opening a Dialog"? Lying?

Edited by Jocko Homo
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[quote name='Jocko Homo' timestamp='1297144344' post='2625345']
There, i fixed it for you. :awesome:

But in all seriousness, you make a point, so I will address it.

We opened a consulate and invited a delegation from NPO to join us for talks. Cortath and a few others came.

Cortath immediately fell into a "NPO has changed, don't judge us on our past actions, judge us on what I say we will do in the future. Trust me, I speak the truth" routine.

Within a week we discovered that the very basis of Cortaths statements to FAN were an outright lie. It went downhill from there. You see this as "Opening a dialog", we saw it as proof positive that the "NEW" NPO was the same as the "OLD" NPO.

In short, you lied, we caught you, we threw you out.

That's your idea of "Opening a Dialog"? Lying?

If you're going to make so many references to the NPO lying to you, care to share what you were actually lied to about?

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[quote name='Ellis' timestamp='1297150706' post='2625478']
If you're going to make so many references to the NPO lying to you, care to share what you were actually lied to about?

I'm interested in this as well. Honestly. If there's evidence out there that NPO was up to it's old tricks I'd like to hear it. My whole defense of NPO is, after all, that they've changed, etc, etc...

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[quote name='Jocko Homo' timestamp='1297112316' post='2624453']
Isn't that cute. An NPO member crying that something is unfair.

[quote]This war is blatant aggression, it is unfair, it is unjustified and it is unprovoked - those are fairly evident qualities, and [b]they do not matter to me[/b].

From the more Machiavellian members of Doomhouse leadership who want us gone as a threat, to the more grudge-bearing members of MK and FAN, who want us gone because they dislike us - [b]I take no issue with your motivations[/b][/quote]

You are purposefully trying to twist a statement of fact into "crying". I think I've made it abundantly clear that these qualities do not really matter to us. There is no fairness in this war. [i]We don't really give a $%£" about that.[/i] We neither expect nor need any smidgeon of fairness from you. But naturally, in your weird quest for propaganda and self-affirmation, you have an incentive to pursue your little party line, and simply looking for anything you can twist into "proving it". As if the entire world is black and white, where you either think FAN is reprehensible and must whine about their behaviour or you think they are the reformed angels and have to cheer them on. That's pretty sad.

That is what I take issue with. Your double speak, that claims you need no reason on one side (you don't), yet still attempts to fight a war of words that offloads responsibility and characterises opposing opinions as whining. Is FAN scared of accepting responsibilities for its actions or something? Do you fear being labelled as a rabid dog that escaped its cage so much, that you wear a mane of peacock feathers and strut around pretending to be a lion? Because that isn't going to work. Neither we nor the rest of the world see FAN's war as the embodiment of some sort of great justice. We simply don't care, and thus don't hold you up to that standard.

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If you're going to make so many references to the NPO lying to you, care to share what you were actually lied to about?


I'm going to paraphrase for simplicity since the facts are not in question.

Cortath came to the newly created NPO consulate at the FAN embassies and gave his hello I am Cortath speech and said "I do not know many of you and you do not know me."

We said we remembered NPO and that "It was a long two years and the terms "die" were a bit harsh." And why should we believe that as soon as NPO regains it's strength they wont try to finish what they started? We said that we thought the extreme duration of the length of the war was due to NPO's fear of FAN.

[quote name='Cortath']I would disagree. I think the length of the war was more a product of miscommunication on both sides. While I expect you may point to Umbrae Noctem's ([edit]not sure if it was him, now that I think of it) "die" comment, he did not speak to us on Foreign Affairs (he was an Imperial Officer of Military Affairs) and he was not the Emperor. Were I he, I would have handled the matter differently, but what is done is done.
[b]Regardless of what one can say about my predecessors and their fear or lack thereof, one thing can be said of them, and that is that they are gone, and I remain.[/b][/quote]

Take very special note of the bolded parts as we will return to them.

