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[quote name='PrinceArutha' date='19 April 2010 - 12:20 PM' timestamp='1271694009' post='2266347']
you remind me of a kid I once knew named commander Aaron. You talk exactly like him as well. coincidence?


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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 12:34 PM' timestamp='1271694859' post='2266370']
A couple of things. One: Rome will loose. We're stronger, more organized, and [b]we have better strategy[/b]. Two: All of these people here are older nations that forgot what it's like to get their behind kicked. Third: They didn't kick me out. My nation was deleted. Four: They didn't have to put up with me. They could've asked me to resign or expelled me whenever they wanted. They didn't. Ohh, what now?

Where are your treaties I would like to know?

And where are Rome's?

Enough Said.

Might want to quit while you're behind.

Maybe get a protector to save you from future embarrassments such as this thread.

Edited by Krunk the Great
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[quote name='BloodFury' date='19 April 2010 - 12:42 PM' timestamp='1271695360' post='2266380']
Your nation got deleted, you recreated, they told you to go away, they kicked you out. No matter how you try to sugar coat it, they kicked you out and now you are mad at them, which is why you are trying to wage this little personal crusade against them because they got rid of you and now you are mad. It is very plain and simple and every sees it but yourself. People get kicked out of alliances all the time and they don't act this immaturely. You are being a child.

As for Rome losing, I don't think they will. You are not stronger, you are not more organized, and there is no strategy required at the kind of fighting that you are engaged in. Is is just throwing men at each other and hoping that you will win. Which by any standards, they can field more, and thus they will win. It is as clear as the day. You are the only one that doesn't see it.

As for the people in this thread not knowing what it is like to get beaten in combat, maybe you weren't aware that a global war just ended where many people suffered greatly. But those are loses you will never get to know since by the end of your entire fiasco, you will be ground into dust, still blathering on that you will win, and that you are the champion, and still demand surrender terms, and as you continue to scream the same rant, people will begin to ignore you and eventually everyone will just get sick of you to the point that they all will want to grind your nation into dust.

No, I was given some time to change my AA to Rome, I didn't. See, I was not kicked out. People, the Flowers will never surrender, and will never become Roman POWs. I'm telling you people. They've been attacking the Flowers for 2 weeks, no damage. Absolutely none. See the picture. This war may rage on for months but we will be unscratched. Do I need to remind you people that I got over $2.7 million from their mercenary in two attacks and one attack in which I was defending. Ring a bell?

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[quote name='Krunk the Great' date='19 April 2010 - 12:54 PM' timestamp='1271696035' post='2266394']
Where are your treaties I would like to know?

And where are Rome's?

Enough Said.

Might want to quit while you're behind.

Maybe get a protector to save you from future embarrassments such as this thread.

We may get a protectorate, but later. First, we want to crush Rome. And then build ourselves up to 200k and then recruit, offer generous awards, and then maybe get a protectorate. As for the treaties, we don't have any at the moment. Rome has Terra Cotta, one of the weakest Blocs in the world.

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 11:58 AM' timestamp='1271696301' post='2266408']
We may get a protectorate, but later. First, we want to crush Rome. And then build ourselves up to 200k and then recruit, offer generous awards, and then maybe get a protectorate. As for the treaties, we don't have any at the moment. Rome has Terra Cotta, one of the weakest Blocs in the world.

This coming from the guy saying he can destroy an Alliance 400 times bigger than him

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 12:56 PM' timestamp='1271696147' post='2266400']
I got over $2.7 million from their mercenary in two attacks and one attack in which I was defending. Ring a bell?

We all cower at your bottomless war chest and amazing military prowess. When your domination is complete, have mercy, oh great Amer Kurtovic, destroyer of worlds.

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 12:58 PM' timestamp='1271696301' post='2266408']
We may get a protectorate, but later. First, we want to crush Rome. And then build ourselves up to 200k and then recruit, offer generous awards, and then maybe get a protectorate. As for the treaties, we don't have any at the moment. Rome has Terra Cotta, one of the weakest Blocs in the world.

