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Cup of Nations IV sign up

Michael McBride

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Once again it is that time, when the nations of the world can put aside their petty differences to meet on the pitch to do battle not with guns or bombs, but with screaming fans, chants, and a football. This is the Cup of Nations IV.

This Cup of Nations will have few changes from the previous ones. The tournament will either be a 16 team or 32 team tournament, depending on how many nations choose to participate. If 31 teams choose to participate, then each time will randomly be assigned a number (OOC: random number generator) and those with the 15 lowest numbers will have to participate in a play in mini-tournament. The same goes for if more than 32 teams sign up.

Teams signing up are required to post a roster, along with a favored formation, and to fill out the form below. All rosters must be made up with nationals of the country signing up (OOC: a.k.a. [b]Do NOT use rosters from real national teams[/b]. Google a name generator if you can't think of names). Should players be found to be not nationals of the country signing up, actions shall be taken at the discretion of the AFIS Executive Board, up to and including forfeiture of matches, one tournament bans, or other sanctions that will decrease a team's AFIS World Ranking ([b]OOC: If you are found to have copied RL player names, or simply switched around first and last names, I will decide the actions taken against your team based on the severity of the offense. This can include forcing you to forfeit any remaining matches, banning you from the next tournament, or severely docking your world ranking (which directly correlates into how good a team you get for the simulations). Do NOT test me on this. I was pissed off last time this happened, I will not tolerate it this time.[/b]) All rosters must be no greater than 23 players.

[b]Application form[/b]:
Nation Name:
International Team Nickname:
Current World Rank: (Check [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=88397&view=findpost&p=2356916"]here[/url]. If not listed, simply say "Not listed".)
Favored Formation:
Playing Type: (Aggressive, Neutral, Defensive)
Roster: (All rosters must be no more than 23 men. Please bold starters and list five penalty takers in the order they would go on the bottom).

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Nation Name: Empire of Pravus Ingruo
National Team Name: Crimson Lions
Continent: North America
World Rank: 1
Formation: 3-3-1-3
Playing Style: Aggressive

Empire of Pravus Ingruo Crimson Lions Roster
Manager: Stephen Harland
[b]GK - John Jacobson – 30 (Real Rochester) ©[/b]
GK – Timothy Pearson – 1 (Raleigh United)
GK – Kasey Nix – 31 (Atlanta FC)

[b]CB – Isaac Collins – 2 (Orlando Alligators)[/b]
RB – Eric Overbey – 4 (Atlanta FC)
[b]LB – Mickey Long – 23 (Real Rochester)[/b]
LB – Arthur Whitmore – 5 (Garden State Green)
[b]RB – Robert Labant – 24 (York City)[/b]
CB – Peter Tanner – 15 (Virginia Victory)
LB – Stephen Allen – 27 (Norfolk Rovers)

LM – Nathaniel Harris – 8 (Raleigh United)
RM – Wally Ransom – 19 (Pittsburgh Rush)
[b]CAM – Joe Bogley – 14 (Real Rochester)
CM – Vincent Ellis – 10 (Pittsburgh Rush)
RM - Adão Valadão – 18 (York City)
LM - Aygun Raman – 17 (York City)[/b]
CAM – Silas Richards – 26 (Garden State Green)
CM – Tobias Wallace – 24 (Norfolk Rovers)

[b]RW – Phillip Kelly – 11 (Real Rochester)
LW – Victor Ortiz – 29 (Orlando Alligators)
ST – Benjamin Harland – 13 (Syracuse Salty Dogs)[/b]
LW – Otto Jacobson – 3 (Real Rochester)
RW - Theo Spalding – 21 (York City)
ST – George Moats – 7 (Pittsburgh Rush)

Penalty Kicks:

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Nation Name: Empire of the Twelve Gods (or Sarnungian Republic)
International Team Nickname: The Olympiad
Continent: Africa
Current World Rank: #4
Favored Formation: 4-2-3-1
Playing Type: Aggressive

[u]Keepers (3):[/u]
[b]Goslan Bourkia - 12[/b]
Goslan Bourkia is a readily capable keeper, giving up few goals despite his tender age. His exceptional ability has leaped his status as a great goalie to the top ten in the world, and given his age it is only natural to assume that he can grow only steadier. Bourkia, whose 20th birthday took place halfway through the Cup of Nations III, has spent large amounts of time training and his form and skill are at top-notch. His goal-keeping ability has earned him numerous medals in leagues around the Empire.
[i]Serezo Moufakir - 1
Fourchon Rouge - 13[/i]

