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Red Elite Defence - Milestone

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[font="Book Antiqua"][font="Comic Sans MS"][font="Palatino Linotype"]
Greetings planet bob.
Well Red Elite Defence was created no longer than two months ago, and if your wondering why i am hear today, i am hear to celebrate the great achievement me and my comrades have managed to reach with in the given time. Red Elite Defence has passed the 100k milestone and there is no greater joy (until the next milestone xD) than when an alliance that began with no more than 3 nations to at this day have over 30 nations and 100k strength.To some 100k might be a pathetic goal but to a communist it shows a different side as you know communism usually attracts the poor rather than the rich and from looking at my alliances status you would have noticed that most of the nations are young.

In our short history we have had some ups and downs... we recently lost our protectorate International , they were brilliant as a protectorate and I would be lying if I did not say this milestone is largely because of there influence but as life goes your have to lose to win some. To our comrades over in International we give you some major thanks and you truely are comrades any would love to have. Thank you.


[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=86784&st=0"][u][b]The \m/[/b][/u][/url]
Well how do I start, this situation really taught us at RED a lesson we should surely keep handy for future reference. A lesson of how to handle outside matters carefull in our short time we have not had many encounters similar to this as an alliance and it was really a testing ground for our young comrades who did not know how to react when a foreign force began messaging them with a message that looked so convincing it even nearly tricked me xD. TO \m/ I don’t understand or know why you did what you did but at the end of the day you gave me and my alliance life skills really and they should will be put in use(hopefully not too soon).

[u][b]For our Future[/b][/u]
Well after our change of route RED has a change of goals and mindset. RED hopes to have established links with [u][b]ALL[/b][/u] red team alliances, we believe there is nothing better than knowing your next door neighbour. For the next few months our diplomats will be looking mainly at red team alliances and fellow leftist alliances, once we understand our “brothers” we can at least begin sending envoys further. Don’t take this wrong RED still wants to have connections with those outside of the RED team its just that we have a sort of tick off list. I am not ruling anyone out all are free to come to our channel and socialise #TheDefence there is nothing better than knowing your environment, also we have a growing force of tech seller we would like to offer to the outside world. So when you pop in give us a query and you will be given the list of sellers.
To wrap this up i would like to thank those that actually leant a hand in the growth and forming of RED (I won’t say names because i always forget one and it looks really :/). Your help was greatly appreciated. And for you who hate RED with your whole heart ... you don’t hate RED you probably have a problem with me or one of my comrades and if thats the situation please approach me and we can iron things out, last thing i need is to have enemies.

[center][font="Comic Sans MS"]LRA.[/font][/center]

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[center]We at the Alliance Relevance & Competence Evaluation Company™ are grateful to see that the Red Elite Defence alliance has taken something out of our notices and warnings. However, according to our records, RED has yet to pay the fees outlined on [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=2320372]our previous billing notice to them[/url], delivered 27 days ago, on 2nd June, 2010. Failure to comply within the next three days will result in an increase in the fees, which carry a monthly interest rate of up to 200% of the base cost (the actual percentage being determined at the discretion of ARCEC). In addition, RED will also be charged with a weekly payment of two McFlurries (one Oreo, one M&M; for a total of five weeks) to be delivered to the ARCEC Director of Oversight and Communications for the Chief Executive Officer of ARCEC to steal and hide within his compartment during the nighttime hours (next to the stored sandwiches). These terms are non-negotiable. Please do not send complaints to \m/, ARCEC's parent company, as they will be met with a 12-gauge round to the face.

Have a nice day. Thank you for choosing the Alliance Relevance & Competence Evaluation Company™.[/center]

[right]Lezrahi, [i]Chief Executive Officer of ARCEC[/i]
D3filed, [i]ARCEC Director of Oversight and Communications[/i][/right]

Edited by Lezrahi
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[quote name='Lezrahi' date='29 June 2010 - 05:38 PM' timestamp='1277847472' post='2354375']
[center]We at the Alliance Relevance & Competence Evaluation Company™ are grateful to see that the Red Elite Defence alliance has taken something out of our notices and warnings. However, according to our records, RED has yet to pay the fees outlined on [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=2320372]our previous billing notice to them[/url], delivered 27 days ago, on 2nd June, 2010. Failure to comply within the next three days will result in an increase in the fees, which carry a monthly interest rate of up to 200% of the base cost (the actual percentage being determined at the discretion of ARCEC). In addition, RED will also be charged with a weekly payment of two McFlurries (one Oreo, one M&M; for a total of five weeks) to be delivered to the ARCEC Director of Oversight and Communications for the Chief Executive Officer of ARCEC to steal and hide within his compartment during the nighttime hours (next to the stored sandwiches). These terms are non-negotiable. Please do not send complaints to \m/, ARCEC's parent company, as they will be met with a 12-gauge round to the face.

Have a nice day. Thank you for choosing the Alliance Relevance & Competence Evaluation Company™.[/center]

[right]Lezrahi, [i]Chief Executive Officer of ARCEC[/i]
D3filed, [i]ARCEC Director of Oversight and Communications[/i][/right]

I echo this statement. Sort of.

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