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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1282064550' post='2419822']
Guess you haven't been paying attention but STA already called them out on it and they backed down like a bunch of cowards. It was hilarious to watch.
You forgot to mention MM is getting tore a new one by STA while his buddies cower in fear.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1282066201' post='2419888']
You forgot to mention MM is getting tore a new one by STA while his buddies cower in fear.

Oh yeah that too I forgot. Say what you will about MM, but at least he backs up his words with action. You can't exactly say the same about the rest of his buddies in \m/.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1282066994' post='2419917']
Oh yeah that too I forgot. Say what you will about MM, but at least he backs up his words with action. You can't exactly say the same about the rest of his buddies in \m/.
True, he's the right kind of crazy.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1282066994' post='2419917']
Oh yeah that too I forgot. Say what you will about MM, but at least he backs up his words with action. You can't exactly say the same about the rest of his buddies in \m/.

What actions? As far as I know the only action he has done is not peace out his wars. That's not much of an action.

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1282067916' post='2419940']
What actions? As far as I know the only action he has done is not peace out his wars. That's not much of an action.
You know quite well you hit me when I was demilitarized and having just deployed only 250 soldiers for raiding purposes. I hit back in every way I could so far. I also enjoy how you guys fear an imminent rogue attack from a nation that is demilitarized and at defcon 5, quiet nervous your bunch is.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282074508' post='2420088']
You know quite well you hit me when I was demilitarized and having just deployed only 250 soldiers for raiding purposes. I hit back in every way I could so far. I also enjoy how you guys fear an imminent rogue attack from a nation that is demilitarized and at defcon 5, quiet nervous your bunch is.

Actually, by the time I looked closely at your nation you'd been attacked. I'll take your word for it though. That said counterattacking still isn't exactly what i would call bold action. More like a natural response.

And nervous? Nah. But we were well coordinated. Admittedly that was as much luck as anything else.

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I'm pretty much in full agreement with the latest posts from Corinian. Kind of funny seeing as our alliances are at war at the moment.

\m/ should count their blessings at night that they have the allies they do, because they would be in a lot of trouble otherwise. I fully agreed with the Polar sentiments during the first phase of the BiPolar War, and fully agree with STA's actions over this issue.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1282057792' post='2419626']
How unfortunate that no GGA nations are in range. This is childish attention-seeking and classless bullying all rolled into one, and I hope some well connected alliance calls you on it.

I doubt VE's service is still needed as rear guard on the quadruple bang-bang. That should free them up to assist in this. :ehm:

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1282076417' post='2420146']
Actually, by the time I looked closely at your nation you'd been attacked. I'll take your word for it though. That said counterattacking still isn't exactly what i would call bold action. More like a natural response.

And nervous? Nah. But we were well coordinated. Admittedly that was as much luck as anything else.
Having had plenty of time since I was preemptively attacked while wearing a AA I want to state the follow:
I will not be accepting peace. STA is attempting to set a dangerous precedent here by preemptively attacking another alliance, a precedent I am not willing to lay down for.

Whether my government supports me or follows through with a hastily made decision from last night is entirely up to them. Their decision will not alter my path. STA aggressively attacked me and I will defend myself, their offer of peace without reps is entirely unacceptable.

As to me being a rogue, sorry I was under AA when you attacked, my wars are defensive, no matter how you try to spin it you are the aggressor.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282077963' post='2420197']
Having had plenty of time since I was preemptively attacked while wearing a AA I want to state the follow:
I will not be accepting peace. STA is attempting to set a dangerous precedent here by preemptively attacking another alliance, a precedent I am not willing to lay down for.

Whether my government supports me or follows through with a hastily made decision from last night is entirely up to them. Their decision will not alter my path. STA aggressively attacked me and I will defend myself, their offer of peace without reps is entirely unacceptable.

As to me being a rogue, sorry I was under AA when you attacked, my wars are defensive, no matter how you try to spin it you are the aggressor.

Don't the logs indicate you were essentially ghosting at that point? (I presume without knowing gov had given them permission to have at you)

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[quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1282077634' post='2420187']
I doubt VE's service is still needed as rear guard on the quadruple bang-bang. That should free them up to assist in this. :ehm:

Yes I'm sure Hoo would love us leaving their side to attack their ally :P

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282078188' post='2420203']
sorry, wasn't a ghost.