[u]Defense (8):[/u]
[b]Samir Yapoi - 4
Hafid Souieb - 27
Khaber Oumansour - 5
Ramzi El Ansri - 18[/b]
The defensive lineup has changed in only one spot. Samir Yapoi has calmed down and even taken a pay cut in his last year playing - perhaps his maturity finally catching up to him. Hafid Souieb replaces Kouman Oumansour, the man four years younger and who many hoped would eventually replace Souieb. Despite being 30 years old, he has taken advantage of his experience to emerge at a top spot.
[i]Abdelaziz Benaskar - 3
Bilal Abdelghani - 2
Henri Frinchel - 15
Abdellah Chakhssi - 28[/i]

[u]Midfield (7):[/u]
[b]Naim Daoudi - 7
Bouaziz Hanouf - 9
Alae El Hasnaoui - 25
Abdelkabir Puilds - 8[/b]
The midfield lineup has not changed. The midfield is considered the strongest point on the team, with team leader Naim Daoudi, "Mr. Chill", leading the pack. Daoudi, at 31, has lost some of the speed of his earlier days but makes it up for his leadership and perfect working in pressure situations. He hopes to rebound from a disappointing play in the last Cup. Bouaziz Hanouf, at 30, has extremely great shooting power but is a streaky player - his influence is felt when he has the ball more. Hanouf is capable of putting the team at higher highs. Alae El Hasnaoui has emerged as another leader, being extremely smart and is called "Coach #2". Abdelkabir Puilds, at age 20, has the best form on the team and has already shown he can perform great under pressure. Puilds is improving greatly in training.
[i]Abdelhadi Boubou - 6
Jamal Azaykou - 21
Pedro Martinez - 22[/i]

[u]Forwards (5):[/u]
[b]Ibrahim Atik - 16
Gerson Salem - 11[/b]
Ibrahim Atik, at 32, is close to retiring. He feels that he needs one more change at the Cup, however, and has come back for a victory. His brilliantly clean play has continued to improve Gerson "Wonderboy" Salem, who at 25, is the superstar of the team. Salem - quick, powerful, and with the instincts of a hawk - is capable of shooting from far out and has made wonderful shots, and has made great assists and opportunity. Salem is the Team Captain and has a fan base in North America, Africa, and India, where the Cochin Premiere League has trained him well.
[i]Nanami Harake - 10
Abdessamad Kassine - 20
James Fortuna - 19[/i]

Penalty Takers:
Gerson Salem
Ibrahim Atik
Naim Daoudi
Bouaziz Hanouf
Samir Yapoi

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Nation Name: Slavorussian Empire
National Team Name: Slavorussian National Football Team
Continent: Europe
Current World Rank: 17th
Formation: 4-3-3
Playing Style: Offensive
Aggression: Normal
23 Man Roster:
[u]Goalkeepers (3)[/u]
[b]01 Sergei Anisim[/b]
12 Oleg Andreev
16 Vyacheslav Murzin

[u]Defenders (8)[/u]
[b]04 Zhenya Bogdanov[/b]
[b]02 Alexei Anyukov [/b]
05 Vladimir Suvorov
03 Vasiliy Frolov
[b]13 Denis Kupchenko[/b]
06 Alexei Kolesnikov
19 Yuri Zhirkov
22 Viktor Kuzmin

[u]Midfielders (7)[/u]
[b]18 Sergei Zakharov[/b]
08 Leonid Lukanov
[b]17 Ilya Aleksandrov[/b]
[b]11 Konstantin Boricov[/b]
15 Ivan Petrov
07 Dmitri Ignatev
20 Stepan Nikolaev

[u]Forwards (5)[/u]
[b]09 Andrei Rusakova[/b]
[b]10 Roman Tamashevska[/b]
[b]14 Pavel Abramovich[/b]
21 David Bukharov
23 Nikolai Melnikov

Penalty Takers:
Andrei Rusakova
Roman Tamashevska
Pavel Abramovich
Ilya Aleksandrov
Denis Kupchenko

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[b]Application form:[/b]
Nation Name: Athenian Federation
International Team Nickname: Ethniki
Continent: Europe
Current World Rank: 6
Favored Formation: 4-3-3
Playing Type: Neutral

[b]1- Aetos Dellis[/b]
12- Jaroslav Goerke
13- Bogdan Prosch

[b]2- Cristiano Antolini
3- Enrico Amoruso
4- Anieli Mikos
5- Zoran Krupa[/b]
14- Christos Markos
15- Gino Amedeo
16- Fedele Apicella

[b]6- Dante Luchini
7- Steven Minas
8- Tadd Moros[/b]
17- Nike Perro
18- Orpheus Rodis
19- Miroslav Tezlaff
20- Luigi Nico

[b]9- Mario Idraulico(c)
10- Melancton Xenos
11- Lykaios Tocci[/b]
21- Lorenzo De Andrea
22- Valdemar Rus
23- Marcello Deni

