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Legacy Announcement

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[center]Live As If You're Already Dead[/center]

Legacy is proud to announce an event lasting from Cyber Friday through Black Monday! (that was done on purpose for anyone who cant tell...)

On Legacy's forums (found here [url]http://s4.zetaboards.com/Legacy/index/[/url]) we will be opening a special section from this Friday at 12am until midnight on Monday. It will be open to anyone on Planet Bob and will contain various games, giveaways, and random happenings. The following are the contests you will find:

[quote][b][u]Game 1[/u][/b] - Short story / essay contest. Write a 250-500 word essay

Details - There will be two categories with two themes in both categories. You can choose no more than one story from each category.
Category 1: If you could choose to be immortal or mortal, which would you choose and why? OR Who in your life do you think deserves Legend status and why?
Category 2: Short Story on the Tortoise and the Hare. OR Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?

Prize - 3mil + 50 tech for top 2 stories in each area.[/quote]

[quote][b][u]Game 2[/u][/b] - Art Contest! Kick-ass Legacy Coat of Arms

Details - Best one wins...

Prize - 6mil + 100 tech for best design[/quote]

[quote][b][u]Game 3[/u][/b] - Last post game.

Details - Last person to post wins...

Prize - 3 million or 50 tech for last post in the last person to post thread.[/quote]

[quote][b][u]Game 4[/u][/b] - NFL Pick Em Week

Details - You will pick the winner of each game on sunday and the monday night game. You will also provide a score for the monday night game as a tie break. Posts must be in by Sunday at 1:00 PM

Prizes - 3 million + 50 tech for the winner[/quote]

[quote][b]Special Game 5 - [u]If[/u] an entry from either Game 1 or Game 2 absolutely blows us away you win 9 million and 100 tech.[/b][/quote]

Brought to you by Legacy - We pay YOU to pay attention to US

And yes...I am Sarm and I bring you cake!


Edited by Sarmatian Empire
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