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The GM's Court

Executive Minister

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1299543381' post='2655933']
LCVPs were launched from converted merchantmen during WWII, of course if this were done without naval combat vessels around, it is a dangerous proposition, but still "doable" without any IG ship numbers. If this is not the case, then how did Markus launch an assault on the beaches of the Republique de Fleuve without any ships? And even then, LSTs aren't combat ships, they don't really have much in the way of combat support elements, especially if you RP them in their original unmodified state. Some of them were modified to carry rockets and such, but for the most part, they were armed with a couple machineguns and, maybe some AA guns, but they were basically more of a target then anything else.

Hence their dubbed nickname "Large Slow Targets". :v:

I don't disagree with you about this whole thing, they do need larger landing ships, but if you RP it correctly, you can still do a legit invasion with landing craft, without needing IG ship numbers. At least it would seem that way as I have been told/read the rules. I see where you are coming from though, don't get me wrong. :)

Markus definitely didn't roll up to Rotavele's ports and ask if he could offload troops, than have a battle. No one called him on that.

This is correct.

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[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99641"]Massive meta-gaming by Rota[/url]

[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299726478' post='2658204']

[size="7"][font="Book Antiqua"]Imperial Decree de Zaboor[/font][/size]

The Sovereignty of Zaboor hereby declares Diplomatic Sanctions against the underlying nations. These nations have proven to be Disrespectful, Low Classed, Uncivil, and Provocative. We want nothing to do with them. This is only a diplomatic sanction limiting all communication between the following nations to/from Zaboor to be restricted. Civilian Communications are free to be established. Trade will continue to be established due to we are a free economy and do not limit our civilians to trading with a few nations. We believe in complete freedom and respect. We give respect and we only wish to communicate when we have it returned.

Due to their allies and followers, We will expect to see nations also put diplomatic sanctions upon us. We simply do not mind. We wish for respect to be established and being a band wagoner is frowned upon. Do as ye will.

[quote]Xinyang Republic
Kongeriket Norge[/quote]

OOC: Just a message that ill be ignoring the above nations due to they lack respect OOC and IC, This is to prevent drama as seen by the last war. :)

Also put on Ignore on IRC for the OOC Drama they like to start <3

Edited by Yawoo
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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1299727085' post='2658213']
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99641"]Massive meta-gaming by Rota[/url]

Extremely massive. Its so massive that its not even metagame. These nations were disrespectful to me in an IC thread and I put a diplomatic sanction on them. Its quite simple but it seems people do not let grudges die.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299727240' post='2658217']
Extremely massive. Its so massive that its not even metagame. These nations were disrespectful to me in an IC thread and I put a diplomatic sanction on them. Its quite simple but it seems people do not let grudges die.
You admitted yourself there was OOC feelings involved.

I don't know why.

I've always been lovely to you on IRC :3

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299707768' post='2657966']

Two rolls please.

One to forge a passport that will gain me entry to Tunisia.
One to infiltrate the Yaza Hajin.

1-10= loss
11-100= win

2 wins

[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1299727085' post='2658213']
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99641"]Massive meta-gaming by Rota[/url]

While I agree it's pretty bad rp it isn't against the rules, just like treaties this was ooc motivated however the action is valid ic and had an ic reasoning. As such I do not see a reason to act on it

Edited by Centurius
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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299790086' post='2658956']
Just like you declared war on me for OoC reasons?
I...what? My nation has never, ever declared war on any nations in the world, much less yours.

EDIT: Didn't see what Cent said, sorry about that. Last post here. My point, however, stands.

Edited by dotCom
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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1299806292' post='2659255']
Quick question- If I wished to construct a floating platform which i could then terraform to make it habitable for polar bears ;)

If you wished to construct a floating platform which you could then terraform to make it habitable for polar bears, what?

Edited by Executive Minister
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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1299822268' post='2659628']
Oopsie, didnt fully finish the thought out then I hit submit did I?

I meant would it be legal/canon.

keeping in mind that there was, in the past, a wholely artificial land mass in the pacific called 'Naboo' I would venture a guess and say that past precedent rules in your favor. However- please define 'terraform' in the context you wish to fulfill it.

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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1299877696' post='2660300']
ie dump ice and snow and cold stuffz down onto the island so that polar bears can live there :)

also, is there a link to how naboo was built so i can draw idea from it?
Where are you going to get the ice and snow? "Borrow" it from the Arctic and/or Antarctica? Unless if you had a massive air conditioning system and a steady supply of electricity, your artificial island is limited to below freezing climates.

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Come on guys, this is the GM Court thread. He asked if he could do something within the rules, not if there were better options available or whether or not something is feasible. Remember that economics don't really exist so unless what he's proposing is so out there that it's nearly impossible to do, it really shouldn't be coming up here. I know it's not my place to police the thread but getting it clogged up with "open a zoo" and subsequent, repetitive one-line responses of "I just want polar bears" are not the reason this thread exists. We [b]do[/b] have a general OOC discussion thread for a reason.

Sorry, pet peeve.

Edited by Sargun
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@MO. Yes, build your artificial island for polar bears. Just ensure that you properly RP how the weather is recreated. To build a tundra environment in tropics can be done, as in Dubai, but RP it out.

As regards the suggestions on how to do it, take it to Tech Stats thread. Not here.

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