Penalty takers:
Mario Idraulico
Melancton Xenos
Lykaios Tocci
Dante Luchini
Steven Minas

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Nation Name: Xinyan Republic

International Team Nickname: Xinyan Rangers

Continent: Asia

Current World Rank: Not listed

Favored Formation: 4-3-3

Playing Type: Defensive



[b]Liung Lee Hsung[/b] - 1

Chang Wei - 4


[b]Sung Jianguo[/b] - 2

[b]Kai Xu[/b] - 14

[b]Deng Guofan[/b] - 6

[b]Jiang Wei[/b] - 16

Dai Zheng - 3

Feng Yao - 7

An Jin - 15

Akamatsu Junpei - 18


[b]De Wang[/b] - 17

[b]Tian Lai[/b] - 13

[b]Yung Il-Jang[/b] - 12

Meng Lutang - 11

Tao Qiu - 16

Kang Hou - 22


[b]Jie Jiang[/b] - 23

[b]An Liao Ling[/b] - 21

[b]Ning Jin - 20[/b]

Hui Shi Xiang - 8

Guo Zhuang - 10

Bao Gong Yan - 9

Feng Guming - 5

Penalty Kickers:

Jie Jiang

Ning Jin

De Wang

Jiang Wei

Tian Lai

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Nation Name: Democratic People's Republic of Maine
International Team Nickname: The Coons
Continent: North America
Current World Rank: Not listed
Favored Formation: 4 - 3 - 3
Playing Type: Aggressive

Goal Keepers:
[b]Jonafin Woss[/b]
Amelio Amarillo
John Johnston

[b]Brian Brians - CB[/b]
[b]Jim Jameson - CB[/b]
[b]Simon Simmons - RB[/b]
[b]Peter Patterson - LB[/b]
Andy Andrews
Carl Cramer
Addison Addison
Tom Thompson

[b]Pete Burns - DMF[/b]
[b]Sodus Coal - CL[/b]
[b]Anda Fyre - CR[/b]
Dusa Conkreet
Nowit Dussin
Dusit Nott

[b]Iykan Keekeet - CF[/b]
[b]Sokan Aye - LWF[/b]
[b]Mi Tou - RWF[/b]
Ifink Iykan
Ikno Iykan
Kanu Reely

Iykan Keekeet
Sokan Aye
Mi Tou
Sodus Coal
Anda Fyre

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Application form:
Nation Name: Marscurian Siberia
International Team Nickname: Tigers
Continent: Asia
Current World Rank: 8th
Favored Formation: 3-4-3
Playing Type: Defensive
[b]1) Tevye Melken
2) Avram Buch
3) Alexandr Flotstein[/b]
4) David Groismann
5) Nikolai Jonberg
6) Ber Baum
7) Vladimir Proschumenschikov

[b]8) Mikhail Steinomon (C)
9) Boris Trinkov
10) Herschel Schaynen
11) Dmitri Hundmann
[/b]12) Lev Schriver
13) Dov Berg
14) Mordechai Koenig

[b]15) Feivel Klaynsig
16) Perchik Rosen
17) Lazar Wulf
[/b]18) Motel Maydelmann
19) Vladimir Evryvich
20) Boris Sarandov

[b]21) Sasha Antovich[/b]
22) Mishkan Guronov
23) Pavel Jansky

8) Mikhail Steinoman
12) Lev Schriver
15) Feivel Klaynsig
7) Vladimir Proshumenschikov
20) Boris Sarandov

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Nation Name: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
National Team Name: Sri Lanka Yellows
Continent: Asia
Formation: 3-4-3
Playing Style: Offensive

[u]Sri Lanka Yellows[/u]
Manager: Laura Sostra
23 Man Roster:
Keeper (3)
[b]01 - Manuel Jansen - (Ratnam)[/b]
12 - Viraj Kumara - (Saunders)
22 - H. J. Wiese - (Sri Lanka Navy)

Defense (7)
[b]02 - Sanjaya Pradeep Asanka - (Sri Lanka Police)
03 - W. D. R. Dinesh Hettiarachchi - (Saunders)[/b]
04 - Dennis Taşçı - (Jupiters)
05 - Serdar Aogo - (Saunders)
14 - Holger Fernando - (Don Bosco)
[b]16 - P. O. Thuwan - (Sri Lanka Air Force)[/b]
17 - Sebastian Mielitz - (Negombo Youth)

Midfield (7)
[b]06 - Hasan Kumar Das - (Mohammedan SC)[/b]
07 - Prantosh Al-Mamun - (Abahani Ltd.)
[b]08 - M. L. Mishu - (Don Bosco)
15 - Piotr Kroos - (Ratnam ©)
18 - Toni Trochowski - (Ratnam)[/b]
20 - Jérôme Khedira - (Blue Star Kalutara)
21 - Marko Fritz - (Blue Star Kalutara)

