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[quote name='BALAN' timestamp='1294242797' post='2564411']
This is why the WOLFPACK was put into action, I cannot sit and watch as good alliances and good people are slaughtered by idiots. I know that LE will fight all of them tooth and nail, but will not change the fact that G-6 is trying to bully there way through TE. We cannot let this happen, if you have a lone soldier and 1 tank put that soldier in it and fight for what is right ! I feel all leading members of G-6, RE, TPC and DR should be on the ZI list for the rest of the round.

If you believe this war is a bunch of crap then fight for what you believe, isn't that why all wars are fought ?

I will enjoy you trying to ZI me.. wai.. it looks like G-6 already has a head start on you :/

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[quote name='Ferrie' timestamp='1294214249' post='2564218']
C'mon guys, give em' some credit. This wasnt meant to be a curb-stomp against other alliances. It was meant to take LE out of the equation before we got a chance to declare on them. Thats why, at over a half hour past update there were only 27 wars against nations other than LE. Yet only 40 before update on LE(fail blitz?). They was asceered. :)

It's actually a great compliment to us. Thanks guys.

Salute, and thanks to G-6, for bringing in their meat shields to make this an even fight.

Seriously. Lets keep this fun. :)

FAR this nice guy act has ran out with me, for once I would like to hear what you really think ! There is a time to be nice and a time not to be nice, this is the time when you get the chance to say that G-6 is a bunch of cowards and will always be cowards in my book. G-6 I have an open war slot if you would like to fill it out. Maybe you can get one of your 4k or above nations to fill it. OH sorry you already did that. I am about 1k now so maybe you should have someone in the 3k range declare on me.


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Balan shut up I filled it!

Edit: I know exactly what killing this game it is the crying! It doesn't matter who fights who some one will cry. So I am done I got a couple slots left come get it while its's hot! Then I can delete and watch you all !@#$%* that there is not enough people playing.

Edited by Vukland
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[quote name='ADude' timestamp='1294244525' post='2564420']
I will enjoy you trying to ZI me.. wai.. it looks like G-6 already has a head start on you :/

We have fought before and I seem to remember things not going so well for you ! I will be coming for you ! I dont care about you or your alliance or the cowards that back you up, they will can all meet me on the battle field.


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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1294224356' post='2564272']
To those of you crying 'curbstomp'.

LE apart from being one of the most elite fighting alliances, haven't been involved in a war this round. And no, that's not why we attacked them. You see, if G-6 Declared on LE alone, LE would've turned the wave. Why? Because they have been preparing for a defensive war since the truce ended. And unlike G-6, they don't have replenished warchests. Member Count wise, we do have the advantage...but that's not all there is in war. I know LE will give us a good fight and in the end, we'll have fun. Anyways, as always, I don't care what any of ya'll think. So continue arguing...


Hmmm Couldn't do it yourself again?

Sad, very sad.

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The sad thing is that some of the worst fighters are talking like they own TE. They can fight however they want, but it's pretty bad when, instead of actually trying to fight better, they just get more of the worst fighters in TE to fight alongside them. I wonder how many more nations they think they need on an opponent to win a fight.

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The singular reason for CN:SE's decline in player counts is beginning to invade this realm.

Sporadic, random, and unforeseen wars are an intrinsic part of TE, and have been the single most attractive aspect of this planet for many players. People want to escape the dull "pixel-building and trying to gain a long-term advantage" that occurs on Bob.

People come here for a quick growth challenge that starts everyone out on a level playing field, with random wars mixed in. The idea is to blow someone's sh&t to pieces, and then when the war finally ends, say, "Hell, that was fun! Maybe next time we'll be fighting together."

Instead, all I see is grandstanding, forced moralism, and whining.

Shut up and play.

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[quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1294263717' post='2564702']
People come here for a quick growth challenge that starts everyone out on a level playing field, with random wars mixed in. The idea is to blow someone's sh&t to pieces, and then when the war finally ends, say, "Hell, that was fun! Maybe next time we'll be fighting together."

Instead, all I see is grandstanding, forced moralism, and whining.

Shut up and play.

And yet you continue to purchase stock in Confusion's 'we'll play how we want to play, not how you want to play'.

Surely theres a way that people could play where everybody could have fun, I don't think it involves underhanded tactics such as discouraging fair wars or even promoting wars that are noticeably uneven. Nobody is upset with wars, people are upset that it seems prudent to some to disrupt a fair war to help out friends who statistically don't need your help.

You have zero idea what is hurting SE, it is certainly not the grandstanding, it is certainly not the whining or bickering, it is the lopsided wars that put such a scare into people that they are unable to take chances and play to have fun.

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I will merely respond to the first portion by saying that neither I nor Duckroll listen to anyone. We decide our own actions.

[quote]You have zero idea what is hurting SE, it is certainly not the grandstanding, it is certainly not the whining or bickering, it is the lopsided wars that put such a scare into people that they are unable to take chances and play to have fun.

I was referring to those sitting around and talking, and only talking. Admin said it best in his command for us to war. War is what makes the game what it is. Not talking, not moralism. War. Even in the curbstomp in the second theater of the last global war on Bob, player counts rose.

Without veering off-topic here, I will repeat the most important part of my post:

Shut up and play.

