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What is your proudest moment?

Emperor Whimsical

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1293228625' post='2552949']
This is at the same time the most hilarious and most depressing thing I have ever read on these forums.

You are one to talk with all that over the top Pacifican crap. It reads like a recruiting poster. Did you forget this thread was OOC?

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being 100% correct about the direction gramlins was heading in with Ramirus in charge, making a spectcle of myself in the process and screaming as loud as possible for any of the archons to hear and make a change (particularly after the umbrella B.S.). After creating that noise, not leaving on the eve of war and sticking with Gramlins on the first wave against IRON in defense of MK and taking subsequent staggers from OG and Zenith.

I had authorization to leave and it would have been easy to do, but the right thing to do was not to leave an AA that had protected me and given me a home on the eve of war, particularly against MK an alliance I respect.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1293670351' post='2557763']
You are one to talk with all that over the top Pacifican crap. It reads like a recruiting poster. Did you forget this thread was OOC?
I really hope you're being serious because !@#$@#$ hell.

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I can think of many things that felt like the proudest moment at the time, but then that later comes into question on whether that is something I really should of been proud of at all.

When I first got elected into the senate of FCC I was proud to take on that role as an official gov member.

When I first became nuclear capable, making me a valuable military asset to my alliance I was very proud.

When I became appointed a FCC high judge court I was proud to take on another trusted role in the alliance.

When MK got pulled into the noCB War and FCC was torn between its treaty partners I was proud to be willing to sacrifice my nation to defend an alliance I was treaty bound to even if most of the FCC couldn't. I stayed for a few week using my slots for reps after the war ended as well, but when I entered I expected there to be no peace for MK and got my MP just in time at least.

Later when i was made King of FCC and everyone was impressed with our new direction, that was my proudest time. When I had the FCC declare on IRON to help our allies and had the FCC win its first war I was proud as well. I was also proud of many of the treaties I got signed with good friends while King. (Fark ODP, OMFG ODP, Argent MDP)

During the BiPolar War I was a member of NSO and was proud of what I did during that war as well and the influence I had in helping NSO continue to fight alongside TOP/IRON/TORN for as long as they did even though NSO seemed like it had been abandoned by all its allies.

I was also proud of all the nukes I launched off before coming to a peace agreement in the most recent war I had with GOONS (49), but with accomplishments there is also the realization that what some see as good, others consider a negative. I think the best way to continue forward is not to bother with regrets, but some of the things I was most proud of I'm not so proud of anymore, also its hard to compare what was my proudest moment at the time and comparing them based on memory of how I felt.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1293670351' post='2557763']
You are one to talk with all that over the top Pacifican crap. It reads like a recruiting poster. Did you forget this thread was OOC?
Occasionally, every once in a great while, I say something that is tongue in cheek. This post you speak of was, in fact, one of those moments. I was poking a bit of fun at the rather high self-esteem that many NPO members have.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1293759884' post='2558788']
Occasionally, every once in a great while, I say something that is tongue in cheek. This post you speak of was, in fact, one of those moments. I was poking a bit of fun at the rather high self-esteem that many NPO members have.

Thought there was a decent chance of that, but that's why I hate pure text communication methods, so much of human communication is in addition to the actual words spoken. You are never sure if you have someones intent right or not.

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Let's see, there's a few.

Fighting in the Karma War was definitely one of them. It was the culmination of a couple of years of being under the NPO jackboot in various ways(mainly through their sponsorship of Nordreich and Norden Verein), and it felt lovely to get revenge for it. Also, it the first time I was on the winning side in a major war, which is kind of ridiculous because I'd been playing for three years at that point.

Also, fighting almost to the bitter end with SWF in GWIII. Never has an alliance gone down in flames against so bitter a foe quite like that. Really, me fighting the fascists in all the ideological wars was full of proud moments.

Oh yea, also fighting with MK in the Unjust War. Kinda wish I could go back some times, haha.

Edited by Comrade Mao
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Fighting my first war. The alliance was disorganized, but other new members and I were organized. The excitement for initiating and fighting my first war was indescribable. Shortly after that I met Ada for the first time, asking for aid. He still remains one of my best friends in the game.

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[quote name='JBone' timestamp='1292546606' post='2541319']
Stopping Slayer from destroying NEW when they wanted to leave TPF and form their own AA.

Stopping Slayer from destroying PC when they wanted to leave TPF and form their own AA.

