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[quote name='Comrade Goby' timestamp='1295695653' post='2591716']
lol look at your gov brah, real thing lol

Sure you guys may not disband, but eternal ZI works for me as well

I go hard in the paint brahs.

It's always depressing when I see a fellow oldster has finally surrendered to senility and dementia. It's okay though; we'll put you up in a nice old folks home, where all the nurses are male and they play Big Band and Swing music all day, just like you've always wanted. Don't worry Goby; your long, questionable, somewhat hapless service in \m/ will be rewarded with all the kindness and rewards it merits.

R would be disgusted, Goby; you've forgotten the truth of ruining the game. We'll wake you up and make you see reality again; your precious pixels will be stripped from you; and as long as you foolishly cling to bits and code in replacement of your personality/rep/strength, we'll keep working you over.

To the rest of you: \m/ promises the following: We promise to fight. We promise to keep the faith with those who are faithful and to never abandon our friends. We are the alliance that hunted Nazi's, the alliance that fought !@#$%bags and retards from across the vast 'Verse' of every idiotic stripe and persuasion. We are the same \m/ that Ivanelterrible came from, giving up his AA in an act of sacrifice and bravery, only to return to us victoriously after fighting and winning against the strongest powers that were. We are the \m/ of Ninja R, Liberal Extinction, Oreo, and flpwch. And yeah, We're still the \m/ of s1phrx! We are down to hang and here to stay, and I promise you it will be a freezing day in hell before we back away from our promises.

Get to it, \m/aruaders, \m/acks and \m/urderers! Get to it, you \m/en of \m/alice! Steel yourselves with courage and leave no stone upon another!

\m/ >_< \m/


[quote]Ain't found a way to kill me yet
Eyes burn with stinging sweat
Seems every path leads me to nowhere
Wife and kids household pet
Army green was no safe bet
The bullets scream to me from somewhere

Here they come to snuff the rooster, aww yeah, hey yeah
Yeah here come the rooster, yeah
You know he ain't gonna die
No, no, no, ya know he ain't gonna die (x2)

Walkin' tall machine gun man
They spit on me in my home land
Gloria sent me pictures of my boy
Got my pills 'gainst mosquito death
My Buddy's breathin' his dyin' breath
Oh god please won't you help me make it through

Here they come to snuff the rooster, aww yeah
Yeah here come the rooster, yeah
You know he ain't gonna die
No, no, no ya know he ain't gonna die

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[quote name='Faust Betreur' timestamp='1295720885' post='2592144']
You're the alliance that was forcibly disbanded by the alliance who you are currently fighting for. lol.


But seriously. How do you not understand this? Our friend made the descision to jump in, so we joined them, 'cuz that's what friends do. If we happen to be fighting along some folks we might consider unsavory, that's the way it goes; realpolitik my friend, you should try learning it sometime.

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87% of SLCB is in Anarchy. Statistically that's a pretty damn high number. Of course, SLCB is at war with several alliances and isn't large to begin with so this was expected. 6 are not in anarchy. Good luck \m/, and keep up the ambassadorial speeches in your Embassy within our lines. We always enjoy the teas you bring.

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[quote name='Margrave' timestamp='1295721287' post='2592148']

But seriously. How do you not understand this? Our friend made the descision to jump in, so we joined them, 'cuz that's what friends do. If we happen to be fighting along some folks we might consider unsavory, that's the way it goes; realpolitik my friend, you should try learning it sometime.
I think the question everyone's getting at is how does it feel to be helping out NpO?

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No one actually wants an answer to that question, Kowalski. Our detractors think it's the height of wit to rub that in our faces as though it pains us, irregardless of how we actually feel about it. It's childish and ill-thought out, but hey, people of a standard level of intelligence aren't generally on our target lists.

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I dunno, I think if someone actually came out answered it things would be cool, instead of the "we aren't helping NpO we're defending RoK and even so what we're doing is your fault" kind of thing. It would be the best way to shut up the comments about helping NpO.

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[quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1295722373' post='2592170']
I dunno, I think if someone actually came out answered it things would be cool, instead of the "we aren't helping NpO we're defending RoK and even so what we're doing is your fault" kind of thing. It would be the best way to shut up the comments about helping NpO.

