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Inspirational War for all little countries.

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[quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 04:30 PM' timestamp='1276295431' post='2333931']
The right actions doesnt always have the best results, i didnt sit there and take it, lets leave it at that. plus i did gain a harbor so thats a TON of money countless money.

Yes, and what is right and wrong is realitive. So instead of debating what you think is right, I will merely disqualify all possible intended meanings.

If your goal was:

Money: Then the amount of money you made/destroyed is less than the amount a new goon would have access to within the first 10 day period.

Destruction: The amount of cash value is was was taken/destroyed was less than the amount mentioned above and a drop in the bucket to anyone over 2000 infra.

Getting a harbor: This is the first thing Goons buy, and then they have 2.8 million to play with afterward, WITHOUT the fear of getting ZI'ed by three nations.

Im not saying you didn't do some damage, I'm merely stating that it's nothing near great or praise worthy.

Grats on your harbor, now let see if you ever get to use it.

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[quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 06:30 PM' timestamp='1276295431' post='2333931']
The right actions doesnt always have the best results, i didnt sit there and take it, lets leave it at that. plus i did gain a harbor so thats a TON of money countless money.

And yet you're in ZI and at anarchy. :smug:

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[quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 05:30 PM' timestamp='1276295431' post='2333931']
The right actions doesnt always have the best results, i didnt sit there and take it, lets leave it at that. plus i did gain a harbor so thats a TON of money countless money.

A harbor costs $200,000.00

that's hardly countless money.

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[quote name='Lamuella' date='11 June 2010 - 04:39 PM' timestamp='1276295933' post='2333947']
A harbor costs $200,000.00

that's hardly countless money.

believe me before i declared war, 200,000$+(you need 1000 pop) was a huge sum of money to me, huge sum.

Edited by Islamic Republic
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[quote name='Lamuella' date='11 June 2010 - 04:39 PM' timestamp='1276295933' post='2333947']
A harbor costs $200,000.00

that's hardly countless money.

It's a lot of money to a person without support or able to make tech deals: IE the OP.

Looking over the OP, I never new that Small Potatoes could say so much.

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[quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 06:32 PM' timestamp='1276295511' post='2333934']
What you mean constant harassment and stalking, plus what seems to be actions of hate directed at me, yeah i can see how this wouldnt cause issues :).

This is harassment and stalking? You brought this upon yourself when you aired out this issue with unsubstantiated claims.

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[quote name='Choson' date='11 June 2010 - 04:41 PM' timestamp='1276296058' post='2333954']
This is harassment and stalking? You brought this upon yourself when you aired out this issue with unsubstantiated claims.

What? im talking about before i declared war on IAA(and during). This thread isnt even close to harassment.

And would i do this war again? In a heart beat.

Edited by Islamic Republic
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[quote name='Silly Potato man' date='11 June 2010 - 04:41 PM' timestamp='1276296058' post='2333954']
What you mean constant harassment and stalking, plus what seems to be actions of hate directed at me, yeah i can see how this wouldnt cause issues

Hate is kind of a strong term. You act as thought the wars you fought deserve any kind of emotion.

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[quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 05:42 PM' timestamp='1276296124' post='2333957']
What? im talking about before i declared war on IAA(and during). This thread isnt even close to harassment.

And would i do this war again? In a heart beat.
[/quote]Oh please. Please do. We could use another perpetual punching bag for our newbies to teeth on.

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[quote name='Heinlander' date='11 June 2010 - 05:07 PM' timestamp='1276297623' post='2333991']
Oh please. Please do. We could use another perpetual punching bag for our newbies to teeth on.

Then expect to come to the aid of your allie IAA again in the near future.

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[quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 05:15 PM' timestamp='1276298119' post='2333996']
Then expect to come to the aid of your allie IAA again in the near future.
We have no treaties with IAA, all that happened is they mentioned you in our IRC channel, so we decided to get you before they did. I even sent you a message about that, although it was probably deleted under the flood of war-related messages such as Ground, air and Cruise missile attacks and defeat alerts.

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[quote name='Captain Novolin' date='11 June 2010 - 05:28 PM' timestamp='1276298874' post='2334004']
We have no treaties with IAA, all that happened is they mentioned you in our IRC channel, so we decided to get you before they did. I even sent you a message about that, although it was probably deleted under the flood of war-related messages such as Ground, air and Cruise missile attacks and defeat alerts.

Funny cause people where telling me id suffer for my actions against there allies (GOON people)

I dont have a problem with GOONS Tbh, you just suffered cause you jumped in to aid your allies. I like how you guys assume this war was all about you makes me laugh.

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[quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 05:29 PM' timestamp='1276298928' post='2334006']
Funny cause people where telling me id suffer for my actions against there allies (GOON people)

I dont have a problem with GOONS Tbh, you just suffered cause you jumped in to aid your allies. I like how you guys assume this war was all about you makes me laugh.
I came out $2m richer, how have I suffered? If you want you can take a look at our active treaties, and you'll see that we have no agreement with IAA. We're cool with them, but we are not truly allies.

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[quote name='Captain Novolin' date='11 June 2010 - 05:33 PM' timestamp='1276299186' post='2334011']
I came out $2m richer, how have I suffered? If you want you can take a look at our active treaties, and you'll see that we have no agreement with IAA. We're cool with them, but we are not truly allies.

and i can say i came out 100,000 - 130,000 richer cause of the harbor, whats your point?

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[quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 04:29 PM' timestamp='1276298928' post='2334006']
Funny cause people where telling me id suffer for my actions against there allies (GOON people)
Yeah, like how I told you that we weren't allied to IAA and your response was something along the lines of "You came to their aid, so under the geneva convention you are allies" (paraphrasing). Never heard anything about GOONS nations claiming we were allied. I guess it is just more convenient to claim that now that any messages would have been deleted, eh?

