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[quote name='Griff' timestamp='1281398505' post='2408656']
Hi, http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=75249&view=findpost&p=2011278

So does this mean your word here is worthless?
Oh man, he's going to be feeling that one in the morning.

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Treaty or no treaty, bravo GATO. Nevermind the horde of followers that follow treaties with blind eyes and no brains. There will always be followers, glad you had the brains to set yourself apart. Pixels are only pixels, but to destroy even one for a bunch of morons is just stupid.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1281399730' post='2408694']
I think kersch was saying in hindsight it was a mistake. I love him though.

Other than that well this definitely has had an impact on us. I'll say again I wish I was here when it all started. I would've tried to have things turn out different.
He said nothing about hindsight, but keep on spinning :unsure:

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1281385477' post='2408240']
It's so cute that you want to fight us because we're better than you. It's ok to be jealous. We do tend to do it right, after all.

Wow. With that kind of rebuttal I'm wondering how you made it passed "Ambassador."

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[quote name='xplicit313' timestamp='1281400088' post='2408705']
<3 Omni
<3 GATO our protectorate
<3 our Allies

to the rest of you...


That is all
What's wrong with being mad if it's for a good reason?

Edited by Griff
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[quote name='xplicit313' timestamp='1281400088' post='2408705']
<3 Omni
<3 GATO our protectorate
<3 our Allies

to the rest of you...

[b]*u mad picture*[/b]

That is all
I went mad quite some time ago. Get in charge of people and being mad is a goddamn hoot.

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[quote name='Griff' timestamp='1281400412' post='2408713']
What's wrong with being mad if it's for a good reason?

What's the good reason? This whole situation from start to current is just plain retarded. What good has came of any of it? NSO aided, ROK wared, NSO cried instead of trying to diplomatically work it out, alliances started trying to troll other alliances. It's like the whole planet bob just turned into one big \m/. Now we just have one huge mess that was something little that turned into something big. Over what 1 rinky dink nation that cause a little trouble? If I ever handled another alliance the way NSO handled ROK I would probably be kicked from my alliance. So again...


Edited by xplicit313
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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1281400415' post='2408714']
I went mad quite some time ago. Get in charge of people and being mad is a goddamn hoot.

Lol, well get in charge of this whole war, and sort it out. I WANT RESULTS MEN, RESULTS! :awesome:

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[quote name='xplicit313' timestamp='1281400950' post='2408724']
What's the good reason? This whole situation from start to current is just plain retarded. What good has came of any of it? NSO aided, FOK wared, NSO cried instead of trying to diplomatically work it out, alliances started trying to troll other alliances. It's like the whole planet bob just turned into one big \m/. Now we just have one huge mess that was something little that turned into something big. Over what 1 rinky dink nation that cause a little trouble? If I ever handled another alliance the way NSO handled FOK I would probably be kicked from my alliance. So again...

FOK and Rok are two different groups. Perhaps you should start there :rolleyes:

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[quote name='SonOfHoward' timestamp='1281401293' post='2408734']
Wait, how did FOK get involved in this?
They're the puppet-masters, remember? :P

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[quote name='xplicit313' timestamp='1281400088' post='2408705']
<3 Omni
<3 GATO our protectorate
<3 our Allies
<3 Emporor

to the rest of you...


That is all
Another one of you people? I wonder what they're putting in the air over in ICAN-land.

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[quote name='Gn0xious Jr' timestamp='1281401657' post='2408744']
what do you mean "you people" ?
Every response by ICAN members so far in this discussion that I can remember has been one of fingers-in-ears shouting "lalala I can't hear you, also mindless hailing!"

Er, I mean- I was generalizing in a derogatory manner. :smug:

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[quote name='Dementual' timestamp='1281401858' post='2408748']
Every response by ICAN members so far in this discussion that I can remember has been one of fingers-in-ears shouting "lalala I can't hear you, also mindless hailing!"

