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The GM's Court

Executive Minister

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1303668197' post='2698576']
I'm sure even [i]you[/i] can see the jest in that post. But fine, you caught me. By the powers vested in me as a GM, i hereby transfer my powers over to you. All hail our newest overlord, the [i]Super GM[/i] Triyun! You know, since that's what I purported myself to be during our conversation in #CNRP, right?

[sub]Incase anyone is obtuse enough to take that literally - that is also in jest.[/sub]


And you had the same sentiments hoping that SMHs rebels would inflict a defeat on the UFE as well. It goes back further, basically each time my nation in particular is involved in a military action, you've expressed OOC sympathy for the other side. Now I don't really care if you do that as a player. It makes the game interesting. However if we go back to the original point of my first post, bias as a GM. I think its perfectly reasonable that if Cent would be considered biased to do a ruling that involved an ally, someone whose expressed a continued pattern of hostility towards someone else on not just an IC level but an OOC level should equally have their abilities to act as an unbiased GM questioned. Its an issue of balance. In my observation, you've shown yourself to be very biased against a group of players including myself. I see no reason why there should not be a balance of how biased is treated, either it should not be an issue at all (GMs rule and roll for everyone) or GMs who express both support and a pattern of hostility should be disqualified.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1303669086' post='2698587']
And you had the same sentiments hoping that SMHs rebels would inflict a defeat on the UFE as well.

I defy you to dig up a log that shows i wanted SMH to defeat the UFE. For all you know, I dislike SMH just as much as I dislike you.

Paraphrasing, I'm pretty sure I said something to the extent of 'oh ho, SMH has always talked about nutting up and shutting up. Maybe he'll be the one to show how one can counter hypersonic missile spam,' or something to that extent. I also recall an extremely lengthy conversation we had immediately after that statement of mine, regarding CNRP war mechanics. That was quite fun.

It goes back further, basically each time my nation in particular is involved in a military action, you've expressed OOC sympathy for the other side. Now I don't really care if you do that as a player. It makes the game interesting.

I'm extremely curious to see what you mean by this. Perhaps that will explain some of the concerns I 'discussed' with you on IRC 'back further'. If I'm lucky, you'll have done your homework and had a timeline written up about my past transgressions against you. I'd love to see them.

However if we go back to the original point of my first post, bias as a GM. I think its perfectly reasonable that if Cent would be considered biased to do a ruling that involved an ally, someone whose expressed a continued pattern of hostility towards someone else on not just an IC level but an OOC level should equally have their abilities to act as an unbiased GM questioned. Its an issue of balance. In my observation, you've shown yourself to be very biased against a group of players including myself. I see no reason why there should not be a balance of how biased is treated, either it should not be an issue at all (GMs rule and roll for everyone) or GMs who express both support and a pattern of hostility should be disqualified.

A fair point you have I suppose. Its a shame your earlier points have piqued my interest much more than this. Perhaps later Cent can cook up a poll or something?

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1303669709' post='2698591']
GMs are presumed unbiased until otherwise is proven, I'm going to leave this discussion at that as this is going nowhere. Now back to requesting rolls.

You are right of course. At least now i've learned to be careful not to offend Triyun's delicate sensibilities anymore from now on. I'll stop.

Edited by Executive Minister
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[quote name='Imperator Azenquor' timestamp='1303699992' post='2698958']

Any missiles which were picked up by military RADAR networks would be targeted by the multi-layered SDI systems and fired at by ground based and mobile interceptors. The military would raise it's alert status to DEFCON 3 and begin an immediate investigation into the source of the missiles. The Organization of the Zodiac Special Forces would raise their alert status to DEFCON 2.


1-40= SDI failure
41-100= SDI success

The final Beijing nuke is shot down by Vaule's SDI.

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As I am in fact not Richard Nixon's clone I do not maintain an enemies file. If you really want to know about the specific incidents before that I can remember at one post in what had to be late fall there were several incidents upon which you repeatedly encouraged nuclear weapons to be used against the UFE, dotCom, Ty's rogue submarines are some which come to mind. I'm not going to dig up logs but if you really want to talk about the IRC go ahead. As I said, I don't give a damn if you don't like my nation IC, someone has to not otherwise things are boring. My point is rather that as a GM, there needs to be a balance. If someone as a GM shows particular dislike for another nation, then the same restrictions should apply to them as as GM who shows a particular like of another players nation. If you want to have a rule where neither are restricted from ruling that is fine too imo.

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1303778023' post='2699497']
No you're not. I'm carrying your baby.

Intriguing and interesting though it may be comments of that order belong in CNRP OOC thread. Please take it there.

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Hey GM's I got a question for you and I know that people are all don't whine to the GM's but this determines how an RP will roll out. Timmy as you know has been carpet nuked to hell and back. My point is as I land landing troops on Mount Desert Island is that he says he has defenses that can still attack my ships. My question is this, Are not his defenses at least EMP'd to hell due to the entirety of Maine being nuke raped?

