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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote]Fortunately for Pacifica, we do not attribute the same degree of seriousness to the offense as they do.[/quote]

Newsflash: Due to the New Pacific Order being of a far more evil nature than MK, we are going to charge 50 million and 400 tech per dropped trade.We do have a reputation to maintain and we cannot allow everyone to forget how evil we really are. That is all.

Edited by Charles Stuart
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[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1289922934' post='2514675']
Wait, didn't Cager get banned too? Was not he also an ambassador on our forums? That would make three MK diplomats banned in recent days, so why is there no kerfuffle over his banning?

Oh. It's probably because whining over us banning a former member who "vandalized" intellectual property wouldn't make a very good anti-NPO PR stunt, whereas us banning two former members classified as traitors would, potentially, make for a better stunt. What I want to know is, judging by the fact that there was a two-year-long anti-Seerow thread, what made the Mushroom Kingdom think that sending Seerow over to our forums was a good idea? This reminds me of VE sending SethB and expecting some sort of flower-filled reception for him.

/me reads back

Oh, VE is still trying to capitalize off of that "brilliant" maneuver...
The plot thickens.

I recommend adding water to thin it out.

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I realise finding the truth is something the Kingdom takes great pride in. But it seems that the only editing that was done was a title of a signle thread and not post(s) that the op mentions.Now that the Mushroom Kingdom has been informed of a grevious mistake in the op I hope they will do everything in their power to correct said mistake.

Afterall the point of this was not to engage in a petty PR war with the NPO. Or was it? :unsure:

Edited by silentkiller
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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1289923236' post='2514683']
I realise finding the truth is something the Kingdom takes great pride in. But it seems that the only editing that was done was a title of a signle thread and not post(s) that the op mentions.Now that the Mushroom Kingdom has been informed of a grevious mistake in the op I hope they will do everything in their power to correct said mistake.
Stop trying to fix things. We'll miss out on another 20 pages of nothing.

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[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1289922934' post='2514675']Wait, didn't Cager get banned too? Was not he also an ambassador on our forums? That would make three MK diplomats banned in recent days, so why is there no kerfuffle over his banning?

Oh. It's probably because whining over us banning a former member who "vandalized" intellectual property wouldn't make a very good anti-NPO PR stunt, whereas us banning two former members classified as traitors would, potentially, make for a better stunt.[/quote]

Such cynicism. Cager's situation and this situation aren't even remotely comparable beyond the fact that they involve MKers getting banned from your forums. I really don't think anybody was surprised at the repercussions for Cager's (hilarious) prank - Seerow and Tamerlane, on the other hand, did nothing to provoke you other than simply being present.

[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1289922934' post='2514675']What I want to know is, judging by the fact that there was a two-year-long anti-Seerow thread, what made the Mushroom Kingdom think that sending Seerow over to our forums was a good idea? This reminds me of VE sending SethB and expecting some sort of flower-filled reception for him.[/quote]
Perhaps we were hoping that you had developed some capacity for maturity in the interim? Who knows.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1289923442' post='2514686']
Such cynicism. Cager's situation and this situation aren't even remotely comparable beyond the fact that they involve MKers getting banned from your forums. I really don't think anybody was surprised at the repercussions for Cager's (hilarious) prank - [b]Seerow and Tamerlane, on the other hand, did nothing to provoke you other than simply being present.[/b]

[b]Perhaps we were hoping that you had developed some capacity for maturity in the interim? Who knows.[/b][/quote]

Wait... Our feelings on Tamerlane and Seerow, you're saying, don't matter a whit to you, but WE should develop some maturity when you clearly have no desire to take the feelings of others into account?


Edited by Arcades057
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[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1289923590' post='2514687']
Wait... Our feelings on Tamerlane and Seerow, you're saying, don't matter a whit to you, but WE should develop some maturity when you clearly have no desire to take te feelings of others into account?

You ARE the Evil NPO, you know.

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[quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1289923659' post='2514688']
You ARE the Evil NPO, you know.

It does take quite a bit to live up to that moniker, and I'm afraid I've been inactive for a while so I'm not exactly at top form.

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[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1289923590' post='2514687']
Wait... Our feelings on Tamerlane and Seerow, you're saying, don't matter a whit to you, but WE should develop some maturity when you clearly have no desire to take te feelings of others into account?


Given neither of us did anything wrong? That's pretty much precisely what we're saying.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289923802' post='2514692']
Given neither of us did anything wrong? That's pretty much precisely what we're saying.

