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The GM's Court

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299117546' post='2650335']
Of for god sakes let it go. Now I'm just getting sick of all of you complaining. Something happened that makes you sad, and you report it to the GMs. Just go with the flow. Unless it is something terribly unrealistic, you should just have an average response. Anyway, let Rotavele have a new leader. If you need a reason to invade him or not recognize him, there are plenty.

It [b]is[/b] terribly unrealistic to scan, replicate, and clone DNA all in two seconds. There's a reason that even on shows like CSI:, which are science fiction shows, it takes hours to scan DNA. There's a reason that lawyers have to repeatedly tell jurors that DNA scanning takes time and is not perfect, that it takes months and during this process there are a myriad of things that can happen that can mess up the process.

There's also a reason we have the 2020 cap and that we need to prove things. It's because as soon as the GMs allow impossible science to run wild, people will use the same arguments for things that matter even more, like military matters. Further, this isn't "something happened that makes me sad", this is "he did something impossible so I'm going to call it out". If this were Justinian I'd be doing the exact same thing. What you're asking me to do is change my OOC response due to an IC reason, Fizzydog.

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1299087382' post='2649724']
Also requesting to track his location with two spyrolls.




50% Odds. 0-50 is a fail, 51-100 is an win. You have an pair of wins.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299102680' post='2649926']
(90% Success Rate)

2 rolls,

If roll 1 succeeds, An enemy spy ring sneaks into Great Britain.

If roll 2 Also succeeds, I want a member of the spy ring to attempt to gain a position in The Ministery of Defense, that would put the spy in close contact with The Minister of Defense.

Every one is limited to two rolls per opponent per day. You can ask for the next two rolls tomorrow with a fresh screenshot.


90% Odds. 0-10 is a fail, 11-100 is an win. You have an pair of wins.

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Due to the blowing up of This Thread, The OOC Thread, and the RP in General i will be surrendering. The mods need sleep from all the Complaints and sheer stupidity they've received from myself and other members.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299117546' post='2650335']
Of for god sakes let it go. Now I'm just getting sick of all of you complaining. Something happened that makes you sad, and you report it to the GMs. Just go with the flow. Unless it is something terribly unrealistic, you should just have an average response. Anyway, let Rotavele have a new leader. If you need a reason to invade him or not recognize him, there are plenty.

I didn't ask your opinion. When I do... lets face it, I'll never ask for your opinion.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1299117821' post='2650357']
It [b]is[/b] terribly unrealistic to scan, replicate, and clone DNA all in two seconds. There's a reason that even on shows like CSI:, which are science fiction shows, it takes hours to scan DNA. There's a reason that lawyers have to repeatedly tell jurors that DNA scanning takes time and is not perfect, that it takes months and during this process there are a myriad of things that can happen that can mess up the process.

There's also a reason we have the 2020 cap and that we need to prove things. It's because as soon as the GMs allow impossible science to run wild, people will use the same arguments for things that matter even more, like military matters. Further, this isn't "something happened that makes me sad", this is "he did something impossible so I'm going to call it out". If this were Justinian I'd be doing the exact same thing. What you're asking me to do is change my OOC response due to an IC reason, Fizzydog.
Well, when nations completely united by obvious OoC reasons (seriously, zoot in a pact with Red Dawn? lol, there's no IC in there) techroll, it's pathetic when the techrollers have to actually cry everytime something badhappens to them.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1299118507' post='2650394']
I'm smaller than both you and Rota. I only complained when Rota godmodded. I apologized for my harshness to him and ordinarily I'd apologize to you as well, but I just don't see it happening. Until you earn my respect OOC and IC then you will see no apology from me.
I don't want any "apologies." It is war. But more awareness towards this unfair power of CN[s]RP[/s].

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299118323' post='2650386']
Well, when nations completely united by obvious OoC reasons (seriously, zoot in a pact with Red Dawn? lol, there's no IC in there) techroll, it's pathetic when the techrollers have to actually cry everytime something badhappens to them.

Actually, it was Rota who was trying to use tech stats as an excuse to just roll over people...