If I am wrong I shall sink a few ships but I don't think I am...

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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1303816174' post='2699719']
Hey GM's I got a question for you and I know that people are all don't whine to the GM's but this determines how an RP will roll out. Timmy as you know has been carpet nuked to hell and back. My point is as I land landing troops on Mount Desert Island is that he says he has defenses that can still attack my ships. My question is this, Are not his defenses at least EMP'd to hell due to the entirety of Maine being nuke raped?

If I am wrong I shall sink a few ships but I don't think I am...

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1303602854' post='2698055']Blasting off from the Chinese countryside, five SS-18 Satans carrying 19 megaton hydrogen warheads flew upwards over the pole to airburst over Maine, the blast projection was sufficient to ensure that the entire Maine land force would be destroyed, with the blasts taking place over their largest airbases (however the debris and wind would deny any jet aircraft the ability to take off afterwards due to at minimum runway debris). Meanwhile the Federation's Carribean fleet would be rerouted, and ordered to move into position to sink the Maine Navy.

[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1303603869' post='2698068']
"I wished I'd never have to issue this order. Five 19 megaton missiles, airburst configuration, aim for the centers of the five most populated cities."

[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1303604518' post='2698077']
With the countdown complete, five 19 megaton warheads would head towards the country of Maine.

[quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1303605515' post='2698086']Within two minutes, two V-2012 Intercontinential Ballistic Missiles launched into the skies, heading towards Maine. Both of these missiles were equipped with four Inertial with Stellar Sensor Update and Terrain Matching Radar guided MaIRVs. The MaIRVs inside of the missiles were 1.3 Megatons each.

[quote name='Curristan' timestamp='1303642093' post='2698396']
The nuclear launches had been detected and reported to Buryatia Strategic Forces Headquarters and the Buryatian President Anna Petrov. She ordered an immediate response in support of their UFE allies.

Five C-15 Poker Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles each carrying a Fifty Kiloton Warhead would be fired at Augusta, Brunswick, Lewiston, Rockfield and Waterville. This would be the first nuclear launch in Buryatia's history.

[quote name='Sir Keshav IV' timestamp='1303643824' post='2698399']
Further 25 Non-Nuclear Missiles were launched at the capital of Maine.

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1303656693' post='2698468']
Using intel recieved through Operation Perrepat, 50 5000Ib thermobaric ICBM's launched from the submarines towards military installations in Maine.
Specific targets were Radar installtions, communication posts and power substations. Several missiles would also fire at Command and Control HQ's for Maines ground forces co-ordination.

[quote name='Sir Keshav IV' timestamp='1303667627' post='2698568']
Five missiles were launched towards the coast of Maine while the other fifteen missiles were launched towards random locations in Maine including their five main cities and industrial facilities.

So far these are all the attacks against me. 90% of my troops are dead, air force is destroyed and all surface vessels wiped out.

All the nuclear attacks are either against cities or troops and airfields with the exception of 5 fired at my coast probably against my SSBNs (In which case I forgot to RP them being destroyed and will do that now) and Zoot's attacks against my defences except he fired 50 missiles against 4 different types of targets so around 12 to each type of target leaving more than enough for me to RP my defences being intact as they are [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=95400"]all around the border[/url], where no-one has attacked yet.

Edited by King Timmy
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I for one think that the sort of nuking that Timmy has received would make it extremely difficult to mount any sort of effective defense [b]unless[/b] he has RPd any defensive measures for that sort of thing. Also point of note, the invading armies would also have to RP reduced effectiveness due to the radiation from carpet nuking. Basically no infantry action could ever happen. Any soldier of invading army exposed to atmosphere would fall dead.

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1303833913' post='2699794']
I thought we had a maximum of 10 mt for any nuclear bomb. Not that it would make much of a difference at this point, but just for reference.
Max is 19, it can't be 10s of Mt so people use one less than 20.

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Hey EM, is it possible for Compilation of GM/Moderator Rulings section to be updated with the recent GM decisions?

Also, how is tech trading affected now that the TE formula is gone?

Edited by iKrolm
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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1303817134' post='2699724']
I for one think that the sort of nuking that Timmy has received would make it extremely difficult to mount any sort of effective defense [b]unless[/b] he has RPd any defensive measures for that sort of thing. Also point of note, the invading armies would also have to RP reduced effectiveness due to the radiation from carpet nuking. Basically no infantry action could ever happen. Any soldier of invading army exposed to atmosphere would fall dead.

Nuh uh. Global radiation levels only effect your income IG.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1303851428' post='2699909']
Nuh uh. Global radiation levels only effect your income IG.
Portions of your citizens also seem to mysteriously disappear, therefore restricting the amount of soldiers you can buy.

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