Forwards (6)
[b]09 - Mohamed Izzadeen - (Saunders)[/b]
10 - Zahid Arman - (Abahani Ltd.)
[b]11 - Miroslav Müller - (Ratnam)[/b]
13 - Aziz Al Hossein - (Mohammedan SC)
19 - Claudemir Barreto - (Sri Lanka Police)
[b]23 - S. K. Lahiru Tharaka Silva - (Ratnam)[/b]

Penalty Takers:
Miroslav Müller
S. K. Lahiru Tharaka Silva
Mohamed Izzadeen
Piotr Kroos
Toni Trochowski

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Nation Name: Greater Korean Federation
National Team Name: Taegeuk Jeonsa
Continent: Asia
Formation: 4-2-3-1
Playing Style: Offensive
Aggression: Normal

23 Man Roster:

Goal Keepers

[b]1 GK Shin Gwa-Yong [/b]
10 GK Hwang Gyo-Chung
17 GK Song Dong-Min


[b]3 DF Kim Kwang-Seok [/b]
[b]4 DF Kazunari Okatomo[/b]
[b]13 DF Cho Hong-Gu [/b]
15 DF Ahn Tae-Gwang
[b]19 DF Hwang Jae-Myeong (captain) [/b]


[b]2 MF Park Hyui-Chul [/b]
[b]5 MF Kim Tae-Myeong [/b]
[b]6 MF Kim Ji-Dong [/b]
[b]7 MF Kim Gae-Sung [/b]
[b]8 MF Hwang Jin-Myeong [/b]
11 MF Cho Han-Bum
12 MF Kim Ba-Woo
14 MF Kim Jung-Kyum
16 MF Shin Hyung-Min
20 MF Jung Seok-Min
22 MF Kim Chang-Hoon
23 MF Song Chang-Ho


[b]9 FW Seol Ki-Myeon [/b]
18 FW Yoo Chang-Myun
21 FW Cho Chan-Hok

Penalty Takers:

9 FW Seol Ki-Myeon
18 FW Yoo Chang-Myun
21 FW Cho Chan-Hok
22 MF Kim Chang-Hoon
23 MF Song Chang-Ho

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Nation Name: Funky Republic of Puerto Rico
International Team Nickname: Ravers
Continent: Caribbean/North America(?)
Current World Rank: 18
Favored Formation: 1(front)-3(mid)-4(back)
Playing Type: Defensive

Head Coach: Toribio Verde
GK James Carp
GK Gabriel Landon
DF Rorik Denano
DF Christopher Alexis
DF Marcus Velez - Captain
DF Rick Martínez
DF Michael Juan
DF Kevin Ulonder
DF Marco Rivera
MF Raphel Ortiz
MF Ndamokah Delgado
MF Petro Villegas
MF Queso Rosa
MF Harold Perro
MF Isaac Negro
MF Carlos Morales
MF Joshua Villazono
MF Andrés Cabrero
FW Michael Caro
FW Chris Megaloudis
FW Gadiel Figueroa
FW Eloy Matos
FW Alexander Iguez

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[color="#006400"]Nation Name: Transvaal
International Team Nickname: Springboks, the ’Boks, [i]Die Bokke[/i], [i]amaBokoboko[/i]
Continent: Africa
Current World Rank: Cup of Nations: 2nd; Liga Mundo: 4th; Transvaal Cup: 3rd
Favored Formation: 3-5-2
Playing Type: Aggressive

GK - Thurston Alderton (Transvaal Springboks)
GK - Manos Torgo (Windhoek Welwitschia)
GK - Wollo Schampa (NVK Kaapstad Hornets)
GK - Oskar Dietze (NVK Kaapstad Hornets)
GK - Gil Sá (Windhoek Welwitschia)
D - Joep Boekweg (Transvaal Springboks
D - Leon Hooiber (Transvaal Springboks)
D - Eugene Tchami (NVK Kaapstad Hornets) - injured until Dec.28
D - Lukas Fik (Windhoek Welwitschia)
D - Boyke Chan Carl (Windhoek Welwitschia)
D - Cartlon Drury (Windhoek Welwitschia)
D - Anthony Davids (NVK Kaapstad Hornets)
D - Dingiswayo Ngwane (NVK Kaapstad Hornets)
D / MF - Benin Ndiako (NVK Kaapstad Hornets)
MF - Matthias Rieger (Transvaal Springboks)
MF - Detlef Botha (Transvaal Springboks)
MF - Stien van Buyten (Transvaal Springboks)
MF - Jamie Alcott (Windhoek Welwitschia)
MF - Bert Schut (Windhoek Welwitschia)
MF - Henk Schot (Transvaal Springboks)
MF - Mark Verwayen (Transvaal Springboks)
MF - Vorster de Vries (Windhoek Welwitschia)
MF - Dakarai Baako (NVK Kaapstad Hornets)
MF / F - Emmanuel Hörtnagl - (Transvaal Springboks) - injured until Dec.26
F - Pierre Schulp (Windhoek Welwitschia)
F Charles Brennan (Transvaal Springboks)
F - Balthazar Botha (Transvaal Springboks)
F / MF - Kees Waterreus (Windhoek Welwitschia)
F - Samuel Evans (Windhoek Welwitschia)

