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GOD Declaration of War

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It just amazes me Alliances are going through the same rig-maroll they did back in 2007. No one has come up with a different statagies on declaring war. Maybe if they did we wouldn't need 800+ nations to take on less than 200. If Military stategists did some work and actually came up with new ways of working, all this nations running to Peace Mode would be ineffectual and a waste of time.

But hey ho, it seems nobody has the brains to "think outside the box" in this world

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[quote name='Phetion' timestamp='1281372904' post='2407776']
Bearing in mind RoK has 190ish nations, it only makes sense for them to call an ally or three to cover their lite ranges. Why on earth would you waste an advantage such as that?

Also, Valhalla have no room to speak.

Example #1 [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Golden_Sabres_War"]http://cybernations....lden_Sabres_War[/url]

Example #2 [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Continuum-NoV_War"]http://cybernations....ntinuum-NoV_War[/url]

Example #3 [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/GATO-1V_War"]http://cybernations....iki/GATO-1V_War[/url]

I can keep going, if you would like.

Let's not forget the second FAN war! I remember that one particularly well because of the enormous number of staggers Valhalla screwed up.

Either way, the complaints about the amount of backup Ragnarok brought in are silly. I can't recall a single time an alliance with such a superior position decided just to have a 'gentleman's duel'. Especially given the unorthodox time for the initial declaration of war, it's unlikely Ragnarok had enough people ready to cover all the NSO targets before they could slip into peace mode.

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[quote name='MadScotsman' timestamp='1281375012' post='2407829']
It just amazes me Alliances are going through the same rig-maroll they did back in 2007. No one has come up with a different statagies on declaring war. Maybe if they did we wouldn't need 800+ nations to take on less than 200. If Military stategists did some work and actually came up with new ways of working, all this nations running to Peace Mode would be ineffectual and a waste of time.

But hey ho, it seems nobody has the brains to "think outside the box" in this world
Has valhalla come up with ways to [ooc]bypass game mechanics?[/ooc] The next time you guys fight a war should be quite entertaining if so.

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[quote name='DjTorak' timestamp='1281375229' post='2407836']
Stop your whining. Who cares if it is overkill. NSO isn't complaining about it.
Consider a complaint lodged. GOD can peace out now right? :rolleyes:

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I'll always love the argument "hurr you can't take them on your own you need everyone else to help???" because it's about as silly as the "peace mode is for wimps" one. RoK, with 190 nations total, could never have had 134 members exactly active at the time they decided to roll, let alone twice that for staggers for instance. If the goal was to prevent more nations getting into peace mode, that means covering as many nations as possible. The other 3 were called in due to how many active members they had on at the time, and voila.

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[quote name='Sulmar' timestamp='1281379883' post='2408020']
Consider a complaint lodged. GOD can peace out now right? :rolleyes:
If you're serious about wanting us to peace out please do be in touch. If you guys would accept peace from our nations we could probably fix quite a few staggers.

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[quote name='MadScotsman' timestamp='1281375012' post='2407829']
It just amazes me Alliances are going through the same rig-maroll they did back in 2007. No one has come up with a different statagies on declaring war. Maybe if they did we wouldn't need 800+ nations to take on less than 200. If Military stategists did some work and actually came up with new ways of working, all this nations running to Peace Mode would be ineffectual and a waste of time.

But hey ho, it seems nobody has the brains to "think outside the box" in this world
Apparently you don't have the brains to "think outside the box" either, since we don't see any grand military strategies forthcoming from you...

Also, thanks for the assist GOD. o/

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[quote name='m3g4tr0n' timestamp='1281383774' post='2408153']
It seems like everyone wants to bully NSO.

Protip: No one likes a bully.

o/ NSO

Tissue? :(

Protip: GOONS likes bullies.

o/ us

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[quote name='MadScotsman' timestamp='1281371080' post='2407717']
35 Nations of a 169 are in Peace Mode.

Fair do's. I have to admit that is the best reason to have this pile up I have seen. Due to NSO running to peace mode, RoK needed more of their slots taken up by other alliances. Are you really saying that RoK don't have the military organisation to hit a 134 nations they need some major help?