So you do not have a traitor mask on our forums, is what you're saying?

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[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1289922934' post='2514675']
Wait, didn't Cager get banned too? Was not he also an ambassador on our forums? That would make three MK diplomats banned in recent days, so why is there no kerfuffle over his banning?

Oh. It's probably because whining over us banning a former member who "vandalized" intellectual property wouldn't make a very good anti-NPO PR stunt, whereas us banning two former members classified as traitors would, potentially, make for a better stunt. What I want to know is, judging by the fact that there was a two-year-long anti-Seerow thread, what made the Mushroom Kingdom think that sending Seerow over to our forums was a good idea? This reminds me of VE sending SethB and expecting some sort of flower-filled reception for him.

/me reads back

Oh, VE is still trying to capitalize off of that "brilliant" maneuver...

Vandalized intellectual property? What does that even mean? Do you have proof of said offense or is this another manufactured situation that you guys seem to be so good at?

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289923886' post='2514696']
Vandalized intellectual property? What does that even mean? Do you have proof of said offense or is this another manufactured situation that you guys seem to be so good at?

Much like how the OP is based on half lies?

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289923886' post='2514696']
Vandalized intellectual property? What does that even mean? Do you have proof of said offense or is this another manufactured situation that you guys seem to be so good at?

No, there's proof, which I'm sure another more active Pacifican can find and provide to you at your request. Honestly I wouldn't even know where to look for it.

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289923886' post='2514696']
Vandalized intellectual property? What does that even mean?
The NPO forums and threads contained therein are the property of the NPO because the alliance and management of said forum are conceptualized by the NPO. To seek to deal physical damage or otherwise would constitute vandalism of the aforementioned property.

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[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1289923590' post='2514687']
Wait... Our feelings on Tamerlane and Seerow, you're saying, don't matter a whit to you, but WE should develop some maturity when you clearly have no desire to take the feelings of others into account?

I applaud your capacity for reading things that aren't there. What I'm [i]actually[/i] saying to you is that nothing in what either of the two actually Did Or Said during their brief sojourn as envoys on your boards could possibly have been construed as offensive or provocative, and that banning them simply for who they are is extremely immature. Was it Bilrow? It was Bilrow, wasn't it.

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[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1289923856' post='2514695']
So you do not have a traitor mask on our forums, is what you're saying?

I have an outcast mask, earned from leaving your alliance over 3 years ago in response to my leader and close friend being expelled. I have since moved on. NPO had their year of keeping me at ZI in the interim, one would think that getting their pound of flesh in such a manner would imply I have paid my dues, and they had moved on too.

The fact that they haven't is both hilarious and sad at the same time.

[quote]Vandalized intellectual property? What does that even mean? Do you have proof of said offense or is this another manufactured situation that you guys seem to be so good at?

I believe the vandalization they're referring to is some offsite drama. I remember hearing something about some drama going on with regards to that, and such an overt act is justification for removal from the forums.

Edited by Seerow
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[quote name='Farrin Xies' timestamp='1289924037' post='2514700']
NPO: Land of baby eatin', jackboot-wearin', diplomat-kickin' jerks. We are so ebil, I don't know how we live with ourselves.
Where has that Pacifica gone? I miss them.

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1289923982' post='2514697']
Much like how the OP is based on half lies?

Half lies? Again, don't just make accusations. Back it up with proof. So far the only thing that has been proven wrong about the OP is that 3 people were banned from the NPO forums and not 2.

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[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1289923991' post='2514698']
No, there's proof, which I'm sure another more active Pacifican can find and provide to you at your request. Honestly I wouldn't even know where to look for it.

AKA you have no idea what you are talking about and will wait for someone else in your alliance to come and bail you out for your statements. It's ok bro, I have been there before.

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So for clarification, the only reason the diplomats were expelled was because they were ex-NPO?

Why did NPO mask them in the first place if "only a few people" have the power to mask?

Don't complain about MK fishing for PR if you're just going to hand them valid reasons to complain...

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289924151' post='2514706']
AKA you have no idea what you are talking about and will wait for someone else in your alliance to come and bail you out for your statements. It's ok bro, I have been there before.

I edited my last post, but since it's on the previous page and likely won't be seen I want to comment that the vandalization mentioned is likely referencing something that took place offsite, which if I recall is what led to cager being banned. It is a completely separate incident, and was justified, which is why no mention of it was made.

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