Manager Bartnel Botha has stated he will go with a 20-man roster consisting of 3 goalkeepers, 5 fullbacks, 7 midfielders, and 4 forwards with 1 utility player.

[i]Goalkeeping:[/i] It used to be that the national side had simply one option in net: Thurston Alderton. However in the past couple of seasons, Transvaler footballing fans have seen the ascendancy of Windhoek Welwitschia especially and Kaapstad Hornets to a lesser extent as providers of fine talent - and in net the nationals have five viable options. Alderton and Torgo are probable shoo-ins although many observers think now is the time for Manos "The Hands of Fate" Torgo to wrestle the starting position from the legendary Alderton. For the third-stringer spot, it is all open. Gil Sá has had some national team experience but will find stiff competition from Hornets keepers Schampa and Dietze. Wollo Schampa has been the Hornets starter the past three seasons but Dietze may edge out his teammate due to his youth - it is no secret that Manager Botha views Oskar Dietze as a future national starter after Alderton and Torgo have had their crack in goal.




Utility: This spot will be filled by one of three multi-purpose players: midfielder Emmanuel Hörtnagl, fullback Benin Ndiako, or forward Kees Waterreus. And whatever player Manager Botha goes with will shed a lot of light on which tactical direction the Springboks will take and where they will be most versatile. If Hörtnagl is chosen, this will fortify the penalty kick situation and as well would signal that Manager Botha feels the attack needs to be strengthened - and all Trasnvaler teams have been most weakest up front. Benin Ndiako, a fullback set-play kicker, led the Nordreich Liga last season for goal-scoring and his selection would indicate a more defensive game albeit with an attacking-defense attitude as Ndiako has pulled play-making duties on the midfield to throw off the opposing defensive markers. If Kees Waterreus is selected, which is viewed to be the least likely decision, then this would indicate that Manager Botha feels his attack is strong enough and is thus fortifying his midfield to give them more play-making options. Waterreus may be a forward but has some seasons seen more duty back on the midfield as an alternate playmaker to catch unsuspecting teams off-guard.[/color]

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Nation Name: The Maritime Republic of J Andres
National Team Name: (J Andres) Anchormen
Continent: North America
World Rank: 20
Formation: 3-4-3
Playing Style: Aggressive

J Andres Anchorment Roster
Coaching Staff: Earl Bannister, Karim Hurley, and Jack Miller

[b]Beau Schmidt[/b]
Jeremiah Demastus
Bernard Gore

[b]Colin Rudolph Levy[/b]
Alvin Nunley
[b]Kyle Saxon[/b]
[b]Wesley Whatley[/b]
Gene Jamerson
Pablo Venturi

[b]Hilton Wheeler[/b]
[b]Maria Conforti[/b]
[b]Johnny Mercton III[/b]
[b]Paul Kee[/b]
Cory Stuck
Brad Spreen
Joshua Rubinstein

[b]Norman Bellinger[/b]
[b]Wilford Hobbs[/b]
[b]Jorge Capulet[/b]
Bryant Gasper
Margarito Morrero
Roberto Alfredo

Penalty Kicks:
Johnny Mercton III
Jorge Capulet
Norman Bellinger
Paul Kee
Colin Rudolph Levy

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Nation Name: [i]Kingdom of Ireland[/i]
National Team Name: [i]Emerald Devils[/i]
Continent: [i]Europe[/i]
World Rank: [i]Not Listed[/i]
Formation: [i]3-3-1-3[/i]
Playing Style: [i]Aggressive[/i]

[u]Kingdom of Ireland's Emerald Devils Roster[/u]

Manager: Ronald Burke

23 Man Roster:

Keeper (3):

[b]23 - Aodh Carroll[/b]
13 - Neil Flynn
09- Chester Heally

Defense (7):

[b]14 - Michael Connelly[/b]
07 - Ricard Quinn
[b]11 - Diarmuid Reilly[/b]
[b]08 - Sullivan Smith[/b]
22 - Jeremiah O'Donnel
06 - Charles McGuire
05 - Oslo Smith

