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An Actual Apology from Kronos

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[quote name='Buds The Man' date='15 July 2010 - 12:42 PM' timestamp='1279219324' post='2373216']
Really we deserved this Drai your an $@! hat point blanc. I dont think youve seen a single valhalla nation on this OWF !@#$%*ing about it though have you. While i will admit if it would have been called off prior to the PM among other things we would have laughed and said yep you got us instead it wasnt untill other people stepped in this was concluded. Hell let us in on the joke and we would have all had a good laugh as Levi pointed out.

We did not ask for reps nor demand any removals Kronos has insisted on doing this. Val was the butt of a joke put your $%&@en fangs away trying to make us out to be the bad guys here.

Kronos NoJ Ves Laz you all are still close to our hearts and have shown that a 100 times over you know how to handle yourselves
Don't extract meaning from my post that I didn't put in there, at least intentionally (which should have been obvious). I pretty much said you were competent people and the wording in my post saying you 'deserved' anything was really just representing that fact. I never implied that Valhalla are bad guys in any way. My only knock was against nations that wouldn't be able to handle an extremely minor setback that peace mode has on their nation.

It's actually kind of annoying that you're jumping so quickly to conclusions about us when many of us are [i]not[/i] doing the same to you.

Edited by Drai
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[quote name='ChairmanHal' date='15 July 2010 - 07:57 AM' timestamp='1279198636' post='2372757']
Levi was a bit more blunt than me on this subject, but combat tactics don't always seem obvious to an outsider. A warrior alliance assumes hostile intent, at least if it deserves to be called a warrior alliance, it will. The bottom line is that sneaking up behind a combat vet (particularly one like Valhalla that has seen heavy action) to surprise him as a joke is not a very good idea. GOD and GOONS were a couple of joke war decs from a significant NS decline and all this is a different kind of conversation.

The subject of this thread however is an apology from Kronos. Our government has graciously accepted that apology, one that I find sincere and heart felt. I look forward to moving past the incident and on to a better relationship between Kronos and Valhalla.

You took the words right out of my mouth. I generally stay off the OWF because of the childish banter that goes along with forums like these.

Kronos, I for one, hold no grudge. I didn't at any time and if I couldn't forgive someone for a momentary lapse in judgment, well, that would speak volumes about my character as well. You did a good thing here by stepping up. I do not need any aid myself but thank you for the offer of help and for being there as an ally and friend regardless of this issue.

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[quote name='SonOfHoward' date='15 July 2010 - 09:06 PM' timestamp='1279242382' post='2373851']
My curiosity was perked as to why Kronos felt obliged to offer you aid, a public apology and the abdication of their government for a joke that went awry between too so-called 'friends'. Friends do make jokes at one another once and a while. Regardless, the post above me as well as yours actually vindicates my curiosity as it does look like you two have trust issues to work out.

Although it was intended as a friendly, harmless joke and it was never Vesa's intention to cause any harm to Valhalla, that doesn't change the fact that the prank resulted in us setting Valhalla back during a time when they're trying to rebuild themselves. It was a screw up on our part and so it's only right that we try to make things better.

Had Valhalla been let in on the joke before Val members started hitting PM, I agree that there would probably be no need for this thread since there would've been no real harm done, but unfortunately that's not the case because we messed up. Hence the apology and us offering reps.

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[quote name='SonOfHoward' date='15 July 2010 - 08:06 PM' timestamp='1279242382' post='2373851']
My curiosity was perked as to why Kronos felt obliged to offer you aid, a public apology and the abdication of their government for a joke that went awry between too so-called 'friends'. Friends do make jokes at one another once and a while. Regardless, the post above me as well as yours actually vindicates my curiosity as it does look like you two have trust issues to work out.

For an outsider, you sure do offer up a lot of opinions. Then again, we all know about opinions and the posterior region of the anatomy.

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[quote name='Regent of Omerta' date='17 July 2010 - 12:06 AM' timestamp='1279321552' post='2375137']
For an outsider, you sure do offer up a lot of opinions. Then again, we all know about opinions and the posterior region of the anatomy.

You guy's are wonderful allies. I'm very thankful for our friendship. Thanks!

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[quote name='SonOfHoward' date='15 July 2010 - 03:06 PM' timestamp='1279220742' post='2373263']
Me thinks it's a bit extreme to throw out of gov't such a dedicated member as you put it just because of Valhalla.

[quote name='SonOfHoward' date='15 July 2010 - 06:31 PM' timestamp='1279233095' post='2373632']
Accepting compensation for turtling at the first whisper of a war and having a Kronos gov't member jettisoned; not to mention he is the one member who Kronos apparently owes their entire existence to, how would you not expect anyone to come to that conclusion?

A real ally would not be accepting compensation. A real ally would move on.

The impression that I am getting from you is that you have no idea about what you are talking about. To address your first post, we did not "throw out" our government "just because of Valhalla". Noj changed around the government because he felt that certain people needed a break from the government. Vesalius had already resigned from the government before Noj's post, and Liz had already resigned from the alliance. Lazarus remained in government anyways. "Just because of Valhalla"? Valhalla did not request this of us at all, as CJ already stated. It was completely Kronos' choice, we felt that it was necessary.

Now on to the second post.
Are you aware of what term "turtling" means? Turtling is a method used in warfare- note, warfare, not peace mode- where the defending nation is at war with one or multiple nations and lowers their soldier count to zero to avoid ground attacks from his/her opponents. If you can show me an example of Valhalla doing this at the first whisper of a war I will send you 50 tech.

"He is the one member who Kronos apparently owes their entire existence to"? Where the hell did you pull that one out of? Vesalius was not even a founding member, he joined as a new nation a month or two into Kronos' existence. Vesalius did indeed provide Kronos' will very exceptional service, and I do wish that he had not resigned from his position. Either way, we do not owe our entire existence to Vesa.

Even if Valhalla did not want compensation for this, we, as good allies, would be sending it anyways. We are compensating Valhalla for their monetary setback due to our joke.

I expect that before you make further posts of fabricated information that you will verify it, SonofHoward.

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[quote name='SonOfHoward' date='15 July 2010 - 05:31 PM' timestamp='1279233095' post='2373632']
A real ally would not be accepting compensation. A real ally would move on.

A real ally wouldn't intentionally lie to their ally just to screw them over for a joke.

And if you make that mistake, you should apologize and attempt to make things right, like they are doing.

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It would appear that some of the "posters" or maybe better described as posers, neither know what it is like to be a true ally nor have true friends, people who make right a wrong no matter what the intent was to start with. Oh yes that is called being of high moral stature, that explains so much of the confusion by some of the misguided reactions to this fine action taken by two alliances who seem now to be growing a stronger better developed relationship simply because they are have the ability to work through adversity together.

I commend both Kronos and Valhalla for how this bad joke has been dealt with it shows true professionalism.

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