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Everything posted by sarasate

  1. [quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1308845098' post='2739391'] PS hasn't nor ever will have puppets. We might divide OUR forces from time to time (see: Nordic Ballers round where I was in whatever the hell we called our flag AA that got rogued twice), but they're all PS . And this is bad news...why are we celebrating? [/quote] for the same reason the japanese celebrate heartbreaks.
  2. You should change your AA to goodfellas. Sent you an OR recruitment by accident. Good luck with the alliance!!
  3. Ah, goes to show how clueless OR's leader will be. I don't even know what IRC stands for. But fixed! thanks!
  4. right. so I just noticed I got the title wrong- how embarrassing is that? It really should be OR DoE. Oh well...
  5. Yayz! My first picture on the forum ever! Thanks ADude XD
  6. sarasate

    OS DoE

    A couple of rounds ago, Orbit Black officially disbanded. It was, as seen by most, bound to happen for quite a time. As the founder of Orbit Black and its leader for the first few rounds, I was, to be honest, quite indifferent. It was only a single alliance with horrible standings in the game, was it not? There were better, more powerful alliances that dominated TE and saw us only as the dying ember of a once potent coalition. And at the time, it was true. We were a kind of nothingness that mattered only to our own members. And so, when we disbanded, it didn't matter. It didn't affect anyone. It was simply insignificant. But of course, TE then became boring. Alliances plotted wars rather than declare them, while a much too abundant disease of flag-running circulated. In my humble opinion, Disgusting. So I now feel prompted to bring back that dead alliance of Orbit Black; but under a new name, as appropriate. [font="Impact"][size="7"]Orbit Resound hereby declares its Existence in Cybernations TE[/size][/font] [img]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_kZXbL4O94IA/Sobb0pLTXxI/AAAAAAAAAng/2DXq5TCvY2E/s800/Maxim%20Zhestkov%2003.jpg[/img] The following should be no surprise, judging from my earlier expression of dislike for this new TE: Our alliance will be only for those nations that keep war chests, buy guerrilla camps and barracks, adjust their governments for war, and could care less about their own nation; just the alliance. If you're not prepared to exchange nation growth for a war victory, please do NOT join. We have no official forum, no IRC channel, no team color, and no charter. All we have is the slightest hierarchy with Prime Minister C and myself as leaders, and our promise to bring you the best wars you've seen in a long time. Signed, (but not really. Who actually signs these things anyway?) Sarasate Prime Minister C PS. This DoE was written BEFORE TE last round suddenly became full of wars and funsies, so please, no comments of disagreement.
  7. it usually takes about a day, no?
  8. ...so much for coordinated attacks.
  9. [quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1306819720' post='2721182'] Though looking at the stats, Synergy would've been utterly wrecked had they declared on Walpurgis and Snowflake. Me and Asamiya Saki would've easily rolled your top tier with 3k infra and 315 tech nukes+navy+aircraft, and our mid tier were nuclear too - would've been 9 nuclear capable nations vs 2. It would've been quite an updeclare. Total NS doesn't tell the full story. A 3 way cluster$%&@ could have been a lot of fun, though, pity you went for TPC instead. [/quote] Well, I was actually part of Synergy during the time they were planning to hit you guys too.
  10. um... I wonder if Planet Steve's ready for 300 nukes. We might have to adapt to life on the moon soon.
  11. Was fun- looking forward to another one in the future!
  12. um, does SUN stand for anything?
  13. mm. Let's have a fantastical and delicious war.
  14. whoa! Amazing Land! And over 2000 raids? That's diligence and hard work, my friend o/ That's how TE is done
  15. um, what's wrong if Confusion had actually managed the war (not that I know anything, I'm basically new to this topic)? The more I hear about it, seems more like he's doing an awesome job masterminding a game...
  16. ...I was in this game to have fun... Believe me, I know what it feels like to be down-declared on, or being the one to always up-declare; it actually felt quite good- the challenge got me excited and made me want to show off what I could do in a disadvantaged situation. So, just saying- these posts... I know you're all excited about a chance to go against someone bigger than you. You're all just cementing your excuses of defeat with these posts complaining about this down-declare. Maybe you should actually try to win?? I think it's absolutely possible, considering you're only going up against the cowardly RE and us, the accomplices in this crime.
  17. [quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1299569059' post='2656494'] Now that is really funny. Perverse, but funny. When an alliance sits back, beefs up and waits for some bones to pick, most people would call them vultures. But if that is the only way you can get a meal, so be it. [/quote] Whoa! You actually just said "So be it!" You know what that means? I'll quit whining and I'll let it be!- You're freakin' contradicting yourself!
  18. well, just to be fair- about the nuke thing- I think any attacking alliance would have a nuke advantage, coz with the new system, so many nations could buy nukes easily. It's just that, since they're economically costly, only alliances that know they're going to war will want a lot of them- in this case, RE. So that wasn't something RE saw and said, "oh, let's attack coz we even have a nuke advantage!" It was probably more like, "Since we're planning to attack, let's... make a nuke advantage as well" --> that's not dirty or unfair; that's jut planning.
  19. uh... things are looking a bit brighter for duckroll
  20. about the nuke thing; OP may have a superior air force, but they also happen to have a lot more nukes...
  21. ohhhhhhh! 2 of the best fighting alliances collide! Good luck to both of you!
  22. was this DoW really necessary? LEFT has 30 members, as opposed to TOA's 5. Couldn't you just unofficially defend against solely the TOA member(s) that raided?
  23. uh.... just wanted to ask any GR ppl... Greenage is a rogue, and therefore can be nuked, yes?
  24. uh, just join Orbit Black. But only if you're good enough at wars to know to trade out all improvements for guerrilla camps when the time comes- we're severely lacking in those types of members...
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