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An Ordo Paradoxia/Duckroll Joint Announcement

the wompus

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Some may have seen it as inevitable that OP and Duckroll would work together at some point this round.

After all, both ducks and platypi have bills, webbed feet, and are generally feared as some of the most ferocious creatures in the animal kingdom.

I suppose it really does only make sense.

So, to commemorate working together, what better way than a movie tribute.


That's right....[size="5"]Forrest Gump[/size].

But we're not going to talk about 'Jenny' and how she stomped all over Forrest's heart.


She frustrates me.

We're also not going to talk about Lt. Dan either.


Things would have certainly been worse for him if he were nuked.

This also isn't about chocolates, jogging, or ping-pong.

So....what is this about?!?


That's right....[size="5"]Bubba[/size]!

Particularly, his favorite food....


As Bubba says "Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, PORK SHRIMP, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it. "

hmmm....[size="5"]PORK SHRIMP[/size]?!?! I don't remember that from the movie.

We're pretty hungry after all this food talk, so what better to eat in TE than some nukes.

Wow....those guys from Pork Shrimp sure have a lot of nukes.

However, Pork Shrimp just doesn't have enough to feed this hunger alone.

But who can we add to this party to make things more [i]even[/i]? (not that the OWF pays much attention to that)

Searching for inspiration, I came across this:


A rodent....one that obviously also has quite an appetite.

Which lead me to see that the guys from RD sure seem to have a lot of nukes too.

These 2 AA's should be willing to serve up plenty of nuke action. That sounds like a good time.

OP will also continue to have a side-dish of DF just to keep things interesting.

So, in honor of Bubba (and Forrest), we're introducing a new menu item...nuke fried shrimp!...but hopefully no (OWF) whine...er...I mean wine.


[size="5"][color="#0000FF"]OP and Duckroll hereby declare war on PORK SHRIMP and RODENTIA DOMINATUS, and of course OP will continue to battle with DESTRUCTOR FLEETS.[/color][/size]

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[quote name='dy Cazaril' timestamp='1285909752' post='2470776']
We :wub: you too.
Thanks. :)

I'm pretty impressed it is took both OP and DR to attack us (RD is surely there just for the stats.. as I've had a convo with Stevie about how "tough" they would be to take down), but hey, it's almost the end of the round, will be fun to destroy some infra.

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[quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1285910954' post='2470795']
Thanks. :)

I'm pretty impressed it is took both OP and DR to attack us (RD is surely there just for the stats.. as I've had a convo with Stevie about how "tough" they would be to take down), but hey, it's almost the end of the round, will be fun to destroy some infra.

They do have 30 some nukes, however ;)

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[quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1285911185' post='2470800']
They do have 30 some nukes, however ;)
I'm more interested in how many will check their nations once they see the email saying they had been declared on.. :P

Hopefully some of those nukes fly tomorrow though.

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[quote name='Strykewolf' timestamp='1285911646' post='2470810']
Glad I logged in today. Hmmmm...twice my size and failed to anarchy me (ROFLMAO). Oh well, time to find targets. :)
I know it is customary to brag and chest puff, but try to keep the facts correct please ;) Twice your size? I highly doubt that, as our nations were spread pretty thin for this blitz.

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[quote name='Strykewolf' timestamp='1285911646' post='2470810']
Glad I logged in today. Hmmmm...twice my size and failed to anarchy me (ROFLMAO). Oh well, time to find targets. :)
Nice! They are alive.

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[quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1285911862' post='2470813']
I know it is customary to brag and chest puff, but try to keep the facts correct please ;) Twice your size? I highly doubt that, as our nations were spread pretty thin for this blitz.



Attacking NS = 4,168.523 Defending ns (me) = 2,418.444

That's pretty close to a 2-1 since I just bulked. ;)

I may not be able to do much to my attacker, but...I am going to pillage those I can. :lol1::lol1::lol1::ehm:

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[quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1285910954' post='2470795']
Thanks. :)

I'm pretty impressed it is took both OP and DR to attack us (RD is surely there just for the stats.. as I've had a convo with Stevie about how "tough" they would be to take down), but hey, it's almost the end of the round, will be fun to destroy some infra.

I figured that someone would play the "stats" card. Jeeeezzee. We can't win for winning, or is that win for losing, or lose for winning? I am confused (not to be confused with [b]C[/b]onfused). :huh:

And pre war screen shot is available. Call me! :v:

And oh yeah....

Let's have fun!

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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1285913157' post='2470833']
I figured that someone would play the "stats" card. Jeeeezzee. We can't win for winning, or is that win for losing, or lose for winning? I am confused (not to be confused with [b]C[/b]onfused). :huh:

And pre war screen shot is available. Call me! :v:

And oh yeah....

Let's have fun!
Heh.. Like I said in my post, Stevie and I had a conversation about RD a few days ago.. Still, I hope they enjoy this war and fire off some of those nukes (It doesn't help their biggest nation is getting rogued and is responsible for 12 of those nukes, though.. but I bet you guys already knew that. ;) )

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[quote name='Strykewolf' timestamp='1285912533' post='2470821']


Attacking NS = 4,168.523 Defending ns (me) = 2,418.444

That's pretty close to a 2-1 since I just bulked. ;)

I may not be able to do much to my attacker, but...I am going to pillage those I can. :lol1::lol1::lol1::ehm:


Well, he got 2 anarchies, and the leftover troops went to you :P

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[quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1285913502' post='2470838']
Heh.. Like I said in my post, Stevie and I had a conversation about RD a few days ago.. Still, I hope they enjoy this war and fire off some of those nukes (It doesn't help their biggest nation is getting rogued and is responsible for 12 of those nukes, though.. but I bet you guys already knew that. ;) )

You guys are pretty capable yourselves. Half our nations are kinda inactive as well :(

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Dagnabit!!! Take my wife out for our anniversary i think... the nation will be okay tonight i think... my opponents aren't usually on at changeover i think...
Dinner was AWESOME!!
The Silver Gulch is worth the money:):)

Anarchy?... not so awesome... but the war declaration you guys posted is nice:)
ohwell.. I guess I had my 4 days on the top...
I was just there because nobody else wanted to pass me for fear of getting Rogued:):)
This is gonna be tough...

Edited by arcticllama
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