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[quote name='DragonsPhyre' timestamp='1281593080' post='2412385']
I'm not asking for your trust. I'm simply asking for your friendship.
[color="#0000FF"]That is something I truly wished to keep in spite of this war, however, understand the betrayal we felt when Omni comes out here, calls us a bad ally, spews lies about us not informing GATO (because for some reason ICAN knew about this before we did), and other rubbish. I still hold nothing against the members of GATO, and I still think rather fondly of some of you, but I will be damned if I just sit back and say nothing while the NSO is slandered with various unsubstantiated truths. You talk about how friendship is a two way street, well, GATO threw it in the garbage first. Remember that.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1281593345' post='2412394']
[color="#0000FF"]That is something I truly wished to keep in spite of this war, however, understand the betrayal we felt when Omni comes out here, calls us a bad ally, spews lies about us not informing GATO (because for some reason ICAN knew about this before we did), and other rubbish. I still hold nothing against the members of GATO, and I still think rather fondly of some of you, but I will be damned if I just sit back and say nothing while the NSO is slandered with various unsubstantiated truths. You talk about how friendship is a two way street, well, GATO threw it in the garbage first. Remember that.[/color]
I understand. I really don't mind you defending yourself. What I don't like seeing is how personal everyone seems to be taking it, even Omni and magic. I understand the emotion and why you want to lash out. It's just not helping matters any. I really regret seeing the effects of this decision, and as much as I wish it could happen, I can't snap my fingers and reverse everything. It's done. Maybe we'll resign it someday. Maybe we'll simply let it lie for and cooperate on other matters. Maybe we'll just simply be content with each other on Brown and snub the other at parties.

Let's not fight, though. What's done is done, and by now, it's pretty well documented what happened and what we all think of it. It's !@#$%^&*, justified, betrayal, what's due, whatever. GATO and NPO spent years holding an alliance-wide grudge against each other and it did nothing serve to help destroy both alliances later on. We've moved past that, though not without some, er, bumps. We, GATO and NSO, can move past this too. I want to do as much as I can to help the process move along, but I can't do it alone. I understand that it will take time, but it has to start sometime.

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RV, you know i have described you as being my favorite leader in CN currently, This was a clisterF*&k and we freaked out, reacted emotionally, i still care for you and all of NSO, i consider you all good people. I am sorry the cards fell this way, it was not my intent, of anyones, even Omni would admit that no one wanted things to turn out this way. I hope one day you can look past this. This was GATO's fault, in every way, and i hope that one day you can look beyond this and see us while not allies in the foreseeable future, but as friends.

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[quote name='DragonsPhyre' timestamp='1281594171' post='2412414']
I understand. I really don't mind you defending yourself. What I don't like seeing is [b]how personal everyone seems to be taking it, even Omni[/b] and magic. I understand the emotion and why you want to lash out. It's just not helping matters any. I really regret seeing the effects of this decision, and as much as I wish it could happen, I can't snap my fingers and reverse everything. It's done. Maybe we'll resign it someday. Maybe we'll simply let it lie for and cooperate on other matters. Maybe we'll just simply be content with each other on Brown and snub the other at parties.
[/quote]With reference to the bold, hes the one that kind of started things down this path by pulling this stunt. I, for one, sincerely doubt Ill ever take your governments word for granted again. Nor should anyone else, after this absurdity. The only ones of you acting with any decency in this matter aren't even government.
[quote]Let's not fight, though. What's done is done, and by now, it's pretty well documented what happened and what we all think of it. It's !@#$%^&*, justified, betrayal, what's due, whatever. GATO and NPO spent years holding an alliance-wide grudge against each other and it did nothing serve to help destroy both alliances later on. We've moved past that, though not without some, er, bumps. We, GATO and NSO, can move past this too. I want to do as much as I can to help the process move along, but I can't do it alone. I understand that it will take time, but it has to start sometime.
[/quote]Frankly speaking, I may feel sorry for what we did to magicninja, because he didnt deserve it, but if you think we're just going to let bygones be bygones after being slapped in the face by your government for more or less no reason at all, you've got another thing coming.