Hrmmm.. There's about 1300 pages to this thread now and I admit I don't have a handle on all the details. But my understanding is that STA announce they'd no longer accept m protacking GGA, then you dec'd on GGA, then STA responded and which point gov agreed you would peace out or they'd let STA have you, correct?

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1282078301' post='2420207']
MM, you were probably going to attack them anyways. You're the balls of \m/.
Well, we will never know since I was in talks with our Trium about it when the attacks against me were launched, taking away any choice I had in the matter.

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[quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1282078395' post='2420214']
Hrmmm.. There's about 1300 pages to this thread now and I admit I don't have a handle on all the details. But my understanding is that STA announce they'd no longer accept m protacking GGA, then you dec'd on GGA, then STA responded and which point gov agreed you would peace out or they'd let STA have you, correct?
Incorrect I attacked no one after STA made their protest thread.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282077963' post='2420197']
Having had plenty of time since I was preemptively attacked while wearing a AA I want to state the follow:
I will not be accepting peace. STA is attempting to set a dangerous precedent here by preemptively attacking another alliance, a precedent I am not willing to lay down for.

Whether my government supports me or follows through with a hastily made decision from last night is entirely up to them. Their decision will not alter my path. STA aggressively attacked me and I will defend myself, their offer of peace without reps is entirely unacceptable.

As to me being a rogue, sorry I was under AA when you attacked, my wars are defensive, no matter how you try to spin it you are the aggressor.

Good to know. :)

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282077963' post='2420197']
Having had plenty of time since I was preemptively attacked while wearing a AA I want to state the follow:
I will not be accepting peace. STA is attempting [b]to set a dangerous precedent here by preemptively attacking another alliance[/b], a precedent I am not willing to lay down for.

Whether my government supports me or follows through with a hastily made decision from last night is entirely up to them. Their decision will not alter my path. STA aggressively attacked me and I will defend myself, their offer of peace without reps is entirely unacceptable.

As to me being a rogue, sorry I was under AA when you attacked, my wars are defensive, no matter how you try to spin it you are the aggressor.
The so called dangerous precedent was set a very long time back by IRON, PC, RoK and MHA....

Sedrick was flying the NSO AA when he got attacked by RoK.....he is not a rogue is he ?? NSO, you guys should consider hiring MM for your e-lawyering :D

[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282078188' post='2420203']
sorry, wasn't a ghost.
You have CSM to blame for that. He said you are a ghost......not STA :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Jaymjaym' timestamp='1282078516' post='2420220']
If a member of government says you aren't a member, it's \m/'s fault if you come under attack. STA definitely doesn't owe any reps for what happened, but you should consider looking for some from the government member that cut you loose.
STA attacked a nation who was under AA, demilitarized and at defcon 5. I would like to know where the imminent in that scenario lies? care to point it out? It was pure pre-emptive aggression.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282078507' post='2420218']
Incorrect I attacked no one after STA made their protest thread.

Then heck, STA aggressively attacked and the world must roll tanks over this.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282078672' post='2420223']
STA attacked a nation who was under AA, demilitarized and at defcon 5. I would like to know where the imminent in that scenario lies? care to point it out? It was pure pre-emptive aggression.

Maybe they just wanted some tech? :unsure:

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282078672' post='2420223']
STA attacked a nation who was under AA, demilitarized and at defcon 5. I would like to know where the imminent in that scenario lies? care to point it out? It was pure pre-emptive aggression.
The imminence lies in the fact that you told me you wanted to leave your alliance and go rogue on our member, so I checked with the MoFA of your alliance about it and he confirmed that you told them about it and had left. The connection is pretty clear. All of this has been hashed over a thousand times. You can continue to sit here and argue the exact same point over and over if it makes you feel better, but at the end of the day, you're just sitting there in war mode refusing to peace out while you talk a big game over here on the forum. I'm not sure what you want to come of this. If you actually wanted a war, you'd attack. You're not doing so because your alliance made it clear that they won't back you if you do. So really, what it boils down to is that you're not actually proving a point. You're... sitting in war mode for a week without attacking while you hurr and durr meaningless, empty bravado on the forum.

[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282078790' post='2420228']
What the world does is of no concern to me. How I react to this aggression is though.

So your reaction to this perceived aggression is to... do nothing at all. Gotcha. Way to show us!

Edited by pezstar
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