Midfield (7):

16 - Brandon Walsh
04 - Austin Thompson
[b]02 - Breanainn Moore
15 - Liam Johnston[/b]
[b]18 - Miles Hughes[/b]
20 - Caden Maguire
[b]21 - Dorian Shea[/b]

Forwards (6):

[b]03 - Ross Browne[/b]
02 - Keaton Smith
17 - Johnathan McCormick
[b]12 - Olaf Vincinco
10 - Erich Vaughn[/b]
01 - Charlie Humphries

Penalty Takers:

11 - Diarmuid Reilly
03 - Ross Browne
15 - Liam Johnston
08 - Sullivan Smith
22 - Jeremiah O'Donnel

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Application form:
Nation Name: England
International Team Nickname: Three Lions
Continent: Europe
Current World Rank: Not Listed
Favored Formation: 4-4-2
Playing Type: Aggressive

Big Sam

[b]England World Cup Squad[/b]


[b]1 Davvid Jomes[/b]
12 Roberto Greenshanks
23 Joe Hartless


[b]2 Glen Morris
3 Ashley kileleah
5 Rio England
6 John Doe[/b]
13 Stephen Blackburn
15 Matthew Brotherton
18 Jamie Mkay
20 Ledley Martins


[b]4 Steven"DrilledyourMum" Gerrardinthebum[/b]
7 Aaron Bennington
[b]8 Frank Christmas
11 Joe Fallows[/b]
14 Gareth Gaytes
16 James Magners
17 Shaun Colon
[b]22 Michael Goddferry[/b]


[b]9 Peter Andrews
10 Wayne Middleton[/b]
19 Jeremy Clarks
21 David Winsor

[b]Penalty Takers[/b]
Peter Andrews
Wayne Middleton
Frank Christmas
John Doe
David Windsor

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Nation Name: Arctica
International Team Nickname: Lemurs
Continent: Africa
Current World Rank: 15
Favored Formation: 4-4-2
Playing Type: Neutral
GK Jean Raharison
GK [b]James Stacker[/b]
GK Steve Silverman

D Jean-Jacques Ramanantsoa
D Sedera Randriamparany
D [b]Mamisoa Razafindrakoto[/b] ©
D George Stabler
D [b]Tojonavalona Rajaonarisoa[/b]
D [b]Urbain Andriama[/b]
D Mazinot Valentin
D [b]John Rezner[/b]

MF Hubert Robson
MF [b]John Paul[/b]
MF [b]Jean Britton Mandilimana[/b]
MF [b]Rija Rakotomandimby[/b]
MF Milison Niasexe
MF [b]Nelson Laurence[/b]

F [b]Guillaume Hoarau[/b]
F [b]Roberto Elcaman[/b]
F Mamoudou Diallo
F Kalifou Makala
F Michel Fontaine
F Eric Farro

Penalty Takers: Mamoudou Diallo, Eric Farro, Milison Niasexe, Michel Fontaine, Mazinot Valentin

OOC: Same roster as before, lol

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1292906186' post='2547574']Botha, let me know when you have a full roster. Need at least two more for a tournament.[/quote]

GK - Thurston Alderton (Transvaal Springboks) - penalty kicker
GK - Manos Torgo (Windhoek Welwitschia)
GK - Oskar Dietze (NVK Kaapstad Hornets)
D - Joep Boekweg (Transvaal Springboks) - captain
D - Eugene Tchami (NVK Kaapstad Hornets) - injured until Dec.28
D - Boyke Chan Carl (Windhoek Welwitschia) - alternate freekicker
D - Cartlon Drury (Windhoek Welwitschia)
D - Dingiswayo Ngwane (NVK Kaapstad Hornets) - alternate penalty kicker
D / MF - Benin Ndiako (NVK Kaapstad Hornets)
MF - Matthias Rieger (Transvaal Springboks)
MF - Detlef Botha (Transvaal Springboks) - freekick/corner kicker
MF - Stien van Buyten (Transvaal Springboks)
MF - Jamie Alcott (Windhoek Welwitschia)
MF - Bert Schut (Windhoek Welwitschia)
MF - Vorster de Vries (Windhoek Welwitschia)
MF - Dakarai Baako (NVK Kaapstad Hornets)
MF / F - Emmanuel Hörtnagl - (Transvaal Springboks) - injured until Dec.26
F - Pierre Schulp (Windhoek Welwitschia)
F - Balthazar Botha (Transvaal Springboks)
F - Samuel Evans (Windhoek Welwitschia)[/color]

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Nation Name: Kingdom of Cochin
International Team Nickname: Cochin National Football Team
Continent: Asia
Current World Rank: 4
Favored Formation: 4-4-2
Playing Type: Aggressive