GATO threw [i]us[/i] under the bus when it wasn't even politically expedient for them to do so over what was, at best, a lie. Youre obviously not going to apologize. You're not apologizing now.

Friendship is a two way street, but your alliance was the one that decided to quit meeting us halfway.

[quote]I know we're not treating you right, NSO, but right now, it seems like you're trying to kill whatever's left of the relationship we once enjoyed. You had people fighting for you. You still have people fighting for you, to a degree. You're alienating more of those people the longer you continually insult us and furthering the cycle that's simply going to destroy any chance of a good relationship in the future.[/quote]So...what, we should let you slap us in the face at random and just grin and bear it? What right do you have to condescend to us after this stunt? We didn't do a damn thing to GATO.

[quote name='Kubla Khan' timestamp='1281595049' post='2412429']
RV, you know i have described you as being my favorite leader in CN currently, This was a clisterF*&k and we freaked out, reacted emotionally, i still care for you and all of NSO, i consider you all good people. I am sorry the cards fell this way, it was not my intent, of anyon[b]es, even Omni would admit that no one wanted things to turn out this way.[/b] I hope one day you can look past this. This was GATO's fault, in every way, and i hope that one day you can look beyond this and see us while not allies in the foreseeable future, but as friends.
Yeah, but I'm relatively sure that the reasons he regrets things turned out this way are substantially different from yours.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281595429' post='2412434']
With reference to the bold, hes the one that kind of started things down this path by pulling this stunt. I, for one, sincerely doubt Ill ever take your governments word for granted again. Nor should anyone else, after this absurdity. The only ones of you acting with any decency in this matter aren't even government.
Frankly speaking, I may feel sorry for what we did to magicninja, because he didnt deserve it, but if you think we're just going to let bygones be bygones after being slapped in the face by your government for more or less no reason at all, you've got another thing coming.

GATO threw [i]us[/i] under the bus when it wasn't even politically expedient for them to do so over what was, at best, a lie. Youre obviously not going to apologize. You're not apologizing now.

Friendship is a two way street, but your alliance was the one that decided to quit meeting us halfway.

So...what, we should let you slap us in the face at random and just grin and bear it? What right do you have to condescend to us after this stunt? We didn't do a damn thing to GATO.

Yeah, but I'm relatively sure that the reasons he regrets things turned out this way are substantially different from yours.

Point is Chron while GATO as an entity probably deserves your ire you are lashing out at individuals who tried to fix it and who would still want friendly relations in the future. We're not talking about members who we see once a month. We're talking about people who play an active role even if at the moment they have no title. People who have held gov positions in GATO for years and still have their word carry weight. You're doing it to DP right now. He's not trying to be condescending he is reaching out to you all.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281595852' post='2412438']
Point is Chron while GATO as an entity probably deserves your ire you are lashing out at individuals who tried to fix it and who would still want friendly relations in the future. We're not talking about members who we see once a month. We're talking about people who play an active role even if at the moment they have no title. People who have held gov positions in GATO for years and still have their word carry weight. You're doing it to DP right now. He's not trying to be condescending he is reaching out to you all.
When I get an apology rather than being told "you should stop being so childish because you're at fault too" I'll consider taking whomevers doing the reaching seriously.

Is it so hard to get an apology from you people for knifing us in the back like this? We havn't even gotten that much.

The only ones that are even speaking up are the ones that are supposedly on our side. Why aren't the ones who decided to screw us speaking up and defending their position?

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281596103' post='2412446']
When I get an apology rather than being told "you should stop being so childish because you're at fault too" I'll consider taking whomevers doing the reaching seriously.

Is it so hard to get an apology from you people for knifing us in the back like this? We havn't even gotten that much.

I figured my appeals on your behalf which ruined friendships with people within my own alliance would be enough.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281596103' post='2412446']
The only ones that are even speaking up are the ones that are supposedly on our side. Why aren't the ones who decided to screw us speaking up and defending their position?

