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Well, that's it from me


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This is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And i liked to take a minute
And sit right down, not going to fob
And tell you how I became the prince of a planet called Bob

In Blue sphere, born and raised
On the infra page, where i spent most of my days
Chillin out collecting, relaxin all cool
And paying some bills, buying a school
When a couple of Nations
Who were up to no good
Startin raiding in my neighborhood
I got raided one time and I showed defiance
The raider told me "you better find an alliance"

I got a recruitment Message
And when it was read
This alliance seemed fresh like bread
If anything signing up felt like a job
But i thought, I need protection on Bob

Now my nation is at it's prime
And I could tell it was the right time
I looked at my kingdom
Ha, no prob
To sit on my throne as the Prince Planet Bob
*que music*

Well you see. I was entering victory road, then.... My pikachu fainted, my dragonite fainted, Team rocket stole the rest of my pokemon, except for Magikarp. I was nearly there, I could see the light from the exit! But then....GARY %!#$ OAK CAME IN HIS LIMO WITH HIS 9001 GIRLFRIENDS, then he beat me up, stole my money, and sent me back to the start of the cave! Warning, if you encounter a situation like this, don't try to run. Try all you want, you can't ignore his girth.

Due to those events, and this one:


I hereby announce my retirement. I could name a thousand names for those who have helped me. but you guys know who you are. I'll keep my nation around, and still visit irc. I was originally just planning for it to be temporary, but now it could be permanent. Who knows. Anyway, just in case it is forever, I'll tell you guys a couple of things as a goodbye present.

1. The Lounge - only around for advertising TIP on OWF, and coincidentally, that's when a bunch of good material was out for me to seemingly make an article, with a small mysterious adventure on the side. However, some people figured it out. However, The Lounge started out as a part of the Polar newspaper. I always asked Grub or government if I could post it on OWF, however they said the wording was a little bit too strong. However, toning it down made me think I was making it boring, so I postponed posting the Lounge, rewriting it, talking to govt, asking members, repeating once or twice, until I finally got it right, and permission granted. The Lounge also served as a terrific propaganda piece, as proven by the Polar-\m/ war. Where I made fun of FOK and PC. Poison Clan didn't like it too much however, for obvious reasons.

2. My mission - So, what's your motive for playing CN? Meet new people? Can't find anything else to do? For me, I have a want, and that's to be known, and remembered. So I made it my duty, my goal, in CN, for becoming famous. I wanted my name on the: "notable rulers of blue team" on the blue team wiki page. Despite having done nothing game changing, I feel that my chance to be important in CN has come and gone. (No no, not whining about it, just saying that the best days are behind me.) What's the point of playing if your motive is gone? I held out for one more chance in TIP, while I didn't make a difference, I sure had a lot of fun in the process though.

3. Ok, there is no three. My point has been made hasn't it? er, I probably should add something in, but I have nothing else to say. If I offended you, sorry?...

So, without further ado, my retirement begins...............Now.

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Seriously? My first shot at fame has come and gone, and the second, and the third. And I'm sure it will come again, as long as I'm in the "old guard" of a sanctioned alliance and I command at least some respect among my peers. You just have to put in the time and the effort.

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[quote name='Reptyler' date='23 July 2010 - 08:50 AM' timestamp='1279884015' post='2385732']
Seriously? My first shot at fame has come and gone, and the second, and the third. And I'm sure it will come again, as long as I'm in the "old guard" of a sanctioned alliance and I command at least some respect among my peers. You just have to put in the time and the effort.

I didn't want to mention it, but my grades are slipping as well, and I'm trying to get into a very good university.
[quote name='HalfEmpty' date='23 July 2010 - 10:56 AM' timestamp='1279891583' post='2385813']
Hell, I'll just remember you for a very well done good-bye. So don't leave, like Reptyler said above, it's slow. Wait. Stay and send more rhymes.
With that attitude you might want to change your name to HalfFull

Edited by Tarikmo
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