Allow me to say that you have universally proven yourself to be a completely incompetent being of the Cyberverse. The entire world looks at you and scoffs because they know that you are an insignificant speck that will attribute nothing to the Cyberverse as a whole. That being said, you're a complete moron.

For your own sake, I suggest you stop talking.

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First of all, I love this DoW. It's nice to get a break from the stale and rigid politics of Planet Bob once in a while, and to see fresh faces largely untempered by cynicism and experience participating in world affairs. :)

[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' date='19 April 2010 - 02:53 AM' timestamp='1271663573' post='2266081']

On the off chance that there actually may be someone who is unfamiliar with the historic neutral character of the Green Protection Agency, I feel somewhat compelled to assure everyone that the problematic name-dropping by Amer Kurtovic is at best nothing more than wishful thinking on his part and at worst it may constitute a breach of diplomatic ethics. The Green Protection Agency has historically been neutral, is at present neutral, and shall always remain neutral into the far distant future. We have never thought of ourselves as "superior firepower" and it is doubtful that we ever shall. It is gross speculation on the part of anyone that we in the GPA might bring what modest firepower we may have to bear on behalf of someone other than a member nation of the Green Protection Agency.

With my personal assurances,
Antonio Salovega, VI
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Green Protection Agency

It's ok Antonio. No one will find out about our secret Flowers-Athens-NpO-GPA (FANG) MADP bloc until it is too late.

LONG LIVE FANG o/ :awesome:

[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 07:25 AM' timestamp='1271679913' post='2266182']
I didn't make it up. I will ask them all. They wanted both and they shall never get both. Nor white peace. Right now, they are looking at disbandment or about $90 million and 1,000 Tech in Reps. It's a take it or leave it policy. So, be it.

What exactly are these reparations for? Did Flowers suffer this much damage?

[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 10:32 AM' timestamp='1271691156' post='2266309']
I don't know. I can only inference. But I think they will becasue it's wrong for an alliance 400 times stronger than you to bully on you. I also think that they are just, reasonable and honorable people - the leaders of the alliances. However, if we don't get support, the Flowers can still win this war, hands down.

How are you going to beat an alliance 400 times stronger than you?

[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 10:50 AM' timestamp='1271692228' post='2266329']
White peace can also mean that they are so shattered they can't fight anymore. So, then I'd demand their unconditional surrender, apology, and a bunch of other stuff.

Ramirus, Ramirus, look what you have wrought.

[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 11:58 AM' timestamp='1271696301' post='2266408']
We may get a protectorate, but later. First, we want to crush Rome. And then build ourselves up to 200k and then recruit, offer generous awards, and then maybe get a protectorate. As for the treaties, we don't have any at the moment. Rome has Terra Cotta, one of the weakest Blocs in the world.

You forgot about our secret FANG treaty. :(

You know, the one where Athens, NpO, and GPA would support Flowers - like you said.

Forgetting about the existence of a super secret MADP bloc treaty is something that Athens finds inexcusable in an ally. We therefore hereby withdraw from the secret FANG treaty. Flowers are such terrible allies they don't even remember they have a treaty with you. :mad:

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' date='19 April 2010 - 12:17 PM' timestamp='1271697406' post='2266427']
First of all, I love this DoW. It's nice to get a break from the stale and rigid politics of Planet Bob once in a while, and to see fresh faces largely untempered by cynicism and experience participating in world affairs. :)

It's ok Antonio. No one will find out about our secret Flowers-Athens-NpO-GPA (FANG) MADP bloc until it is too late.

LONG LIVE FANG o/ :awesome:

What exactly are these reparations for? Did Flowers suffer this much damage?

How are you going to beat an alliance 400 times stronger than you?

Ramirus, Ramirus, look what you have wrought.

You forgot about our secret FANG treaty. :(

You know, the one where Athens, NpO, and GPA would support Flowers - like you said.