They probably see how you treat the people who are on your side and are afraid of what they might get.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281596291' post='2412450']
I figured my appeals on your behalf which ruined friendships with people within my own alliance would be enough.
You know, magicninja, everyone's said this already, including you. But you just now are insisting that you're trying to take the responsibility for what your alliance did to us onto yourself. Part of that is the hatred and feelings of betrayal. You obviously don't think you deserved to have had to put up with what we had to say earlier. And neither do I.

So here's the thing: You dont think you deserved to be treated as a representative of the folks that made the decision to do this. And yet you insist on your actions being enough to take responsibility for what they did.

That doesn't work. You insist that you didn't back stab us, that your alliance government did. So you doing stuff on their behalf is honestly not convincing in the slightest, because it may be sincere on your part, but it's not sincere for those who actually did commit that act.

You had nothing to do with this, so you obviously can't take responsibility for it.[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281596368' post='2412453']
They probably see how you treat the people who are on your side and are afraid of what they might get.
They're right to be. They have it coming, too. Especially for using folks like you to speak for them, rather than taking the onus onto themselves for their own actions.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281596703' post='2412462']
You know, magicninja, everyone's said this already, including you. But you just now are insisting that you're trying to take the responsibility for what your alliance did to us onto yourself. Part of that is the hatred and feelings of betrayal. You obviously don't think you deserved to have had to put up with what we had to say earlier. And neither do I.

So here's the thing: You dont think you deserved to be treated as a representative of the folks that made the decision to do this. And yet you insist on your actions being enough to take responsibility for what they did.

That doesn't work. You insist that you didn't back stab us, that your alliance government did. So you doing stuff on their behalf is honestly not convincing in the slightest, because it may be sincere on your part, but it's not sincere for those who actually did commit that act.

You had nothing to do with this, so you obviously can't take responsibility for it.
They're right to be. They have it coming, too. Especially for using folks like you to speak for them, rather than taking the onus onto themselves for their own actions.

If I can't take responsibility what good does an apology from me or anyone else not involved in the decision do? Exactly. Bravo to you for catching my point. DP isn't gov, neither is Kubla. They can;t take responsibility so what good does an apology from them do? Yet, you need it before you can take their kind words seriously. I'm not taking responsibility for what oour gov did. Regrettably I was not even there for what happened. Had I been I may have been more effective in stopping it than I was in fixing it. However, I fostered and put effort into this relationship for over a year and I felt it was my responsibility to save it. Take it as you will.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281597091' post='2412468']
If I can't take responsibility what good does an apology from me or anyone else not involved in the decision do? Exactly. Bravo to you for catching my point. DP isn't gov, neither is Kubla. They can;t take responsibility so what good does an apology from them do? Yet, you need it before you can take their kind words seriously. I'm not taking responsibility for what oour gov did. Regrettably I was not even there for what happened. Had I been I may have been more effective in stopping it than I was in fixing it. However, I fostered and put effort into this relationship for over a year and I felt it was my responsibility to save it. Take it as you will.
You did apologize. So im taking you seriously. Thats actually the only metric Im using for when listening to the "tough advice" given by GATO members right now. In your case its obviously sincere, everyone else?

Well, I dont know them. And what may appear to be simply kind to you strikes me as being pretty condescending. Thats the kind of filter that needs to be adopted when thinking about your alliance. Thats just how it is now.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281597298' post='2412471']
You did apologize. So im taking you seriously. Thats actually the only metric Im using for when listening to the "tough advice" given by GATO members right now. In your case its obviously sincere, everyone else?

Well, I dont know them. And what may appear to be simply kind to you strikes me as being pretty condescending. Thats the kind of filter that needs to be adopted when thinking about your alliance. Thats just how it is.