23 Man Roster:

[u]Goal Keepers[/u]
[b]1 - Prakash Krishnan[/b]
24 - Shubhashish Roy - Mahindra Chargers
19 - Arindam Chaudhary - Churchill Brothers

[b]5 - Anwar Ibrahim [/b]
12 - Deepak Mondal - Dempo SC
[b]14 - Mahesh Gawli[/b]
[b]17 - Dengbo Wangd[/b]
[b]19 - Vasili Petrovich[/b]
20 - Samir Naik - Malappuram United
41 - Rakesh Majumdar - East Bengal

[b]7 - Pradeep Pappachan[/b]
8 - Chou Wa Bei - FC Yining
23 - Steven Dias - Dempo SC
[b]27 - Mehrajuddin Wadoo[/b]
[b]28 - Anthony Pereira (C) [/b]
[b]16 - Clifford Miranda[/b]
30 -Cleetus Lawrence - FC Cochin
22 - Syed Rahim Nabi - FC Yining
25 - James Lukram Singh - Patiala United

11 - Sunil Chhetri - FC Cochin
15 - Goutam Gorung - Malappuram United
[b]9 - Rithu KS[/b]
18 - Nandgopal M - Viva Kerala FC
[b]21 - Vipin Das [/b]

Penalty Takers:

Rithu KS
Vipin Das
Pradeep Pappachan
Clifford Miranda
Prakash Krishnan
Nandgopal M (Sub)

Manager : Bhaichung Bhutia
Coach : IM Vijayan
Captain : Anthony Pereira

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Nation Name: Principality of Monaco
International Team Nickname: Sereine Rouge (Serene Red)
Continent: Europe
Current World Rank: 21
Favored Formation: 4-4-2
Playing Type: Aggressive


[b]1 Aubert Rousseau III[/b]
14 Louis Refreshe
15 Francisco Martinez


[b]2 Jacques Louis-David
3 Scott Renard[/b]
4 Francis Rotterbauer
18 Harold McConnell
17 Auguste Desmarais


Nicholaus Scarmaker
[b]8 Carlos Martinez-Gonzalez
9 Timothy Messerschmit
24 Marcos Polos
10 Edward Chichito[/b]
26 Sean Moreau
19 Zachary Smith
20 Alexandre Desmarais

5 Edmond Dupont
6 David Brun (C)
7 Denis Martin
12 William Chevalier[/b]
28 Damien Fortescue
30 Marcos Montigo

Penalty Takers:

Edmon Dupont
Sean Moreau
William Chevalier
Louis Refreshe
Nicholaus Scarmaker

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[color="#006400"][i]JOHANNESBURG FREE PRESS:[/i] Manager Bartnel Botha has assembled one of the most impressively talented line-ups ever seen for a Transvaler national squad. “It’s pretty obvious – we are in this to win it all” he stated during the press conference announcement held this morning at the offices of the [i]Transvaal Voetbalsvereniging[/i]. And with that statement in hand, [i]JFP [/i]will now examine the 20 players on whose shoulders the hopes of Southern Africa are being carried:

[i]NOTATION: sweater number (age / X11 strength / games played)[/i]

# 1 (34 / 9 / 102) Thurston [b]Alderton [/b](Transvaal Springboks) - penalty kicker
#27 (24 / 9 / 38) Manos [b]Torgo [/b](Windhoek Welwitschia)
#30 (23 / 8 / 34) Oskar [b]Dietze [/b](NVK Kaapstad Hornets)

Watch for Manos Torgo, the smart and relaxed keeper of the Welwitschias edge out the legendary Thurston Alderton for half the starts. Dietze will probably see no action baring injuries but won’t be intimidated should he find himself between the posts. When Alderton is playing, he will most likely handle Transvaal’s penalty kicks.

#2 (31 / 10 / 152) Joep [b]Boekweg [/b](Transvaal Springboks) - captain
#18 (27 / 10 / 93) Boyke [b]Chan Carl [/b](Windhoek Welwitschia) - alternate freekicker
#4 (27 / 10 / 73) Carlton [b]Drury [/b](Windhoek Welwitschia)
#3 (24 / 9 / 65) Eugene [b]Tchami [/b](NVK Kaapstad Hornets) - injured until Dec.28
#5 (23 / 9 / 58) Dingiswayo [b]Ngwane [/b](NVK Kaapstad Hornets) - alternate penalty kicker

[i]PROBABLE STARTERS: Boekweg / Chan Carl / Drury[/i]
The Springboks backfield deep and rich in talent and Manager Botha will have many options before him. Watch for Boyke Chan Carl take on the freekicking duties should Detlef Botha not be available. Should goalkeeper Alderton not get the start, then Dingiswayo Ngwane will most likely sub-out Drury as the third fullback to cover for penalties as Ngwane’s penalty kicking ability is famous throughout the Nordreich Liga. Eugene Tchami is a hardworking, formidable defender and will likely rotate with Boekweg should the elder defender not find himself in top form.

