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USN reaches to the stars

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and pulls out a new government lineup.


[u]New Lineup:[/u]

[b]Admin Council:[/b]

Vladisvok Destino
Loki Lockpicker

[b]High Council:[/b]

Security General: Iceman Indy
Minster of Recruitment: rylejed
Minister of Internal Affairs: Beale947
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Gofast2006
Minister of Economics: Dexomega


Keep in mind there is an endless supply of 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971... at #cnusn B-)[/center]

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[quote name='Dexomega' date='01 June 2010 - 06:32 AM' timestamp='1275366751' post='2318667']
I approve of that Hamster.


Looks like a rat to me.

Congrats on the new .gov, dudes.

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[quote name='Darth Blitzer' date='01 June 2010 - 11:21 AM' timestamp='1275402094' post='2319104']
Congratz Gofast2006, good luck in your job (And having to live in an alliance with AlaN_90), and congratz USN

Go away Deebz

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