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[quote name='Sentinal' timestamp='1280166902' post='2389832']
I don't know either of these two alliances, but I'm sorry to hear that things aren't working out.
Well you should know PhR. Despite being a relatively young alliance, they've managed to quickly expand to a NS higher than some alliances you probably have heard of (Brigade, LOST, \m/, Greenland Republic, FEAR).

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[quote name='NewPoseidon' timestamp='1280168339' post='2389867']
Well you should know PhR. Despite being a relatively young alliance, they've managed to quickly expand to a NS higher than some alliances you probably have heard of (Brigade, LOST, \m/, Greenland Republic, FEAR).

Rickyman FTW.

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[quote name='iMatt' timestamp='1280167743' post='2389855']
Is it because of inactivity, declining relations, or was there an event? I didn't see this coming but I haven't been keeping up.

We attempted to talk to OFLC, but we were met by silence and inactivity.
When alliances do not longer speak, one can no longer consider there's friendship.

When there's no more friendship a treaty no longer makes sense.

Edit: Grammar.

Edited by Andre27
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[quote name='Sognatore' timestamp='1280166105' post='2389816']
The MDP between OFLC and PhR is no longer active. They were informed in private and given the required cancellation time.

[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1280171479' post='2389940']
We attempted to talk to OFLC, but we were met by silence and inactivity.
When alliances do not longer speak, one can no longer consider there's friendship.

When there's no more friendship a treaty no longer makes sense.

Edit: Grammar.

So if you were met with silence and inactivity.... how were you able to "inform them in private" of the cancellation ???

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[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1280171479' post='2389940']
We attempted to talk to OFLC, but we were met by silence and inactivity.
When alliances do not longer speak, one can no longer consider there's friendship.

When there's no more friendship a treaty no longer makes sense.

Edit: Grammar.

Sad to hear this, but I'm sure PhR did what it had to do.

o/ Green
o/ UJA
o/ PhR

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