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[quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1299117411' post='2650330']

Could a GM look at this. Rotavele tried to create fake DNA to trick Slavorussian examiners. From what I've heard that takes a long time to do, more time than I would have given him to turn over the body.

To tell the truth, it does not seem like Rota is trying to create fake DNA or maybe she edited it out before I saw it. I see this:

[quote]On a civilian Aircraft a plane sets off to Slavorussia in attempt to give the body to the government. Hoping for the best with First-World Highly Advanced Republique Technology it arrives in Slavorussia as Constance Élodie eagerly awaits their reply.

Since she herself has edited the fake DNA part out, it is okay.

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299117611' post='2650340']

Need a GM to look over this.

The complaints are also inside.
In short, once again I'm accused of Godmodding because I'm Using the lack of serious, detailed response from rota to my advantage.

None of those portions marked in Red in anyway indicate Zoot RPing Rotavele's units. He is merely describing the actions his forces are doing and not the results he would bring out on your forces. Rotavele, it is you, and you alone who has to RP out the results to these actions, and I must urge you to post these results in a logical measure and time bound fashion.

Also as regards the tech advantage, you are both First World tech nations, so negligible tech advantage can be claimed as there is only a 500 tech difference.

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I'm contesting rotas recent post.

He has to allow me a chance to respond to him.
Moreover he wouldn't just simply get a job in the ministry of defence due to him not being British born, or have any of the paperwork, or the twelve month security clearance anyway.

He can't RP my citizens, he also wouldn't get 300 bloody people into my country past almost a dozen navies operating between Africa and Britain, secondly with the Irish, British and Herman airforces locking Britain down, how?

A roll per player for their fleets, a roll per player per airforce.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1299118047' post='2650367']
Every one is limited to two rolls per opponent per day. You can ask for the next two rolls tomorrow with a fresh screenshot.


90% Odds. 0-10 is a fail, 11-100 is an win. You have an pair of wins.

Cochin I gotta say, allowing contact with the minister of defense is not something that should be allowed especially on an infiltration. Getting those types of govt jobs typically IRL include having multiple polygraphs for both you and your spouse, you also have all your neighbors around you interviewed. Getting a counter intel clearance typically takes years. On top of that you generally are required to have several years of experience in matters relating to national security and they contact your supervisor. Doing a deep cover which puts you in that position is damn near impossible to do without at least a decade of putting yourself in place.

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99359 <--- doing something like this is simply cannot be RPed properly. I'd have no problem with an infiltration if done over the course of say the next eleven months IRL, but it simply would not work for getting any sort of government job. There are safeguards.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1299118047' post='2650367']
Every one is limited to two rolls per opponent per day. You can ask for the next two rolls tomorrow with a fresh screenshot.


90% Odds. 0-10 is a fail, 11-100 is an win. You have an pair of wins.

PER opponent? Oh hell yes. In that case I will take one of these and one of these, and this... :D


2 Rolls to Put in 2 sectors of Yaza Hajin Agents.


2 Rolls to Put in 2 sectors of Yaza Hajin Agents.


2 Rolls to Put in 2 sectors of Yaza Hajin Agents.


2 Rolls to Put in 2 sectors of Yaza Hajin Agents.


2 Rolls to put in 2 sectors of Yaza Hajin Agents.

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299124135' post='2650627']
you also need to have a nation, something you currently lack.

Please link me to the rules that would be able to state that. Thanks.

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It does not need to be mentioned. You are required to have a nation to do national actions. That spy roll capability is the capability of the NATION which you RP. If you do not have a nation you cannot RP spy roll spam.

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[quote name='Emperor Mudd' timestamp='1299124851' post='2650659']
Nice warchest. Pretty small for a nation your size, but hey, I didn't expect much from MCXA

Holy s***! Haha that was pretty good. It was 400m Pre-War but due to the war I had to start all over.

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299125072' post='2650665']
:( Please dont put the Yaza Hajin in my nation. I need excuses! Theres no standing rule against it and I cannot find anything saying you cant do it but please take them away because youll get revenge and since I bandwagoned you in the last war im super scared, Please go away.

Im sorry but Karma does strike sometimes :(

Edited by Rotavele
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