We questioned that statement:

[quote name='FAN']Gone? moo and dilber are not gone, they are just out of the limelight.[/quote]

[quote name='Cortath']"They're gone in that I haven't slaughtered them and thrown them to the dogs, so no, they're not "gone." *chuckles* We are a militaristic organization. I am the Emperor, and they are no longer in the chain of command, so I would consider them, politically speaking, "gone."

[quote name='FAN']The typical FAN member is pretty much positive that NPO has not changed at all. Seeing names like Dilber, Vladimir, Umbrae, Mary in the highest positions of your government pretty much kills the “we are different” argument. Saying Moo is essentially gone but having him idling in #NSA makes us think twice about everything we hear. ...snip... In short, the burden of proof rests on your shoulders. You placed it there yourself since the last time we had an agreement NPO broke it spectacularly. Consequently, we don't give NPO's word much weight (actually zero) and right now that's all you offer. I know it was not YOUR word that was broken in the past. But since I don't know you I have to make my judgments based on the company you keep.[/quote]

[quote name='Applesauce59(NPO ambassador)']
Now i already know (your) counter to this. It doesn't matter if the members have changed if the government controls the show. ...snip...(but) This has changed. I have watched order members not only express opinions on all kinds of issues that were negative in nature but watch as Cortath listened and took those opinions into account. The views of the Body Republic do matter now and since most of the members don't have the biased towards FAN there is no longer the same hatred. [/quote]

[quote name='FAN']NPO has ALWAYS been run by that inner circle and while perhaps there have been a few changes in personnel, there is no question that they are still running the show.[/quote]

[quote name='Cortath']I'm not a purger. Never have been. [b]While neither Moo-Cows nor Dilber nor Umbrae have any active role in the affairs of our governance any more,[/b] I'm not going to purge them from the alliance. If simply maintaining them in our alliance is a "sign" to you that we haven't changed, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. Your alliance and whatever sins it may have committed in the eyes of the greater CN community, still maintains much of its old leadership, but I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, as del solid said, that you recognize you (as are we) are on your last chance. [/quote]


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At this point something interesting happened. NPO's forum was hacked by someone. Super high level access screenshots were leaked of NPO's current post-peace-terms strategic planning. In these screenshots, the leadership was planning the path NPO must take to ensure they don't get hit the instant the terms expire (who would do such a thing?) The status of negotiations with alliances were updated regarding treaty negotiations and the participants in the thread reads like a who's who of NPO, including the current Emperor and many I/O's. This was not a discussion, this was a planning thread among the participants themselves. One main participant was Dilber, chief perpetrator of NPO's war on FAN and who in Cortaths post above does not "have any active role in the affairs of our governance".

[quote name='FAN']
Cortath, I do not condone you're forum being hacked. That being said it was and unfortunately, the items posted and your statements to me on IRC last night conflict with the above quote big time.

This is not semantics. You had the opportunity to tell the truth and you chose not to. Once a week, once a day, once a month, Dilber IS in fact still active and by your own words last night still offering his thoughts and advice.

You can get 50 spin doctors to do what you will with this but the fact is you lied to us plain and simple.[/quote]

Now, remember GATO and Chris Kaos? Remember NPO rolling GATO because of his continued involvement in their government?

Cortaths response to this little inconsistancy?

[quote name='Cortath']As I told you in query, this is an argument over semantics.[/quote]

That's an interesting take. Saying [b]"neither Moo-Cows nor Dilber nor Umbrae have any active role in the affairs of our governance"[/b] while they are in fact participating in the closed doors long term planning of the future of the alliance. You call that semantics, we call that intentional deception at best and an outright lie at worst. And not an insignificant lie as the status of Dilber and Moo is at the utter core of any potential FAN/NPO relations.

NPO said they came to us to "build a bridge". The very basis of their bridges foundation was a lie. Who knows how many more they are telling. We didn't do anything about it then other than shut the consulate. They could go lie to someone else, we saw they were still the worthless liars they had always been.

