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NSO spies


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[quote name='Rextu' timestamp='1282568199' post='2427669']
It's spelled [i]enemies[/i] and [i]spies[/i].

EDIT: Yeah, I know FOK don't speak English, but I've seen better spelling than that from them in the past.

The original logs were in Dutch, but since posting Dutch logs is not allowed here Sjakiliv took it upon himself to translate them.
Rest assured, most FOK members are far more capable of making themselves understood in English than Sjakiliv.

Edited by Divi Filius
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[quote name='Divi Filius' timestamp='1282564498' post='2427640']
Sjakiliv is an ex-member of FOK and he approached Heggo with an offer to spy on FOK for NSO.
Heggo (jokingly) immediately accepted Sjaki as a spy and told him to meet up with the other NSO infiltrants in FOK : Tankbuster and me.
So when Sjaki did approach us, I pretty much ignored it but Tankbuster decided to play along with him. (the first log)

It ended up with Sjaki being conviced that #nso was the HQ channel for a CN-wide spyring and that all 100+ people in there were part of a conspiracy. (the [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=91145&view=findpost&p=2427616]second log[/url])
I guess he actually believed all of it and this is his way to expose all of 'them evil spies'.

And yes, even after I summarize it like that it's still confusing as hell. :wacko:

Well that makes a bit more sense.

Shouldn't NSO know not to accept rogues/spies by now :awesome:

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[quote name='Cortath' timestamp='1282564217' post='2427637']
[url=http://pacificorder.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=108766]The wisdom of the New Pacific Order Academy[/url] shall again be sung.

Anything involving "[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A2SCsoYyIQ"]singing and the New Pacific Order[/url]" ought to be avoided.

Think of the children!

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[quote name='Divi Filius' timestamp='1282564498' post='2427640']
Sjakiliv is an ex-member of FOK and he approached Heggo with an offer to spy on FOK for NSO.
Heggo (jokingly) immediately accepted Sjaki as a spy and told him to meet up with the other NSO infiltrants in FOK : Tankbuster and me.
So when Sjaki did approach us, I pretty much ignored it but Tankbuster decided to play along with him. (the first log)
Oh this is classic.

It reminds me of the guy who offered to spy on iFOK for us.

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[quote name='Sjakiliv' timestamp='1282554498' post='2427537']

so i was right the whole time about the NSO and i call a whitness THURU. he sayd that Sibren have said that i was value ME VALUE??? yep when i told that i was a spy theni had value from Sibren/
even later Feestaap Thedutchguy an the LEader of FOK divi was in the NSO channelt and even CHEEKY WTF!!!
later i heard that they had NSO spys for along time in FOK, even i heard that RIA was not 100% undercontrol
by this i give the report of betray by Divi Feestaap Cheeky Thedutchguy and Sibren. oo FOK i swear my life and relegion that this is the truth and not faked i think you guys need what need to be done. Sorry Sibren by this i betraye you. i was attacked by a new start and you are working 3 years and with Divi leader and then betrayel so i also talked to the RIA.
it appears that we have spys in FOK and even RIA

Sedrick is that you? :smug:

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1282555285' post='2427546']
As if Moldavi would use people that incompetent. Or be active enough, for that matter.

Also, the FOK guys are always good for playing along with a good gag. Always liked them.

Edited by Ivan Moldavi
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[quote name='Sjakiliv' timestamp='1282556528' post='2427555']
I betraye NSO because spying it not something that i realy want to. but if i find this information i know what needs to be done. well this is the information ive got. i hope FOK is going to do something about it and RIA also. NSO cant be trusted.

I am utterly convinced.

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