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R&R Announcement


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With all the wars going around in the Planet Bob, R&R would like to take this opportunity to announcement our additional Declaration of War against....

Wrong announcement....

R&R is here with a very important announcement today. juslen is officially almost as old as GoFastLe....

Wrong announcement again?

Ok... Oh yeah I remember the [b]real[/b] announcement now!

The R&R Government has switched back to a modified President Government and gotten rid of the previous Triumvirate.

Our new charter;

We, the nations of The R&R Alliance come together with bonds of friendship and trust to pledge that we will help each other economically and that we will defend each other from all enemies both foreign and domestic that would seek to harm us.

We, The Government of The R&R Alliance shall at all times treat all peoples, both foreign and domestic, with respect; and that we shall lead the alliance to the best of our ability, always doing what is best for the alliance.

We, the Membership of The R&R Alliance shall at all times treat all persons, both foreign and domestics, that enter this great establishment with respect; and that we shall at all times treat The Government with respect; we shall let The Government know of any disagreement we may have, but we understand that they may disagree and state their case with respect;and that we shall do what is best for the Alliance in all things, including aid and war.

[size=5][b][u]Article I[/u][/b][/size]

[size=4][b]Joining the R&R Alliance[/b][/size]

[*]Any person seeking membership with R&R shall change their Alliance Affiliation to 'RnR Applicant' and file an application on the R&R forums
[*]A member with appropriate authority shall either accept it or bring it to the Council for review
[*]If accepted that applicant shall be considered a member of R&R
[*]All members shall fly an R&R Alliance Affiliation approved by the Council
[*]All members shall have a team color approved by the Council

[size=5][b][u]Article II[/u][/b][/size]

[size=4][b]The Government of The R&R[/b][/size]

[size=4][b]President & Vice President The R&R[/b][/size]

[*]The President shall be chosen by fair election every 3 months.
[*]The Vice President shall be chosen by the President and approved by majority vote of the Council.
[*]Should the President be absent for more then 48 hours, the Vice President shall step into the office of acting President.
[*]The President shall have the power to:
[*]Sign lower level treaties with another alliance
[*]Submit higher level (Mutual Defense Pact or higher) treaties with another alliance to The General Assembly for 48 hour vote
[*]Expel any member of the Alliance that has been duly submitted to them by the Courts
[*]Cancel any treaty
[*]Authorize expulsion to be carried out to any member of R&R for violation of the R&Rogue Decree - dated 11/29/2010
[*]Veto any bill or decree submitted to the President by the Council
[*]Submit an amendment to this document to the General Assembly for approval
[*]Submit decrees or bills that are not to exceed the authority of this document to the Council for approval
[*]Submit any member of R&R to the office of Judge, pending General Assembly approval.
[*]Submit to the General Assembly a Judge for removal.
[*]Appoint or remove members of the General Assembly to or from any non elected position.
[*]Appoint or remove members of the General Assembly to the position of Minister
[*]Appoint or remove members of the General Assembly to the position of Deputy

[size=4][b]The Council[/b][/size]

[*]The Council shall consist of 3 members.
[*]The Council shall be a separate body from the Ministers and Departments.
[*]The Council shall be elected every 3 months.
[*]The Council with majority vote shall have the power to;
[*]Deny the membership of any applicant
[*]Approve the President's choice for Vice President
[*]Submit bills or decrees to the President to sign into power.
[*]The Council with unanimous vote shall have the power to;
[*]Approve the President's request to declare war upon an alliance.
[*]Override any veto on a bill or decree
[*]Overturn a decision made by the President

[*]The Minister shall be tasked with running the Department.
[*]The Minister is free to staff a department to his/her liking.
[*]The Minister may hire/fire General Assembly members to assist in the Department duties and assist wherever the Minister sees fit

[*]The Minister can appoint Deputies to assist the daily administration over one or more departments.
[*]The Deputy shall be tasked with assisting the Minister is running the department.
[*]Should the need arise, the Deputy may step in as "Acting Minister" as deemed by the President.
[size=5][b][u]Article III[/u][/b][/size]

[size=4][b]General Assembly of The R&R[/b][/size]

[*]The General Assembly shall consist of every person who has had an application with the alliance approved, and has not left since.
[*]The General Assembly shall have the power to:
[*]Ratify any amendment to this document by 48 hour vote; for the amendment to be ratified, 67% or more of all votes cast must be in favor of ratification
[*]Elect the President by 48 hour vote
[*]Approve any higher level treaties submitted to them by the President
[*]Submit to the Courts the President or Vice President whom they believe should be impeached. In order for the impeachment process to start, the member submitting the impeachment must have 3 other members and 1 Government member supporting the impeachment.
[*]Impeach the President or Vice President who shall have been submitted to them by 48 hour vote; to be impeached, 67% or more of all votes cast must be in favor of impeachment. If all 4 Judges approve of the President's impeachment, only 50% or greater is required.
[*]Approve the President's choice of Judge to be appointed to the Courts; 67% or more of all votes cast must be in favor of approval for the member in question to be appointed to the Courts
[*]Submit to the Courts any member whom they believe is in violation of the charter or any other of R&R's rules and regulations.
[*]Submit to the Courts any grievances with any government decision they have if it is supported by 5 other members.