In Cortaths opening statement he said:
[quote name='Cortath']As I march my alliance towards the future, I seek to forge a new path through CyberNations, which FAN is inevitably a part of...[/quote]

Notice how he said "through CyberNations" not "In CyberNations". I know, I know, semantics... :smug:

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[quote name='Jocko Homo' timestamp='1297187587' post='2625845']
"" ""

It seems to me that your posts simply illustrate the fact that neither Moo or Dilber were expelled, but you do not make a case that they were still in government. The fact is that they are not and have not been for some time. It is Cortath who makes the decisions and who is responsible for the path of Pacifica. While it may offend you that 2 ex-emperors are still free to offer their opinions, that does not place them in active gov, nor does it indicate that they are exercise any sort of control over Pacifica's policies.

As I stated before, your posts simply show that you are angry that Moo/Dilber were not exiled; you do not create a convincing argument that they still control the NPO. You also do not establish your case that Cortath lied to you.

You are still angry. FAN is still angry. That is quite evident and quite understandable and I, personally, have absolutely no problem with it. Perhaps once this conflict is over and you have inflicted some measure of retribution, there will be a real possibility of constructive communication between our alliances. Perhaps not. Either way, we will see each other on the other side of the fighting.

Have fun.

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[quote name='Joe Izuzu' timestamp='1297190220' post='2625875']As I stated before, your posts simply show that you are angry that Moo/Dilber were not exiled; you do not create a convincing argument that they still control the NPO. You also do not establish your case that Cortath lied to you. [/quote]

I didn't say "that they still control the NPO".

The screenshots pretty clearly show Dilber, Cortath and others taking an [b][i]active role[/i][/b] in the the planning of the future path of NPO. This was literally within days of Cortath stating to us that dilber did not have [b]"any active role in the affairs of our governance"[/b].

Sorry Joe, wrong answer but thanks for playing.

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In my experience, former leaders are inevitably seen to be part of an alliance's power structure, regardless of their lack of a formal title. There is a reason for this, of course, and it is because they [u]are[/u] part of an alliance's power structure.

It's unavoidable to a certain degree. Having once led an alliance, the former leader generally continues to have access to the hallowed inner sanctums of an alliance's High Command. Their opinion may be given infrequently, and perhaps only on those issues where they believe they can make some kind of legitimate point, but it nevertheless carries some weight to it.

Of course they must walk a fine line, always remembering that power is no longer theirs. But more than power, they have [b]influence[/b], which is like power in many respects except that it generally carries no responsibilities with it. And they are of course quite free to fritter away their time on personal projects, skipping all meetings and ignoring whatever might be new or exciting, getting involved only in times of crisis or triumph.

The point is that the role they assume is largely up to them. As long as they remain part of the alliance they once led, former leaders are 'involved' in government. They may not have a vote or an official title, yet their influence continues to be felt until they voluntarily leave for different climes. Then it slowly dissipates over time, but never disappears completely.

But then again, what would I know?

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[quote]But then again, what would I know?[/quote]

Heh. :P

But yes. Former leaders do have more influence than regular members.

[quote]Now, remember GATO and Chris Kaos? Remember NPO rolling GATO because of his continued involvement in their government?[/quote]

Well technically not having CK in the gov was a treaty term. CK knowingly violated it and I believe one other member knew about it. So NPO had some small reason to attack. That's not to say the attack wasn't almost completely unprovoked and based on grudges from years earlier. It was one of the worst moves by NPO and reminds me a lot of the Doomhouse attack, except Doomhouse didn't even have that tiny sliver of a leg to stand on. 

As for the NPO thing, if the facts are as FAN says they are, then Cortath should have been more forthcoming. It does sound like Cortath's point was more "They're not in control of things, I am." though. 

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1297205127' post='2626090']
As for the NPO thing, if the facts are as FAN says they are, then Cortath should have been more forthcoming. It does sound like Cortath's point was more "They're not in control of things, I am." though. 

Let me boil it down as simply as possible:

Cortath: I'm new. The old leaders are gone and I will do things differently. NPO is no threat to you.
FAN: We dont like NPO and we don't trust you. We trusted you guys once and look what it got us.
Cortath: But that was not me. This old bad people are gone. I'm different, you can trust me.
FAN: They are not gone, just out of the limelight. We don't trust them so we don't trust you.
Cortath: "neither Moo-Cows nor Dilber nor Umbrae have any active role in the affairs of our governance"

Logs leak showing Dilber having a very active yet hidden role in the affairs of the NPO governance...