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[quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 05:34 PM' timestamp='1276299254' post='2334016']
and i can say i came out 100,000 - 130,000 richer cause of the harbor, whats your point?
You're quoting "crushing blows" when I, at the least, am MAKING money. Besides, that harbour doesn't do much good at ZI. that $200k would have been much better spent on things that would have actually managed to defend you, instead of an improvement that will mean growth later, despite you saying you will leave:

[quote] Hmm no, just a large chunk like 10% of the population are jerks, and games are suppose to be fun, not harassment fest, so im just going to join a trade circle to help someone out and leave.[/quote]

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[quote name='Captain Novolin' date='11 June 2010 - 05:41 PM' timestamp='1276299692' post='2334027']
You're quoting "crushing blows" when I, at the least, am MAKING money. Besides, that harbour doesn't do much good at ZI. that $200k would have been much better spent on things that would have actually managed to defend you, instead of an improvement that will mean growth later, despite you saying you will leave:

I was simply in a bad mood that day, but after getting over it and crushing a IAA nation after being hopelessly crushed, i got my will to fight again.

As you can see im still here, and more then ever desiring to fight IAA.

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[quote name='Archanis' date='11 June 2010 - 04:48 PM' timestamp='1276289281' post='2333646']
You know it was the ZI we were talking about, right? Also, given how many [s]completely unbacked[/s] totally true and likely to happen threats you've thrown at us, I think you should take down that "Peace Mode Warrior" tag on your name. It just doesn't suit you any more.
[color="#0000FF"]If you consider me to be such a danger to your alliance might I suggest you do something about it?

As for your "fact," I could care less if they're true or not. It is all childish bickering over specifics to me. What is important is that this fellow, despite all odds, did quite the number on you, and more importantly he was not afraid to stand up to you. For that I salute him. The world needs more people like that man.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='11 June 2010 - 04:55 PM' timestamp='1276300511' post='2334045']
[color="#0000FF"]If you consider me to be such a danger to your alliance might I suggest you do something about it?

As for your "fact," I could care less if they're true or not. It is all childish bickering over specifics to me. What is important is that this fellow, despite all odds, did quite the number on you, and more importantly he was not afraid to stand up to you. For that I salute him. The world needs more people like that man.[/color]
RV, the fact that you're such a threat to GOONS is [i]why[/i] we don't do anything about it. Your wrath is something we want to stave off as long as we can.

I'm glad that you're still unwavering in your disregard for facts. You're always someone I can count on to keep to their word, and not merely change their rhetoric to suit the situation. I agree that the world needs more people like this man; he is providing an invaluable service to this community.

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Interestingly, this bright shining star of Planet Bob's excellence all rolled up into one nation attacked the Empire because Voodoo Nova got him warned on the OWF. Naturally, he took out his rage by attacking people who were not Voodoo Nova.

Here is what I would like to see - I would like to sit at the exact same strength my nation currently is at until Islamic Republic can reach my range, and then have a duel to the death (note that this is not some feat of extreme heroism on my part, I just can't remember the last time I had a good fight and I would love to beat this guy's face into the ground).

Oh, and another thing - the reason IAA didn't attack you is because we don't waste time and effort throwing small nations into wars. We can give the two nations you attacked 6 or 9 million and, despite how much you steal, they'll end the war larger than they were at the start.

Please, for the love of Allah, make my day and keep this going. I'd love to see you turn into a situation that we actually think about for more than three or four seconds a day and decided to actually crush you into oblivion.

I, for one, welcome our new Islamic overlord.

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[quote name='Chimaera' date='11 June 2010 - 06:27 PM' timestamp='1276302407' post='2334083']
Interestingly, this bright shining star of Planet Bob's excellence all rolled up into one nation attacked the Empire because Voodoo Nova got him warned on the OWF. Naturally, he took out his rage by attacking people who were not Voodoo Nova.

Here is what I would like to see - I would like to sit at the exact same strength my nation currently is at until Islamic Republic can reach my range, and then have a duel to the death (note that this is not some feat of extreme heroism on my part, I just can't remember the last time I had a good fight and I would love to beat this guy's face into the ground).

Oh, and another thing - the reason IAA didn't attack you is because we don't waste time and effort throwing small nations into wars. We can give the two nations you attacked 6 or 9 million and, despite how much you steal, they'll end the war larger than they were at the start.

Please, for the love of Allah, make my day and keep this going. I'd love to see you turn into a situation that we actually thought about for more than three or four seconds a day and decided to actually crush you into oblivion.

I, for one, welcome our new Islamic overlord.

Warned on the OWF? try banned 3 times by the same person as well as being constantly harassed both in game and the forums, all i wanted was a 5 letter Sorry in private(no witnesses). What happened more IAA harassment and laughing. You will feel my wraith for your bad behavior i will not tolerate your alliance members behavior any longer, as this war proved. And voodoo nova was hardly the only one, just the first and most important.

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[quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 07:30 PM' timestamp='1276302635' post='2334087']
Warned on the OWF? try banned 3 times by the same person as well as being constantly harassed both in game and the forums, all i wanted was a 5 letter Sorry in private(no witnesses). What happened more IAA harassment and laughing. You will fell my wraith for your bad behavior i will not tolerate your alliance members behavior any longer, as this war proved.
Wait, I got it wrong? You're attacking an alliance ingame over something that happened on IRC?

I apologize for the inaccuracy of my first post, but I can assure you, all that you are causing is more harassment and laughing. If there is one thing my alliance is terrific at, it is making fun of imbeciles.

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