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[quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1294265496' post='2564742']

Shut up and play.

I am... And I stoled yer n00k! Better get another. :)

You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Potenza. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to target and destroy 1 enemy nuclear missile. Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.

Uh-oh. Cats outta the bag. :(

Salute! :)

Edited by Ferrie
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nice. LE putting up an excellent fight, taking more than what they lost from each of the opposing alliances. :wub:

-note to LE's opponents; please don't claim you foresaw this and use it as a reason to justify your 3 on 1 declaration.

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[quote name='sarasate' timestamp='1294272101' post='2564942']
nice. LE putting up an excellent fight, taking more than what they lost from each of the opposing alliances. :wub:

-note to LE's opponents; please don't claim you foresaw this and use it as a reason to justify your 3 on 1 declaration.
As AAs that fought LE last round, I can say that they are tenacious and experienced fighters. You will need the same in order to beat them and not merely numbers.

Edited by paul711
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[quote name='sarasate' timestamp='1294272101' post='2564942']
nice. LE putting up an excellent fight, taking more than what they lost from each of the opposing alliances. :wub:

-note to LE's opponents; please don't claim you foresaw this and use it as a reason to justify your 3 on 1 declaration.

[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1294272648' post='2564952']
As AAs that fought LE last round, I can say that they are tenacious and experienced fighters. You will need the same in order to beat them and not merely numbers.

Thanks for the compliment, guys.

Salute! :)

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[quote name='sarasate' timestamp='1294272101' post='2564942']
nice. LE putting up an excellent fight, taking more than what they lost from each of the opposing alliances. :wub:

-note to LE's opponents; please don't claim you foresaw this and use it as a reason to justify your 3 on 1 declaration.

Doesn't help that we lost a couple of 3.5k+ NS nations due to deletion. :(

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[quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1294273495' post='2564981']
Doesn't help that we lost a couple of 3.5k+ NS nations due to deletion. :(

If we might ask... deleted for what exactly?

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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1294224356' post='2564272']
To those of you crying 'curbstomp'.
LE apart from being one of the most elite fighting alliances, haven't been involved in a war this round. And no, that's not why we attacked them. You see, if G-6 Declared on LE alone, LE would've turned the wave. Why? Because they have been preparing for a defensive war since the truce ended. And unlike G-6, they don't have replenished warchests. Member Count wise, we do have the advantage...but that's not all there is in war. I know LE will give us a good fight and in the end, we'll have fun. Anyways, as always, I don't care what any of ya'll think. So continue arguing...


Agreed.....LE is ONE of the best and they have seen worse odds. Plus as stated, they have had all round to build and stock up on WC while G-6 just got out of war a few days ago.
Right on Confusion!

Besides LE is probably glad they have the honor of fighting from the other side of the war as its been awhile since they have been hit.....Last I remember was a few
rounds ago when TPC hit them on day 6, good fight that one there was, then again TPC and LE always make it a fun time for all :P

[quote name='lookoot' timestamp='1294237263' post='2564365']
ah everythings clear now ,it looks like G6,RE,TPC and DR have joined forces this round ,the rest of us have to be at there disposal for whenever they feel like a curbstomp or playing out some of there weasel moves

i feel a lot better now knowing the rules this round !

the lunatics really are trying to take over the asylum :D

What? TPC never attacked anyone, we were the ones DoW'd on. THP, DF, and who ever else it was. The majority of the wars declared on the blitz and the day after were on TPC, 158 wars between us, and only like
28 against GDA and the other alliance they said they were hitting. We didn't complain, we didn't cry.....WE WAR.
I'm not saying that it was THP's plan or DF plan to mostly roll on TPC, maybe we were the bigger threat and thus needed more attantion. At any rate, YEAH, G-6, TPC, GDA, RE, DR are all friends, this doesn't mean
as you put it,"The rest of ushave to be at there dispoasal for whenever they feel like a curbstomp". Far as I see it, THERE IS NO SUCH THING GOING ON!

RE is fighting DF, THP, LE, and a few other rouge nations
G-6 is waring LE, TFK, (G-6 is fresh out of battle days ago)
TPC is waring DF, THP, TA
GDA is fighting THP, DF
DR is waring LE, THP


RE, G-6, TPC, GDA, DR total nations 227 VS LE, THP,DF,TFK total nations 173
thats a total difference of 54 nations.....take into effect that G-6 is fresh out of war, TPC was blitzed on by three AA's, LE and TFK has had all round to build WC I'd say its pretty evenly matched.

However I'm willing to hear the other points from the other side.


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[quote name='Burning Glory' timestamp='1294276937' post='2565093']
rounds ago when TPC hit them on day 6, good fight that one there was, then again TPC and LE always make it a fun time for all :P
Aye, no doubts about that.
[size="1"][color="#FFFFFF"]Einner, I'm still watching you! :ph34r: [/color][/size]

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[quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1294263717' post='2564702']
The singular reason for CN:SE's decline in player counts is beginning to invade this realm.
absolutely true, just not in way that you think it is: alliance web, protectorate

[quote] then when the war finally ends, say, "Hell, that was fun! Maybe next time we'll be fighting together."

teaming up again after a beer and laugh requires respect for the sparring partner. Earn it.

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