FAN: The leaked screenshots conflict with your earlier statement about Dilber.
Cortath: "this is an argument over semantics."

The thrust of Cortath's approach to us was that the old leaders no longer had any active role in the governance of the NPO and that he as the new leader could be trusted. The first was conclusively proven to be false (a lie <_< ), so the second was obviously false as well.

NPO hasn't changed, only their propaganda has.

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1297205127' post='2626090']As for the NPO thing, if the facts are as FAN says they are, then Cortath should have been more forthcoming. It does sound like Cortath's point was more "They're not in control of things, I am." though. [/quote]
No, it couldn't be that simple now, could it? I think that proper thing here to do is to hang on Cortath's words and twist them in bad faith.
So does it matter that Dilber is not even in the alliance any longer? Of course not.

Anyway, diplomacy is overrated. Better to not talk to some people, ever. Hope we do exactly that in the future, words are a wastin'.

Fine issue but I really loved the flag with the gun. Sexy.

Edited by Branimir
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[quote name='Jocko Homo' timestamp='1297207058' post='2626116']
Let me boil it down as simply as possible:

Cortath: I'm new. The old leaders are gone and I will do things differently. NPO is no threat to you.
FAN: We dont like NPO and we don't trust you. We trusted you guys once and look what it got us.
Cortath: But that was not me. This old bad people are gone. I'm different, you can trust me.
FAN: They are not gone, just out of the limelight. We don't trust them so we don't trust you.
Cortath: "neither Moo-Cows nor Dilber nor Umbrae have any active role in the affairs of our governance"

Logs leak showing Dilber having a very active yet hidden role in the affairs of the NPO governance...

FAN: The leaked screenshots conflict with your earlier statement about Dilber.
Cortath: "this is an argument over semantics."

The thrust of Cortath's approach to us was that the old leaders no longer had any active role in the governance of the NPO and that he as the new leader could be trusted. The first was conclusively proven to be false (a lie <_< ), so the second was obviously false as well.

NPO hasn't changed, only their propaganda has.

The reality of this situation is that FAN didn't try to get over the past. I was the first NPO Ambassador to go the FAN forums and request an embassy. I got denied, because FAN wanted nothing to do with NPO. My Emperor went next and got an embassy, but there was a general sentiment that FAN didn't care about making peace. I spent a lot of time in your irc room as an ambassador. The vile and disgusting things you guys said to Cortath and me showed your true attitude.(I through about posting some of these, but I would have to bleep so much stuff out of them that it be pointless) You guys were the ones that failed to address any issues. You seem to say that FAN refused to speak to NPO due to a lack of change, but your alliance has not changed at all. Why do you hold us to a different standard than your alliance? You worry about attack, but we didn't attack you. Hell, we didn't attack anyone. Get a new reason for war because your current one is lame.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1297207947' post='2626133']
No, it couldn't be that simple now, could it? I think that proper thing here to do is to hang on Cortath's words and twist them in bad faith.
So does it matter that Dilber is not even in the alliance any longer? Of course not.

Anyway, diplomacy is overrated. Better to not talk to some people, ever. Hope we do exactly that in the future, words are a wastin'.

Fine issue but I really loved the flag with the gun. Sexy.

This only makes sense if your replace the word "forthcoming" with "truthful".

Oh yeah, I forgot, [i]it's just semantics[/i]. You guys get caught in an outright lie and intentional deception than say [i]you could have been more forthcoming[/i]. How about cutting out the !@#$%^&* and just saying you shouldn't have lied. Especially when your new gimmick is to repeat over and over that you all have changed and are now just kittens who fart rainbows.

(That's an awesome visual if you just think about it fr a while. :v: )

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[quote]This only makes sense if your replace the word "forthcoming" with "truthful".