There is no such thing as shutting up a group of people who think they have a point against you, no matter how many times you disprove them.

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[quote name='Thomas Jackson' timestamp='1295722629' post='2592176']
There is no such thing as shutting up a group of people who think they have a point against you, no matter how many times you disprove them.
True, I guess NpO's protests against the CB are a good example of that.

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[quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1295722373' post='2592170']
I dunno, I think if someone actually came out answered it things would be cool, instead of the "we aren't helping NpO we're defending RoK and even so what we're doing is your fault" kind of thing. It would be the best way to shut up the comments about helping NpO.
Have you considered that their defense of RoK is all they intended their war to be? They're honoring a treaty obligation. You should respect that if anything.

[quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1295722815' post='2592183']
True, I guess NpO's protests against the CB are a good example of that.
That's the epicenter, this is a treaty obligation fulfillment. Holding them in the same light is ignorant.

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Perhaps we at \m/ have been too harsh in our judgement of CK. After all, look at his stunning sense of diplomacy!


1:33 Citizenkane I hear you've been dissing me
21:33 Citizenkane not got the balls to say !@#$ to my face?
21:33 Merrie_Melodies what internet balls? You gonna reach through the screen and beat me up?
21:34 Citizenkane Guilty as charged for that reaction only means 1 thing
21:34 Merrie_Melodies yes I was on a rant earlier
21:34 Citizenkane I hope you burn
21:34 Citizenkane and \m/
21:34 Citizenkane you're all a bunch of retards
21:35 Merrie_Melodies Youve always thought we were retards
21:35 Merrie_Melodies nothing new there
21:35 Citizenkane No actually, I tried to make the PC-\m/ treaty work.
21:36 Citizenkane Until it dropped I never said a bad word in public.
21:37 Merrie_Melodies well, the good thing is, when we burn you wont be burdened
21:37 Citizenkane that is where you are mistaken, good sir
21:37 Citizenkane I voted to keep the mdoap
21:37 Citizenkane just fyi
21:37 Merrie_Melodies well I would be mistaken if that is indeed the case
21:38 Merrie_Melodies when you come to us angry over !@#$faced *#$(master bs it makes that hard to swallow
21:38 Citizenkane It's not if its the case
21:38 Citizenkane I'm telling you its the case
21:38 Citizenkane you blame me for our poor relationship
21:38 Citizenkane yet that is a fallacy
21:38 Merrie_Melodies really, how so?
21:39 Citizenkane I'm not in the mood to talk to you
21:39 Citizenkane You're clearly gonna twist and copy paste what i say
21:39 Citizenkane and i'm not up for that
21:39 Merrie_Melodies I wont twist !@#$
21:40 Citizenkane $%&@ off
21:40 Citizenkane seriously
21:40 Citizenkane I dont want to talk to you
21:40 Citizenkane you're a retard
21:40 Merrie_Melodies you queried me good sir[/quote]

Edited by Margrave
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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295714640' post='2592029']
Of course that war, like this one, was entirely justified. That's why people call it noCB war.

D3ath, you really do ALWAYS seem to, at every point, think that Polar is ALWAYS the sad victim of everyone else's whims. While I had zero fun getting rolled in the noCB war, its REALLY REALLY difficult to argue that Polaris didnt deserve it. There is a line that exists, between being a loyal soldier, and being blindly ignorant and defiant to literally everything Polaris has done that is wrong in its life. I, am , as loyal to Athens as can be, but I OWN our mistakes, and I try to see that they dont happen. I dont ignore them and hope they go away. You should try it sometime, and stop playing the unwitting victim.

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[quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1295722373' post='2592170']
I dunno, I think if someone actually came out answered it things would be cool, instead of the "we aren't helping NpO we're defending RoK and even so what we're doing is your fault" kind of thing. It would be the best way to shut up the comments about helping NpO.
We're defending RoK. That's really the only answer.

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[quote name='Darth Pollard' timestamp='1295696269' post='2591726']
Where did you get the idea?

I was sitting there, thinking of how its really hard to make propaganda for \m/, and then... *ding*... a light bulb came on over my head... and I went to work...

Edited by Weezy
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