Then you will continue to alienate people who actually did speak up for you and cared for the relationship. A whole of 8 people were involved directly in this decision. Omni the AC and the 7 congress men who voted yes. 5 of those congressmen took back their vote and 2 didn't have the chance. Due to a rather stupid bit of law the taking back of the votes couldn't count. If you really want to be pissed blame those who enacted that piece of law because that is all that stands between a canceled treaty and a continued relationship.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281597091' post='2412468']
If I can't take responsibility what good does an apology from me or anyone else not involved in the decision do? Exactly. Bravo to you for catching my point. DP isn't gov, neither is Kubla. They can;t take responsibility so what good does an apology from them do? Yet, you need it before you can take their kind words seriously. I'm not taking responsibility for what oour gov did. Regrettably I was not even there for what happened. Had I been I may have been more effective in stopping it than I was in fixing it. However, I fostered and put effort into this relationship for over a year and I felt it was my responsibility to save it. Take it as you will.
This seemed like it was bound to happen due to your inconsistent decision making ability as an alliance, which seems to be a result of your government structure being ineffective. While individuals such as yourself might of cared about the relationship with NSO, that you guys did nothing to fix whatever caused you to end up on opposing sides with them in the last war while keeping the treaty until now reflects poorly on the alliance. I understand that those bothering to argue GATO's point of view here are more likely to be those who cared about the relationship, so directing anger individuals is pointless. Although NSO feeling angry about being back stabbed by GATO two wars in a row with nothing ever coming of their relationship with GATO is understandable, even if directing the anger at individuals such as yourself who tried helping the situation might not be the best approach.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281597596' post='2412478']
Then you will continue to alienate people who actually did speak up for you and cared for the relationship. A whole of 8 people were involved directly in this decision. Omni the AC and the 7 congress men who voted yes. 5 of those congressmen took back their vote and 2 didn't have the chance. Due to a rather stupid bit of law the taking back of the votes couldn't count. If you really want to be pissed blame those who enacted that piece of law because that is all that stands between a canceled treaty and a continued relationship.
Those 8 speak for everyone else. Of those 5 that took back their vote, 3 of them only switched to Abstain because apparently we nor you were simply not worth the effort of doing a complete 180.

And what stood in the way of the continued relationship was their willingness to believe Omnis horribly skewed version of events to make us look bad out of the blue. If they had given us the benefit of the doubt and let us tell them our side of what happened to begin with, this announcement would never have been made.

If I can find out the 2 people that actually did change their vote to No after you convinced them to, Ill thank them for listening to you. But little else. Relationships are built on people, not treaties. And when the trust behind that is lost, it takes serious effort to regain what was thrown away by the folks that violated that trust.

A technicality isn't an excuse for assuming the worst of us as the knee jerk reaction.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1281598128' post='2412488']
This seemed like it was bound to happen due to your inconsistent decision making ability as an alliance, which seems to be a result of your government structure being ineffective. While individuals such as yourself might of cared about the relationship with NSO, that you guys did nothing to fix whatever caused you to end up on opposing sides with them in the last war while keeping the treaty until now reflects poorly on the alliance. I understand that those bothering to argue GATO's point of view here are more likely to be those who cared about the relationship, so directing anger individuals is pointless. Although NSO feeling angry about being back stabbed by GATO two wars in a row with nothing ever coming of their relationship with GATO is understandable, even if directing the anger at individuals such as yourself who tried helping the situation might not be the best approach.

I was AC during the first war we left NSO out to dry but that was at least was with decent reason. As an alliance we could not agree with NpO's actions pinning them the aggressor in our eyes. By extension we couldn't back NSO's decision to defend them and it killed me to have to cite the non chaining clause and end up on the other side. It happens in war and our charter is specific. We don't condone unprovoked attacks and as far as we were concerned NpO's attack on \m/ was unprovoked considering they had no ties to the alliance \m/ raided. Though they were disappointed in that reasoning they understood and the treaty continued.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281598477' post='2412494']
Those 8 speak for everyone else. Of those 5 that took back their vote, 3 of them only switched to Abstain because apparently we nor you were simply not worth the effort of doing a complete 180.

And what stood in the way of the continued relationship was their willingness to believe Omnis horribly skewed version of events to make us look bad out of the blue. If they had given us the benefit of the doubt and let us tell them our side of what happened to begin with, this announcement would never have been made.

If I can find out the 2 people that actually did change their vote to No after you convinced them to, Ill thank them for listening to you. But little else. Relationships are built on people, not treaties. And when the trust behind that is lost, it takes serious effort to regain what was thrown away by the folks that violated that trust.

A technicality isn't an excuse for assuming the worst of us as the knee jerk reaction.

