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Announcement from Paradoxia and Thornhill

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[quote][center][size="5"]"The Paradoxia-Thornhill Accords"[/size][/center]

The Order of the Paradox and Thornhill Communism Federation, referenced as Paradoxia and Thornhill respectively, have agreed upon the following terms in the search of mutual prosperity:

I. Non-Aggression

Both signatories agree to refrain from, under any circumstances, attacking any member of the other party. Should a member launch an attack on a signatory, the offender's alliance is responsible for stopping the attacks immediately and offering adequate reparations.

II. Cooperation

The Order of the Paradox agrees to aid The Thornhill Communism Federation in its internal growth by giving as much advice as needed. Paradoxia agrees to promote healthy growth as much as possible. Should Thornhill wish to sign an agreement with another alliance it must first receive approval from Paradoxia. Paradoxian nations shall be granted preferential treatment over other external buyers for the trade of technology.

III. Protection

Any unresolved attacks on Thornhill will be viewed as an act of aggression on Paradoxia, and will be met with full military and diplomatic support by Paradoxia as appropriate to bring about a satisfactory resolution. Should Thornhill wish to initiate a war with another alliance for a means other than to repel aggression, it must first get approval from Paradoxia. It is understood that this protection does not extend to attacks that Thornhill can be said to have brought about themselves, such as by acting in a provocative manner or initiating acts of aggression.

IV. Termination

Either signatory may cancel the treaty for just cause. There is a cooldown period of 48 hours where the cancelling party can reconsider their actions if they desire. No party can declare war on the other during this 48 hour period.

[b]Signed for The Order of the Paradox[/b]
[i]Feanor Noldorin, Grand Master
Bodvar Jarl, Grand Chancellor
SkyGreenChick, Grand Hospitaller[/i]

[b]Signed for Thornhill Communism Federation[/b]
[i]Dalton Hamm
NCP Commissar


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