Forgetting about the existence of a super secret MADP bloc treaty is something that Athens finds inexcusable in an ally. We therefore hereby withdraw from the secret FANG treaty. Flowers are such terrible allies they don't even remember they have a treaty with you. :mad:

I LOLed really hard at this good show Londo

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' date='19 April 2010 - 01:17 PM' timestamp='1271697406' post='2266427']
First of all, I love this DoW. It's nice to get a break from the stale and rigid politics of Planet Bob once in a while, and to see fresh faces largely untempered by cynicism and experience participating in world affairs. :)

It's ok Antonio. No one will find out about our secret Flowers-Athens-NpO-GPA (FANG) MADP bloc until it is too late.

LONG LIVE FANG o/ :awesome:

What exactly are these reparations for? Did Flowers suffer this much damage?

How are you going to beat an alliance 400 times stronger than you?

Ramirus, Ramirus, look what you have wrought.

You forgot about our secret FANG treaty. :(

You know, the one where Athens, NpO, and GPA would support Flowers - like you said.

Forgetting about the existence of a super secret MADP bloc treaty is something that Athens finds inexcusable in an ally. We therefore hereby withdraw from the secret FANG treaty. Flowers are such terrible allies they don't even remember they have a treaty with you. :mad:
Funny, guy. I said I'd ask you guys.

Fist: Who's Antonio?

Second: The reps are for:
1. Inhumane treatment of the Flowers by demanding that they expel a member
2. 2,000 Infra Levels
3. Over 500 Tech stolen in the process
4. 150k defending Flowers soldiers
5. Over 400 Land stolen in the process

Third: I cannot say exactly how we're going to beat Rome just yet due to security reasons. But what I can say is "2,000 year old Karma"

Fourth: The Flowers would never sign a MADP. That means that we'd go to war if you attacked someone, and likewise. The strongest treaty we'd sign is a MDoAP, maybe.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='19 April 2010 - 01:42 PM' timestamp='1271698921' post='2266459']
ZOMG!!!!! Please do this![/size][/color]

If you do, I will wear your sig for a year.

Who is Antonio?

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 12:58 PM' timestamp='1271696301' post='2266408']
We may get a protectorate, but later. First, we want to crush Rome. And then build ourselves up to 200k and then recruit, offer generous awards, and then maybe get a protectorate. As for the treaties, we don't have any at the moment. Rome has Terra Cotta, one of the weakest Blocs in the world.
[color="#0000FF"]You clearly don't know much about anything, do you? Now Terra Cotta may not be huge like CnG, SF, or NOIR, but they are made up of some good alliances. If you want a horrible bloc, look at Nexus.

Also, how exactly do you plan to win? This is really just an insignificant speck (you) wailing against Rome. Really, you're not that big of a problem to them. If you think you are, then I am sorry, but you are seriously deluded.[/color]

[quote name='greene345' date='19 April 2010 - 02:10 PM' timestamp='1271700616' post='2266505']
[ooc]I'm trying to figure out if Amer is actually serious or not...[/ooc]
[color="#0000FF"]He is.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 12:43 PM' timestamp='1271698970' post='2266461']
Who is Antonio?

[quote name='PrinceArutha' date='19 April 2010 - 12:55 PM' timestamp='1271699705' post='2266482']
who is antonio?

Antonio is GPA's Minister of Foreign Affairs

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[quote name='greene345' date='19 April 2010 - 11:10 AM' timestamp='1271700616' post='2266505']
[ooc]I'm trying to figure out if Amer is actually serious or not...[/ooc]

[ooc]Somehow I think he is. But that is of no consequence. If what he said earlier is true, he won't last much longer ;)[/ooc]

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So NPO is now involved in this as well? And VE told you to hit him!?!? :ph34r:
Mind boggling how these fit into your war against Rome

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='19 April 2010 - 07:27 PM' timestamp='1271701649' post='2266527']
Antonio is GPA's Minister of Foreign Affairs

GPA has a Foreign Affairs person? But they are neutral! Oh I get it, they talk to other neutrals.

Okay. Works for me.


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