I will remember this day as the day RoK couldn't handle 134 Nations but required a handful alliances to do it for them.
As a military leader myself, I have to say that Valhalla has demonstrated a remarkable military capacity in the past couple wars, and I'm rather convinced that your government's military branch is run by exceptionally competent individuals.

You should probably talk to them as you clearly have no grasp whatsoever of the subject and are just making your alliance look bad.

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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1281385838' post='2408259']
If you're serious about wanting us to peace out please do be in touch. If you guys would accept peace from our nations we could probably fix quite a few staggers.
I'm sure someone will be talking to you at some point. Also, it did make us laugh that you all were so eager to attack us that you messed a fair few of the staggers. :awesome:

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sadly if the targetlists are redone on the fly and within 20min (which was literally the time we had) they are not foolproof. If we had waited another 2h we probably could have reached 100% coverage and every alliance would have known exactly which nation they need to hit. But on the flipside of that coin we'd also have had another 10-15 nations in pm at the very least on their side.

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That would have been cool with me. :P

Also, I'm sad that you guys put me into anarchy, I kind of want to be in a war with every AA attacking us. All I need are GOD and TENE. :(

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[quote name='Sulmar' timestamp='1281390609' post='2408417']
That would have been cool with me. :P

Also, I'm sad that you guys put me into anarchy, I kind of want to be in a war with every AA attacking us. All I need are GOD and TENE. :(
I'll see if I can't pull some strings for you for next round.

Edited by NoFish
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[quote name='Mixoux' timestamp='1281380135' post='2408032']
I'll always love the argument "hurr you can't take them on your own you need everyone else to help???" because it's about as silly as the "peace mode is for wimps" one. RoK, with 190 nations total, could never have had 134 members exactly active at the time they decided to roll, let alone twice that for staggers for instance. If the goal was to prevent more nations getting into peace mode, that means covering as many nations as possible. The other 3 were called in due to how many active members they had on at the time, and voila.

of course the counter-argument is that even if RoK doesn't have 134 members online, neither does NSO. in reality it's an even race between the aggressor and the defender, with the advantage going to the alliance with more members (even with a lower turnout percentage-wise, they can still get more nations to attack).

it's a curb stomp, plain and simple. stop trying to look honourable, the only people you're fooling are the idiots who would eat it up for their own benefit.

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[quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1281400213' post='2408709']
of course the counter-argument is that even if RoK doesn't have 134 members online, neither does NSO. in reality it's an even race between the aggressor and the defender, with the advantage going to the alliance with more members (even with a lower turnout percentage-wise, they can still get more nations to attack).

it's a curb stomp, plain and simple. stop trying to look honourable, the only people you're fooling are the idiots who would eat it up for their own benefit.

I actually wish more alliances would pile on so we get more of this.

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[quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1281400213' post='2408709']
of course the counter-argument is that even if RoK doesn't have 134 members online, neither does NSO. in reality it's an even race between the aggressor and the defender, with the advantage going to the alliance with more members (even with a lower turnout percentage-wise, they can still get more nations to attack)

Well yes, but the attacker has no way of knowing who will come online next, or when, so we are forced to try to cover [i]everything[/i] all at once anyway.

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[quote name='brentbee' timestamp='1281407685' post='2408906']
Late to the party as always, but this thread really made me LOL!!! You guys should really think of changing your name to "Global Order of Bandwaggoning". It fits

You know, I'm really indifferent towards this whole war, but every post like this makes me move just a little closer towards RoK's side.

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[quote name='brentbee' timestamp='1281407685' post='2408906']
Late to the party as always, but this thread really made me LOL!!! You guys should really think of changing your name to "Global Order of Bandwaggoning". It fits

Yes, because activating multiple MDoAP and above level treaties [i]clearly[/i] constitutes a bandwagon. Riiight...

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[quote name='Lord Boris' timestamp='1281408587' post='2408918']
Yes, because activating multiple MDoAP and above level treaties [i]clearly[/i] constitutes a bandwagon. Riiight...

Did not realize that RnR, RoK, GoD, and VE thought us to be that large of a threat. Golly, you all really know how to grow a guy's ego. Oh wait, did I miss anyone? :P

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