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Official Kerberos Nexus Announcement


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[quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1284403504' post='2452503']
Usually I am behind any kind of entertainment value, and it is always good fun to root for the underdog, but every time the Methrage gets involved with the GOONS, I have to think that his sanity slips further away from himself.

It warms my heart to know that GOONS aren't the only ones sharing this observation.

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I would be greatly interested in joining this fine group.

If I am accepted into LANCE, my first action will be to invoke this section:

[quote]III. Membership & Amendments
Alliances seeking membership require unanimous agreement of current signatories and an alliance can be removed from LANCE with a 2/3 majority vote of current signatories. Alliances wishing to remove their signature from this document can do so with 48 hour advance notice. This treaty can be modified with unanimous agreement of all signatory alliances. [/quote]

in order to start a vote amongst the signatories in hopes of removing Methrage and Kerberous Nexus from the group.

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[quote name='Keve69' timestamp='1284411884' post='2452652']
I would be greatly interested in joining this fine group.

If I am accepted into LANCE, my first action will be to invoke this section:

in order to start a vote amongst the signatories in hopes of removing Methrage and Kerberous Nexus from the group.

We've already tried the 'join and coup' angle with this guy...he'll just shrug it off and act like nothing happened and claim it wasn't real.

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[quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1284403504' post='2452503']
Usually I am behind any kind of entertainment value, and it is always good fun to root for the underdog, but every time the Methrage gets involved with the GOONS, I have to think that his sanity slips further away from himself.
Sanity is overrated in this insane world. :P

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1284412375' post='2452660']
We've already tried the 'join and coup' angle with this guy...he'll just shrug it off and act like nothing happened and claim it wasn't real.
You would have thought he'd at least learn to not include that clause this time around.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1284365657' post='2452105']
and with more joining in on the fight against GOONS they're losing strength quickly.

GOONS has literally INCREASED in strength over the last 3 days. If you want to complain about curbstomps that's your right, but lets not pretend they're happening the other way around, okay?

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1284415563' post='2452764']
I'm not sure what your best course of action at this juncture would be, but I'm fairly sure this isn't it.

Learn humility, surrender, pay reps, join a real alliance, rebuild. In that order.

Then rogue on GOONS again another 4 months down the road. Please?

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Methrage, how long can you actually keep fighting this war?

Seriously, what funds can you have besides what you gain as loot?

Its a serious question, no joking around. Your goals will keep you at war indefinitely and will see you wiped from bob.

Seek peace, live to fight another day.

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You know Methrage, our feelings about each other in this are kind of irrelevant. This isn't about petty disputes. This is about libertarianism. And I've watched every episode of that show where the two magicians push their agenda, so I know libertarianism. I'll sign this.

Mandolus of Mandolia

Edited by Mandolus
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[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1284417322' post='2452801']
You know Methrage, our feelings about each other in this are kind of irrelevant. This isn't about petty disputes. This is about libertarianism. And I've watched every episode of Penn and Teller, so I know libertarianism. I'll sign this.

Mandolus of Mandolia
[color="#0000FF"]I, Rebel Virginia Supreme Lord Jesus of Rebel Virginia, vote yes on Mandolus of Mandolia, and preemptively welcome you to LANCE my libertarian brother.[/color]

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[color="#0000FF"]After heavy discussion with Brother Bavaricar, it has been determined that it is in the best interest of LANCE to remove Methrage and Kerberos Nexus from its ranks. The lack of stability from that alliance indeed troubling, and as libertarian and this treaty may be, could one day put us into undo danger. But rest assured, all is not lost. Although we may now have to do without the wisdom of Methrage, we welcome with all our hearts our libertarian brother Mandolus of Mandolia. Together may we spread libertarianism something something something.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1284418855' post='2452835']
[color="#0000FF"]After heavy discussion with Brother Bavaricar, it has been determined that it is in the best interest of LANCE to remove Methrage and Kerberos Nexus from its ranks. The lack of stability from that alliance indeed troubling, and as libertarian and this treaty may be, could one day put us into undo danger. But rest assured, all is not lost. Although we may now have to do without the wisdom of Methrage, we welcome with all our hearts our libertarian brother Mandolus of Mandolia. Together may we spread libertarianism something something something.[/color]

This is beautiful.

I feel as if I should cry.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1284419441' post='2452847']
I vote no on admitting Mandolus of Mandolia and 50% of signatories isn't enough to remove someone.

They voted to remove Kerberos Nexus, and they are two entities against the one entity of Kerberos.


They voted you out, sorry.

Have a nice day, Methrage.

EDIT: comprehension and spelling

Edited by Haquertal
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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1284419441' post='2452847']
I vote no on admitting Mandolus of Mandolia and 50% of signatories isn't enough to remove someone.

If I am able to convince RV not to vote you out, can we persuade you to accept brother Mandolus of Mandolia?

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[quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1284419677' post='2452854']
If I am able to convince RV not to vote you out, can we persuade you to accept brother Mandolus of Mandolia?

He's already been voted out.

[quote]Alliances seeking membership require unanimous agreement of current signatories and an alliance can be removed from LANCE with a 2/3 majority vote of current signatories.[/quote]

You and RV are seperate entities against the whole of Kerberos (since he, himself denotes it as an alliance signatory), and thus you have voted him out.

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[quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1284419950' post='2452861']
He's already been voted out.

You and RV are seperate entities against the whole of Kerberos (since he, himself denotes it as an alliance signatory), and thus you have voted him out.
Bavaricar disagrees and you're not even a signatory, so you have no say in this.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1284419441' post='2452847']
I vote no on admitting Mandolus of Mandolia and 50% of signatories isn't enough to remove someone.
[color="#0000FF"]I see you just added another signature. Considering that you signed for your alliance, as far as I am concerned Kerberos Nexus gets only one vote. The expulsion stands.[/color]

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