#11 (34 / 10 / 109) Matthias [b]Rieger [/b](Transvaal Springboks)
#6 (26 / 10 / 89) Bert [b]Schut [/b](Windhoek Welwitschia)
#17 (25 / 10 / 89) [b]D[/b]etlef [b]Botha [/b](Transvaal Springboks) - freekick/corner kicker
#9 (27 / 10 / 83) Jamie [b]Alcott [/b](Windhoek Welwitschia)
#21 (26 / 9 / 80) Vorster [b]de Vries [/b](Windhoek Welwitschia)
#20 (28 / 9 / 123) Stien [b]van Buyten [/b](Transvaal Springboks)
#7 (34 / 7 / 96) Dakarai [b]Baako [/b](NVK Kaapstad Hornets)

[i]PROBABLE STARTERS: Rieger / Schut / D Botha / Alcott / de Vries [/i]
Transvaal teams are noted for their strong midfield pressure and the men who will prowl the midfield will be instrumental in the Springboks’ success or failure. Matthias Rieger is the grand old man of the midfield but his production has been lacking the last few seasons in Liga Mundo. If he cannot find his peak form, Manager Botha will not hesitate to substitute or relegate to the pressbox. The moody but incredibly dangerous Schut paired up with the tough, gritty play of Detlef Botha will likely provide most of the offense out of the midfield. Detlef Botha is probably one of the most dangerous freekickers in the game today and has been known to decimate teams with his surgical dissection of opposing goalkeepers with his kicks. Jamie Alcott and de Vries bring potent firepower to supplement Schut and Detlef. De Vries is noted for his strong outside shot while Alcott is more of a game finisher. Stien van Buyten will step in when Rieger is out and the intelligent playmaker will easily take on the role of field general. Dakarai Baako will likely see time as a substitute as the fan favourite and legend of the old UCFA takes to the field in what will likely be his final international tournament after announcing his retirement from professional soccer at the conclusion of the Nordreich Liga campaign. Baako will only see a start if the opposing team is expected to provide little to no opposition. As the only player ever to compete in all four CN Football tournaments to date (UCFA, FIFOB Alliance Cup, Transvaal Cup, and Cup of Nations), expect those matches to be filled to capacity as CN footballing fans show up to witness the twilight of a true legend and say “Thank you Baako!”

#12 (28 / 9 / 63) Pierre [b]Schulp [/b](Windhoek Welwitschia)
#26 (27 / 8 / 100) [b]B[/b]althazar [b]Botha [/b](Transvaal Springboks)
#15 (26 / 8 / 42) Samuel [b]Evans [/b](Windhoek Welwitschia)

[i]PROBABLE STARTERS: B Botha / Evans[/i]
Transvaler teams are traditionally weak up front compared to other positions. That doesn’t mean that their attack will be firing blanks, but typically this is the least creative area of the game for the ’Boks. Schulp is the most talented forward in this line-up but Manager Botha will probably keep him fresh as a substitute and opt for the theatrical Balthazar Botha and the punishing Sam Evans. Balthazar is an ace at exploiting poor refereeing to his advantage while Evans – the most underrated player on this team – really likes to force defensive turnovers and then capitalise on poor opposing keeper position with his wicked snipe of a shot.

[b]UTILITY [/b]
#16 D / MF (22 / 8 / 35) Benin [b]Ndiako [/b](NVK Kaapstad Hornets)
#13 MF / F (26 / 8 / 70) Emmanuel [b]Hörtnagl [/b]- (Transvaal Springboks) - injured until Dec.26
Ndiako and Hörtnagl are both capable of being starters but have been assigned the roles of utility players should unforseen injuries arise or Manager Botha sees the need to shake things up on the pitch. The midfielder Hörtnagl will probably see most of his action as a forward substitute late in the game. Should Transvaal face penalty kicks after extra time, Hörtnagl’s penalty ability will be critical alongside Alderton, Ngwane, and Alcott. Likewsie with Ndiako, who is comfortable both at home on the defense as well as in the midfield zone. He is a more than adept alternate for freekicks should Detlef and Boyke not find themselves in their A-game. Should either of these two players get the start, that alone will send definite signals as to whether Die Bokke is going with a defensive-back pressure or offensive counter-attacking system. Hörtnagl can also be a competent playmaker on midfield if Rieger and Van Buyten are not in the match. [/color]

Edited by Botha
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