Those switches to abstain are essentially switches to no in GATO. My guess is they didn't go full no for in house political reasons. They wanted to keep the vote of those who wanted the treaty canceled come next election cycle. Petty maybe but them changing from yes is still pretty symbolic in that they had less faith in the cancellation after I spoke and it would have helped the treaty stay in place had that law not been in effect. I won't reveal who switched their votes to what but if they want they can let you know.

I was someone in GATO who you could have still trusted. You think I will be absent from gov forever? You don't think that even though the treaty had to be declared canceled I couldn't get congress to resign the treaty by tomorrow since most of them took back their vote? There were actually still options I could have worked but you didn't let me get to it before lambasting me with your tirades. Now I can't find a reason I would want to do it because as you said once trust is gone it's tough to get back and with most of your gov giving me the royal treatment......

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281599358' post='2412504']
Those switches to abstain are essentially switches to no in GATO. My guess is they didn't go full no for in house political reasons. They wanted to keep the vote of those who wanted the treaty canceled come next election cycle. Petty maybe but them changing from yes is still pretty symbolic in that they had less faith in the cancellation after I spoke and it would have helped the treaty stay in place had that law not been in effect. I won't reveal who switched their votes to what but if they want they can let you know.

I was someone in GATO who you could have still trusted. You think I will be absent from gov forever? You don't think that even though the treaty had to be declared canceled I couldn't get congress to resign the treaty by tomorrow since most of them took back their vote? There were actually still options I could have worked but you didn't let me get to it before lambasting me with your tirades. Now I can't find a reason I would want to do it because as you said once trust is gone it's tough to get back and with most of your gov giving me the royal treatment......
Obviously they have good reason to be irritated since they feel like they've been screwed over twice, but I think many in NSO care deeply for brown unity which is why they held onto the treaty and wanted to fix the relationship after the last war. Those who have previously spoken in favor of NSO's continued relationship with GATO in the past have now seen all their efforts wasted, so they don't have reason to say anything positive about this cancellation or to say much of anything here if they plan to work on the relationship more in the future. I think after this cancellation and leaving them out to dry a second time that GATO will have to earn any regained trust or friendship from NSO rather than it coming back naturally.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281599358' post='2412504']
Those switches to abstain are essentially switches to no in GATO. My guess is they didn't go full no for in house political reasons. They wanted to keep the vote of those who wanted the treaty canceled come next election cycle. Petty maybe but them changing from yes is still pretty symbolic in that they had less faith in the cancellation after I spoke and it would have helped the treaty stay in place had that law not been in effect. I won't reveal who switched their votes to what but if they want they can let you know.

I was someone in GATO who you could have still trusted. You think I will be absent from gov forever? You don't think that even though the treaty had to be declared canceled I couldn't get congress to resign the treaty by tomorrow since most of them took back their vote? There were actually still options I could have worked but you didn't let me get to it before lambasting me with your tirades. Now I can't find a reason I would want to do it because as you said once trust is gone it's tough to get back and with most of your gov giving me the royal treatment......
[/quote]Why would we want a treaty with an alliance where we could only trust at most a handful of individuals?

Thats a case of individual friendships to be sure, but its certainly not one we'd go to war for. You keep on insisting that you could have done something, but the leadership of GATO spoke pretty clearly on this matter. And that is that they dont give a damn about us. Why would we want to be bound to such an alliance?

Say you became AC tomorrow, would that suddenly nullify those senators motives for canceling on us? Of course not, and if it did, Id be even more suspicious of them for being so weak willed about it. But no matter how you look at it, the problem with GATO is bigger than you.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281600065' post='2412510']
Why would we want a treaty with an alliance where we could only trust at most a handful of individuals?

Thats a case of individual friendships to be sure, but its certainly not one we'd go to war for. You keep on insisting that you could have done something, but the leadership of GATO spoke pretty clearly on this matter. And that is that they dont give a damn about us. Why would we want to be bound to such an alliance?

Say you became AC tomorrow, would that suddenly nullify those senators motives for canceling on us? Of course not, and if it did, Id be even more suspicious of them for being so weak willed about it. But no matter how you look at it, the problem with GATO is bigger than you.