[size=5][b][u]Article IV[/u][/b][/size]

[size=4][b]Court of The R&R[/b][/size]

[*]The Court shall be the judicial body of the Alliance
[*] The power of the Courts shall be vested in 4 Judges
[*]Chief Judge - Nominated by the President and approved by the General Assembly.
[*]Judge - Appointed by the Council
[*]Judge - Elected by the General Assembly every 3 months
[*]Judge - Elected by the General Assembly every 3 months
[*]The Court shall be tasked with upholding the laws of the Alliance
[*]The Chief Judge shall serve until such time that he/she feels the need to resign
[*]A Judge may be forced to resign if:
[*]The President and Vice President are in favor of retiring the Judge, at which time the Judge shall be brought before the General Assembly for final judgment by 48 hour vote.
[*]The Judges shall make an effort to remain free of bias
[*]The Judges of R&R can temporarily suspend a President's Decision for 48 hours by unanimous vote while the Council has time to review the decision and vote to permanently overrule the decision by unanimous vote.
[*]The Council and The Judges may remove the President until he/she can stand trial for impeachment. the Council and The Judges shall pick the Vice President or a member of Government to act as acting President until an impeachment has been brought to the GA and voted on. Both the Council and The Judges must be in unanimous agreement for this to take place.
[*]Any member of the General Assembly may bring a member before the courts if they believe said member is in violation of the laws of the Alliance.
[*]The Judges shall hear the case in open forum but communication is restricted to the Judges and the parties involved.
[*]After hearing both sides of the case, the Judges shall render a decision and punishment if applicable. If the decision is split (2/2), the case may either be dropped or an appeal with the GA may be filed.
[*]Either party may ask to appeal the decision to the GA, in which the following shall be done;[list=1]
[*]The Chief Judge is tasked with setting up a thread that shall last 24 hours for discussion in which the defendant and the member bringing the charge against said defendant may attempt to prove their case. Other members of the General Assembly are free to ask questions during this time.
[*]After the 24 hour discussion thread, the Chief Judge shall open a 48 hour vote in which the General Assembly shall decide if said member is guilty or innocent, each member shall have 1 vote.
[*]Should the verdict come back guilty, it is the duty of the Judges to decide the course of punishment which must then be confirmed by the President. Should the punishment not pass, the Judges must come up with a different punishment and resubmit it to the President
[*] Should the need arise for a decision to be made within 24 hours, the discussion period shall take place during a 24 hour vote.

[size=5][b][u]Article V[/u][/b][/size]

[size=4][b]Minister of Silly Walks[/b][/size]

[*]The Minister of Silly Walks shall be the Mascot of R&R, tasked with keeping morale in the Alliance high
[*]The Minister of Silly walks shall be chosen by fair election of the General Assembly
[*]The Minister of Silly Walks shall be chosen every three months
[*]The Minister of Silly Walks is not a member of Government

[size=5][b][u]Article VI[/u][/b][/size]


[*]The election procedures shall begin on the fifteenth of every month
[*]The Chief Judge of the Courts shall post two topics in the Elections Area, one for the General Assembly to nominate people for President, Councilor, Judge, and Minister of Silly Walks (if applicable), one for nominees to accept or decline the nomination of their peers.
[*]Any member of the General Assembly shall be able to nominate one fellow member of the General Assembly for the position of President, Councilor, Judge or Minister of Silly Walks per election. Nominations cannot be edited.
[*]In order to run for presidency a member has to:
[*]Make known his/her intent to run by posting an election topic between the 1st and 12th of the month of the elections.
[*]Incumbents are automatically nominated
[*]The nomination period shall last for 48 hours.
[*]In order to be placed on the ballot, a member must receive a nomination from two fellow members, as well as accept the nomination by either posting in the acceptance thread, or notifying the Chief Judge of the Court privately. Incumbents must also accept their nomination.
[*]The acceptance thread shall be closed 4 hours after the nomination period ends or if all nominee's have accepted or declined their nomination. The Chief Judge shall then post an election poll.
[*]The poll shall accept votes for forty-eight hours, and will be closed to discussion
[*]After forty-eight hours, whoever holds the most votes shall have won the election
[*]In the event of a tie, there shall be a run-off election held between whomever was tied
[*]If the winner of the election is not the incumbent, then before taking on the title and responsibilities of President of the R&R, the President-elect shall post a topic in the Government Relations Area, in this topic, they shall post the Oath of Office of President of The R&R:

[quote=Oath of Office of President of The R&R]I <name>, ruler of <nation> do promise to do my best to execute the Office of President of The R&R, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Charter of The R&R. So help me Admin.[/quote]
[*]Upon completion of this post, the President-elect shall take on the title and responsibilities of President of The R&R

[size=5][b][u]Article VII[/u][/b][/size]

[size=4][b]War & Peace[/b][/size]

[*]The President shall submit to the Council a motion to declare war upon any alliance with fewer than 100 members so long as the alliance-in-question holds no treaties
[*]The President or Vice President may declare war on any alliance that attacks the R&R Alliance
[*]The President shall submit to the Council a motion to declare war on any alliance so long as the Declaration of War is because of a treaty The R&R Alliance holds
[*]For all other cases, the President shall submit to the Council a motion to declare war against the alliance-in-question
[*]The President may declare peace with any alliance
[*] All votes of War and Peace shall require the approval of the President, and where applicable, unanimous approval of the Council.

[size=5][b][u]Article VIII[/u][/b][/size]

[size=4][b]Leaving the R&R[/b][/size]

[*]Any member who wishes to leave the R&R shall do the following:
[*]Post in the resignation forum or notify the President of their intention to leave the alliance
[*]Remove the approved 'R&R' Alliance Affiliation
[*]After these steps have been completed, the person shall no longer be considered a member of The R&R
[*]Any person who removes the approved 'R&R' Alliance Affiliation without the President approval shall have left the Alliance and may be subject to penalties for improperly leaving
[*]Any person who applies to another alliance while still holding membership in The R&R shall lose their membership status in the Alliance

With the new charter in place, R&R held it's new elections for President along with the Council. The General Assembly wisely chose EgoFreaky as President, with ckmanero, cmf0203, and juslen serving as our first Councilors.
After becoming President, EgoFreaky appointed LincolnC to be Vice President and was confirmed by the Council. Shortly after, DVDCCHN was chosen to lead a new department formed 2 weeks ago; the Department of Economics.

[size=3][b]Executive Branch[/b][/size]
[b]EgoFreaky[/b] - [i]President[/i]
[b]LincolnC[/b] - [i]Vice President[/i]

[size=3][b]The Council[/b][/size]
[b]ckmanero[/b] - [i]Councilor[/i]
[b]cmf0203[/b] - [i]Councilor[/i]
[b]juslen[/b] - [i]Councilor[/i]

[size=3][b]Department of Foreign Affairs[/b][/size]
[b]Simms[/b] - [i]Minister of Foreign Affairs[/i]
[b]Stealthkill[/b] - [i]Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs[/i]

[size=3][b]Department of Defense[/b][/size]
[b]EgoFreaky[/b] - [i]Acting Minister of Defense[/i]

[size=3][b]Department of Interior[/b][/size]
[b]Andy Roberts[/b] - [i]Minister of Interior[/i]

[size=3][b]Department of Economics[/b][/size]
[b]DVDCCHN[/b] - [i]Minister of Economics[/i]

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[quote name='Gofastleft' timestamp='1296014352' post='2601768']
I stopped reading this mindless drivel when I got to this blatant lie

My only guess is that Juslen has taken this strange fascination with me to an all new level. :lol1:

Congrats R&R :wub:

you expect accuracy from simms? :P

only theoden is as old as GFL [/inside joke]

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[quote name='theArrowheadian' timestamp='1296014432' post='2601775']
Please feel free to read and point out any formatting mistakes, spelling and grammar errors because we probably will not.

LOL, this.. when the dutchy starts to correct grammar mistakes you just KNOW it fails XD.

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[quote name='blanding' timestamp='1296013998' post='2601748']
we let simms announce this? time to find out who was smoking what to think that was a good idea >_>

and the required o/ R&R
also required, it's R&R not RnR :ph34r:

Yeah.. Simms even used the same damn avatar that he has in R&R forums. Not only that, but this announcement is lacking horse.

And on top of that..

Its R&R NOT RnR!

o/ R&R



Totally unrelated but I thought I would show everyone a picture of Simms that was taken in South Korea..as R&R's MoFA, he obviously gets around to the most unlikely of places!

Edited by juslen
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