Oh yeah, I forgot, it's just semantics. You guys get caught in an outright lie and intentional deception than say you could have been more forthcoming. How about cutting out the !@#$%^&* and just saying you shouldn't have lied. Especially when your new gimmick is to repeat over and over that you all have changed and are now just kittens who fart rainbows.[/quote]

Actually that was me. STA member and historic long time NPO detractor. The reason I didn't go straight to "yeah, they're evil liars" is because I don't have all the facts. That I leaned in your direction at all means something, a lot in fact. But you guys, the ones who gave into paranoia and launched an unprovoked bandwagoning attack, aren't exactly the pillars of trustworthiness here. Why should anyone trust your portrayal of events above that of the NPO ambassador who posted in here?

Also in any of these logs or stolen forum pages was there an indication that the NPO held ill will towards FAN? Any reason not to trust Cortath's outreach? You guys had some pretty privileged info it sounds like, surely you found something besides Cortath's overstatement/lie/whatever.     

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1297215470' post='2626347']
Actually that was me. STA member and historic long time NPO detractor. The reason I didn't go straight to "yeah, they're evil liars" is because I don't have all the facts. That I leaned in your direction at all means something, a lot in fact. But you guys, the ones who gave into paranoia and launched an unprovoked bandwagoning attack, aren't exactly the pillars of trustworthiness here. Why should anyone trust your portrayal of events above that of the NPO ambassador who posted in here?

Also in any of these logs or stolen forum pages was there an indication that the NPO held ill will towards FAN? Any reason not to trust Cortath's outreach? You guys had some pretty privileged info it sounds like, surely you found something besides Cortath's overstatement/lie/whatever.     

Before studying these screen captures, repeat this to yourself in your best Cortath impersonation:

"neither Moo-Cows nor Dilber nor Umbrae have any active role in the affairs of our governance"

And look at this thread, look at the opening sentance in the first Cortath post and decide for yourself if this was not the central planning thread for the Post Terms NPO. Spoiler: It is, and you are looking at the real people who run the NPO. (I love that they appear to be scared !@#$less of FAN and call MK an enemy alliance).

[img] https://sites.google.com/site/npopics/home/NPO1.jpg[/img]
[img] https://sites.google.com/site/npopics/home/NPO2.jpg[/img]
[img] https://sites.google.com/site/npopics/home/NPO3.jpg[/img]
[img] https://sites.google.com/site/npopics/home/NPO4.jpg[/img]
[img] https://sites.google.com/site/npopics/home/NPO5.jpg[/img]
[img] https://sites.google.com/site/npopics/home/NPO6.jpg[/img]
[img] https://sites.google.com/site/npopics/home/NPO7.jpg[/img]
[img] https://sites.google.com/site/npopics/home/NPO8.jpg[/img]

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I especially love where Sir Paul (The OP of this thread!!!) says:

[quote name='Sir Paul']
"Now, remember that there are people out there with a "Valid" "CB" against us and they never expire.[/quote]

How about it Sir Paul, care to elaborate on that little tidbit of info rather than the tripe you started this thread with? :lol1:

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Also, just to clarify where these screen caps came from. Sometime around January 20th or so of 2010 the GATO forums were hacked. Somehow the hacker got a bunch of passwords along with user accounts (didn't think that was possible <_< ) An NPO Imperial Officer had an account on the GATO forums with the same username and password as on the NPO forum and the hacker ran wild inside not only the NPO but other alliance forums as well. These screenshots were posted on an offsite blog touting the attack and there was a general scare all across CN for everybody to change passwords. These screen shots coincide almost exactly with the opening of the NPO Consulate within FAN and after reading these pics it's obvious why NPO had come knocking.

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So I saw one post from Dilber, offering his advice. Man, that's some crazy huge activity there, apparently.

[quote name='Jocko Homo' timestamp='1297224245' post='2626560']
I especially love where Sir Paul (The OP of this thread!!!) says:

How about it Sir Paul, care to elaborate on that little tidbit of info rather than the tripe you started this thread with? :lol1:
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here. Note the quotes around valid and CB. I believe Sir Paul is saying that there are alliances, like MK and FAN, who would attack us at any point in the future for things we did in the past.

Not that they would [i]ever[/i] do that, I'm sure.

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