[14:54] <magicninja> If congress does take back the vote would you guys even be interested in keeping the treaty?
[14:54] <magicninja> If not then there's no use and we'll be better off eating the PR !@#$sandwich omni served up
[14:55] <LintWad> I have no plan to cancel it.
[14:55] <LintWad> I would have it canceled it 5 months ago if I didn't value the friendship.

I wouldn't even have tried if I didn't think it was something you wanted. So, I guess ask Lint why you guys would want to keep it.

And I very nearly did do something. If that damn law wasn't in place the treaty would still be in place. My efforts were wasted on a crap piece of law that I had forgotten about.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281600751' post='2412513']
[14:54] <magicninja> If congress does take back the vote would you guys even be interested in keeping the treaty?
[14:54] <magicninja> If not then there's no use and we'll be better off eating the PR !@#$sandwich omni served up
[14:55] <LintWad> I have no plan to cancel it.
[14:55] <LintWad> I would have it canceled it 5 months ago if I didn't value the friendship.

I wouldn't even have tried if I didn't think it was something you wanted. So, I guess ask Lint why you guys would want to keep it.

And I very nearly did do something. If that damn law wasn't in place the treaty would still be in place. My efforts were wasted on a crap piece of law that I had forgotten aboat.
Your alliance doesn't a need an actual treaty to help NSO out. I'm not sure if GATO plans to help NSO out during this war, but as far as I know the treaty was still in effect when RoK declared on NSO and as an alliance GATO still hasn't waived it ability to do anything about it if you guys value the friendship between GATO and NSO. Even if canceling you can still honor a treaty.

Edit: That your letting some internal law you had forgotten about get in the way undoing this cancellation you did in response to a situation arising where you should be defending them doesn't make having a treaty with you guys sound reliable. You should be convincing your alliance to honor the treaty rather than resign the treaty without ever upholding it.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1281601298' post='2412518']
Your alliance doesn't a need an actual treaty to help NSO out. I'm not sure if GATO plans to help NSO out during this war, but as far as I know the treaty was still in effect when RoK declared on NSO and as an alliance GATO still hasn't waived it ability to do anything about it if you guys value the friendship between GATO and NSO. Even if canceling you can still honor a treaty.

After all this? Doubt it. Like I said I was their main supporter in GATO and that's gone now so I don't see anything else happening between NSO and GATO. Chron doesn't want our help or our treaty anyway.

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[quote name='SpoiL' timestamp='1281573516' post='2411805']
There's [i]always[/i] two sides to a story, so you can expect GATO to e-lawyer their way out of the losing side. [b]This has been their policy for nearly 5 years, it's almost a constant of Cybernations.[/b] It's funny, because I already expected you to be piss poor 'allies', so one of the first things I wondered at the beginning of this whole spectacle was how GATO was going to try to get out of it. Then when we relieve you of having to weasel your way out of it, you still choose to hang yourselves. It's a shame that the only people that can count on you are the ones that statistically don't need you anyway.
I am sorry SpoiL but your talking out of your backside, show us all the plethora of examples dating back to 2006 to back up that claim. An alliance like GATO did not lose all the wars it has in CN's history by weaselling out of obligations :rolleyes:

...that said this could have been much better handled GATO, not that my love and affection for GATO has been diminished at all :wub:. It is truly tragic however to see all the good rep earned during the GATO-1V war wiped out in a 24 hour period.

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I would add that I am in fact a Deputy AC of GATO, and I would personally like to apologize to you, Chron, as well as all of the NSO membership. No one wanted this outcome, even the members of GATO who didn't want the treaty. You are a good alliance full of good people and this was handled and timed in the worst way possible, there is no excuse for that. I apologize for the insult and with you nothing but the best of luck and a hope that sometime down the future the scar will heal.

o/ NSO
Be well

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281602245' post='2412522']
After all this? Doubt it. Like I said I was their main supporter in GATO and that's gone now so I don't see anything else happening between NSO and GATO. Chron doesn't want our help or our treaty anyway.

Last I checked, Lintwad and not Chron was Emperor of the New Sith Order. He doesn't even hold a government position.

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