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Decree of the Sith

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[quote name='brentbee' timestamp='1281500399' post='2410749']
I thought we were talking about rok here. Our business is, and always will be our members. Diplomacy is not a bad word here, unless you want it to be.
RoK was in support of TENE, do you even have all the facts? One last time, he wasn't your member when he was listed, you took on a ruler already at war and then made that war your own (hows that working out for you?)

Personally, I have little use for diplomacy.

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[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1281498450' post='2410666']
That's [i]better?[/i]

I really do have to ask.
I look for order, cohesion, and comfort, and Nordreich has all three, in my opinion. TGE was my home for some time, but it was on its way to a slow death. At the time I left, the government was in shambles, the forums were dead (literally, we actually had no forums), and the majority of our active members had gone off to seek shelter elsewhere. I tried to salvage what I could, but without the coordination of a forums system, it is very difficult to relay everything. Not impossible, but difficult. Thus, I left to an alliance where I knew several people from days gone by.

There are many misunderstood alliances out there. Reputations take years to build, and seconds to destroy, and we tend to forget how fragile it all is.

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My two cents:
I am a us citizen so i am gonna use the us justice system in this analogy. The prosecution, the party trying to assess guilt and cause the individual to be punished, in this situation RoK, has to prove that the defendant, sedrick, is guilty. They have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, after all innocent before proven guilty. So in this case before the judge, the NSO, can announce the defendant guilty and deliver or open him up to punishment. Simply put the accuser has to prove guilt, meaning RoK has to prove that sedrick was guilty. Without that proof the NSO has to protect its member. If RoK proved guilt then thats different, but it is RoK's job to prove the guilt.

You know i actually find this whole situation rather sad. I played with the Ravyns around a year ago and had great respect for RoK and some of their allies, sadly that is gone.

Just one last note to finish off with, all great powers fall. That is inevitable. The thing that determines how far the fall is how they acted at the height of their power. NPO acted poorly at the height of their power and they fell far. I think that RoK and their allies will fall far farther.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1281498195' post='2410652']
Oh Oh let me guess!

Was it because it's incredibility foolish to let your alliance get burnt to the ground over somebody on a ZI list?

Or was it because Ivan knew there was a fine line between challenging the system and getting rolled for being an asshat?

I dunno. When you found an alliance on reputation and base its entire MO on self-aggrandizement, making a fool of yourself is inevitable. The NSO has the impressive cohesion of the NPO, but none of the skill or intelligence. It's a hollow alliance held together only by its own internal narrative.

[quote name='Viking' timestamp='1281496706' post='2410624']
Oh boy, now we have Nordreich members railing against the "injustices" of the world. Be still my beating heart.

So long as Sal Paradise is a member of Nordreich, there will always be a member railing against the injustices of the world. I have been mostly silent during this war for just that reason.

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[quote name='Pryath' timestamp='1281505350' post='2410878']
Well I mean for one its a game.
Two...well the US judicial system isn't regulated by who has the STRONGER show of force. I mean really any alliance can go to war and crush their opponents. Whats to say they need any reason whatsoever?
Three the people who play CN aren't just US citizens, it's kind of idiotic to bind those people to the US judicial system
Four we're nations not people

I think thats good enough

P.S. Griff is about to join you in the 4.5k NS and below club sed! Now he can be just like you =D
1. yeah its just a game but i think many people still take it very seriously.
2. Yeah i am not gonna argue that i am just saying the NSO isn't at fault, personally I'd be fine if RoK just said we r bored, and declared war. As long as they dont hide behind this manufactured CB.
3.I know that the people aren't just US citizens but i wud bet a majority are, and the US justice system is widely considered the best in the world so i thought would be appropriate to use in assessing guilt.
4. Yeah we are nations but a crime is still a crime.

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[quote name='Pryath' timestamp='1281505910' post='2410890']
Oh dude you don't even know the stoy

What CN game rule says that you need a CB to attack a nation, or even an alliance?
It's not a crime because the law doesn't exist, alliances just do what they think is right, without abiding to legal code
CB means "Reason for War" genius. Whether it's utter crap like this one or a legitimate reason means nothing.