Er, I mean- I was generalizing in a derogatory manner. :smug:

So you're suggesting I haven't kept up to date what has happened? ICAN (an alliance of 16) wasn't the one that told GATO about NSO (an alliance of over 100) about to be spanked first? Had I been NSO's IA things would have been handled way more professionally? You're so very ignorant it befuddles me. Also nice signature, considering MagicNinja has already made his statement about how this should have been handled. Way to be classy NSO, way to be classy. When in times of war, true colors are sure shown. This is by far one of the most pointless wars i've seen. This is almost as bad as the last big war that started because of FoA's Leader Rebel. You enjoy your ignorance that NSO did the right thing.

o/ Hail GATO
o/ Hail ICAN
o/ Hail ROK

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1281362774' post='2407406']
It is a rare day when I disagree with any sentiment that you hold Tyga. But this is one such case. You speak of throwing allies under the bus, while failing to address the fact that when TOLD in no uncertain terms that the aid of a rogue would be considered an act of war, is in itself, NSO throwing allies under the bus. NSO has, since their inception, made every move possible to try to get a war declared on them. This is not an isolated incident, it is the culmination of a pattern of behavior. Asking Londo if he knew that the Ni! raid would lead to the threat of war... is a poor argument. The truth is, while it was a mistake to raid them, and maybe he should have known there would be a PR fallout, he had absolutely no way of knowing that anyone would threaten war. Why? No precedent had yet been set. Hoo set his precedent long ago. If he tells you that A will lead to B, you can BANK on A leading to B. The fact that NSO went ahead and did A without consulting a SINGLE ally of theirs, IS, throwing their allies under the bus, and is something that a half decent ally would NOT do to another. Everyone who is hating on GATO in this thread goes "herp derp cowards"... but will not take even one second to consider NSOs actions of being TOLD what the consequences to their actions were.

You probably disagree with my sentiments because you have completely misrepresented them. How can NSO have thrown anyone under the bus when they quite clearly asked their allies (which included GATO) to stay out of it? More like dragging them from the path of an oncoming bus if you ask me. But that was not the crux of my comment anyway. You seemed to avoid it for some reason.

My point was that I find it hilarious that Llondo, of all people, comes in here defending GATO for bailing on the NSO and accuses NSO of doing something so much more seriously wrong than he did with his Knights of Ni! raid. The facts of the matter are that what Llondo said was utter crap. Athens' actions with Knights of Ni! was a disgrace. An arrogant, cowardly assault on an alliance that had no chance of defending itself. It raised the ire of many in this community including my own. Even then you kept going telling everyone it was none of their business. Luckily for Athens they had a large, well-connected network of friends who dragged them from the flames and warded off those wanting to avenge KoN!. How is that not throwing your allies under the bus by dragging them to the brink of war over your arrogant stupidity?

NSO, on the other hand, sent aid to a rogue which in itself is stupid and they have acknowledged that. However, it is not malicious, cowardly or particularly damaging to anyone and had they had the network of allies you had then they'd have got out of this with a slap on the wrist like you did. Sadly, they don't have that luxury and now for sending 6 million in aid to a rogue they will be burned to the ground and Llondo has the audacity to not only cheer that on and say that aiding a rogue was far worse than Athens' past actions but also to commend GATO on bailing on their ally in tough times..

As I said, complete and utter BS and double standard displayed is breathtaking. If the KoN! incident ended up in war would you have told your allies to leave you to take your bruises on your own? Hardly. The only reason you acted as you did was because you knew you had back up if you got into trouble. Athens would be the last alliance I would have expected to post in this discussion lecturing others on responsibility and considering others with your actions.

90% of people here may be goldfish but I'm not one of them.

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[quote name='xplicit313' timestamp='1281402425' post='2408757']
You're so very ignorant [b]it befuddles me[/b].

It's obvious you are confused, but not for the reason your thinking of.

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[quote name='xplicit313' timestamp='1281402887' post='2408767']
Because D34th is the most original name ever :facepalm:
Just responding to point out that apparently your nation is "p0rn st4rz"

I think you'll lose this argument as well. On to the next derail!

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