Stopping Slayer from destroying AQ when they wanted to leave TPF and form their own AA.

Stopping Slayer from destroying AX when they wanted to leave TPF and form their own AA.

.....guess he really hated when folks did that.

War on former blood brothers venturing out on their own is not something I can stomach, let alone condone.
Pretty sure Slayer won a badge for that..

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1293759884' post='2558788']
Occasionally, every once in a great while, I say something that is tongue in cheek. This post you speak of was, in fact, one of those moments. I was poking a bit of fun at the rather high self-esteem that many NPO members have.
How dare you speak in a non-adoring manner about the glorious Pacifican master race. :((

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Overall: Helping create Gremlins

Especially: lowering IRONs reps in Karma in the peace negotiations
(doesnt sound like much, but those negotiations were hell and we still - kinda - got what we wanted)

Must fun were the many charges i lead against alliances while serving in Gre/TOP milcom. It's just awesome to see the anarchy count go up by the second.

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While in some ways it is everyday since karma, the day that sticks out the most is dec 24 2010, the day I bought my wrc. Just a reminder how awesome the NPO is, and despite the absurd amount of reps and less amount of members we're gunning so close to the #1 spot again.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1293228625' post='2552949']
This is at the same time the most hilarious and most depressing thing I have ever read on these forums.
You can go $%&@ yourself. The little general members like me take pride and get a kick out of the small things. If you've got a beef with that, feel free to war me over it, I'll do a 1 on 1. That's how insulting your comment is, !@#$%^&.


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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1293996521' post='2561005']
You can go $%&@ yourself. The little general members like me take pride and get a kick out of the small things. If you've got a beef with that, feel free to war me over it, I'll do a 1 on 1. That's how insulting your comment is, !@#$%^&.

I think that was a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle over the top there, Tedd.

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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1294028812' post='2561528']
Probably, but the ignorance in the comment the guy made infuriated me.
I don't see how it's ignorant to consider it incredibly depressing that you consider making a sig for someone who's been clicking buttons longer than you to be the highlight of your CN career.

But no, your tough guy act is really making me find new respect for you.

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1294017039' post='2561286']
I think that was a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle over the top there, Tedd.

We're considering a resolution to restrict him to decaf, but eh, its stuck in committee, you know how it is.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1294039558' post='2561717']
I don't see how it's ignorant to consider it incredibly depressing that you consider making a sig for someone who's been clicking buttons longer than you to be the highlight of your CN career.

But no, your tough guy act is really making me find new respect for you.
I've made sigs for many Viridians, I have a thread where they ask for 'em. I realize generosity is foreign to you, but the rest of us understand.

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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1294063632' post='2561905']
I've made sigs for many Viridians, I have a thread where they ask for 'em. I realize generosity is foreign to you, but the rest of us understand.
I don't think you understand my point. I am saying it is [b]hilarious[/b] that your [i]proudest moment in CN[/i] is the fact that you created a signature for a large nation. It has nothing to do with the fact that you make sigs for your alliancemates.

Edited by New Frontier
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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1294072240' post='2561994']
I don't think you understand my point. I am saying it is [b]hilarious[/b] that your [i]proudest moment in CN[/i] is the fact that you created a signature for a large nation. It has nothing to do with the fact that you make sigs for your alliancemates.

Actually, your previous post attempted to poke fun at me making a sig for Colin. At least, that's how the rest of us interpreted it. Not only that, but the first thing you quoted - my first post - wasn't the entire post. I posted my proudest moment, which you didn't quote, and then a few other minor things. I could add to that list nuking you to hell if you insist.

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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1294079176' post='2562096']
Actually, your previous post attempted to poke fun at me making a sig for Colin. At least, that's how the rest of us interpreted it. Not only that, but the first thing you quoted - my first post - wasn't the entire post. I posted my proudest moment, which you didn't quote, and then a few other minor things. I could add to that list nuking you to hell if you insist.
Make it happen, cap'n.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1294086363' post='2562203']
Make it happen, cap'n.
Wonderful job replying to none of the content in my post, instead just making a poor attempt at calling me a coward. Stay on the topic, less you concede your entire point.

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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1294091207' post='2562266']
Wonderful job replying to none of the content in my post, instead just making a poor attempt at calling me a coward. Stay on the topic, less you concede your entire point.
What point? The one where you stated that you misunderstood my statement?

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