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[quote name='Griff' timestamp='1281506296' post='2410900']
CB means "Reason for War" genius. Whether it's utter crap like this one or a legitimate reason means nothing.

Right...I'm saying you don't even NEED a reason for war. You could attack someone for no reason whatsoever.

I could go to my ranking page right now, chose a random nation, and declare war. But why? Do I have a CB? Nope

And ty for the compliment, my mom always told me I was special =)

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1281505177' post='2410873']
Just wondering, but doesn't NSO have an official policy that would have handled all of this? If you join with baggage you deal with your baggage on your own, or something to that tune?
[color="#0000FF"]That is normal protocol for us, however, for some reason there was an oversight this time that I still fully do not understand why was made. But still, RoK attack in spite of our request not to, and in spite or us making it clear that we were in the process of investigating the matter. Had RoK not been so hasty for war this could have quite easily been resolved. Let us not forget that RoK's decision for war was made in less than twelve hours, which really is not all that much time. Especially over such a remarkably small incident. Could this have been avoided? Yes. It could have.[/color]

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I believe you were done 'investigating' by the time one of our Ruling Council contacted Heggo. Then he was handed off to you, where you also dismissed anything that was said. Then you went to pass us along again. We werent going to play ring around the rosie while getting the same answer three times in a row.

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[quote name='Acca Dacca' timestamp='1281517936' post='2410989']
I believe you were done 'investigating' by the time one of our Ruling Council contacted Heggo. Then he was handed off to you, where you also dismissed anything that was said. Then you went to pass us along again. We werent going to play ring around the rosie while getting the same answer three times in a row.
[color="#0000FF"]I asked for logs proving the alleged spying allegations. As for Heft, he didn't like being insulted while trying to resolve the situation. Like it or not your alliance completed ignored diplomatic courtesies when dealing with an alliance that doesn't like being stepped on. If you were looking for someone to bend over backwards for you, then sorry pal, you picked the wrong group.[/color]

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You didnt ask for a damn thing. You told us what you saw, said it will be over when TENE accepts peace, and then said we would be able to talk to Lintwad the next day. You asked for nothing, neither did Heggo.

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[quote name='Timtacious' timestamp='1281518796' post='2410996']
I for one am shocked that they were able to muster the courage to attack the NSO with only four alliances.


Explained already. Try harder.

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[quote name='Acca Dacca' timestamp='1281518646' post='2410995']
You didnt ask for a damn thing. You told us what you saw, said it will be over when TENE accepts peace, and then said we would be able to talk to Lintwad the next day. You asked for nothing, neither did Heggo.
[color="#0000FF"]I made it quite clear to Rampage that I wanted him to hold on the attacks and show us the evidence. The last thing I said to him was that I would be expecting the logs in my inbox. He said nothing afterward to imply that he would not comply with such a simple request. So don't feed me lies. I was there. I know how the events unfolded.[/color]

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[quote name='Acca Dacca' timestamp='' post='']
Explained already. Try harder.

Talking about the "not enough people on" argument? Now that Ragnarok has had time to plan, does this mean that everyone else will drop out at the end of the week?

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[quote name='Timtacious' timestamp='1281521818' post='2411009']
Talking about the "not enough people on" argument? Now that Ragnarok has had time to plan, does this mean that everyone else will drop out at the end of the week?

They might have, but I suspect at this point your tears are too sweet to give up.

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[quote name='Adam Suttler' timestamp='1281497944' post='2410646']
As I've been in Nordreich for only the past few months, whereas previously I was on the opposite political side of the treaty web (namely, TGE). Therefore, labeling NoR members as you have done there is quite unwarranted. I believe I am entitled to declaring injustices, as I've seen them being done to and by me in the past.

Please refrain from generalizing, and spare yourself the effort.

Yeah well I've been on this side the entire time and not once did Nordreich ever apologize to me or my old alliance (R&R) for the crimes they committed against us in two wars (rogues, ghosting). If you're entitled to declare injustices, I'm allowed to hold a grudge.

e- ugh, this should have been in the above post

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