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Way to go TOP! Attacking an ally's uninvolved MDoAP treaty partner is pretty much the most idiotic thing a you could have done. How many idiotic things do you have to do before you realize what an epic failure you've become.

Good luck savaging your horrendous reputation TOP. Maybe in a few years people will actually respect you again.

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Although I could very easily get caught up in the breadth of recurring war debate, I'll instead simply opine that this cancellation seems to be best for both parties involved at this point in time. I'm sure they'll do just fine from here, with or without the other as a treaty partner.

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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' date='20 March 2010 - 12:13 AM' timestamp='1269069204' post='2231118']
Way to go TOP! Attacking an ally's uninvolved MDoAP treaty partner is [b]pretty much the most idiotic thing a you could have done.[/b] How many idiotic things do you have to do before you realize what an epic failure you've become.

Good luck savaging your horrendous reputation TOP. Maybe in a few years people will actually respect you again.

That has already come and gone my friend.

The acceptance of Steve Buscemi into our Order was the most idiotic thing we could have done.

Oh well. I'm naked now that I no longer have a towel. I like naked.

See ya MHA.

Edited by aaannndddyyy
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[quote name='Geoffron X' date='20 March 2010 - 04:33 AM' timestamp='1269059615' post='2230977']
A question, WCR. When TOP and IRON declared war on C&G, how long did you wait before declaring on the ally of your ally? How much diplomacy did you attempt then?

What is with all this ally of an ally crap, MHA has no treaties with IRON, When MHA went to war with IRON the only thing our treaty with TOP meant was TOP could not attack us, just because TOP sign a treaty with someone, it does not mean they are safe from other people TOP has signed treaties with, a friend of a friend is not my friend.

I did not see much thought from TOP when they attacked GR, taken in to account that both GR and TOP hold treaties with OBR ?

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[quote name='Timeline' date='20 March 2010 - 03:20 AM' timestamp='1269069585' post='2231124']
What is with all this ally of an ally crap, MHA has no treaties with IRON, When MHA went to war with IRON the only thing our treaty with TOP meant was TOP could not attack us, just because TOP sign a treaty with someone, it does not mean they are safe from other people TOP has signed treaties with, a friend of a friend is not my friend.[/quote]
Wait, what?

You do know that your government's main complaint was that TOP contemplated attacking one of your allies in the course of this war (when \m/ and NpO were still going at it) and that the "friend of my friend" argument was their main objection to our move?

Read the topic. Your government is all over the place about it. That said, your reaction is more in line with how your people has been acting when it comes to treaties.

Edited by Yevgeni Luchenkov
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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' date='20 March 2010 - 12:13 AM' timestamp='1269069204' post='2231118']
Way to go TOP! Attacking an ally's uninvolved MDoAP treaty partner is pretty much the most idiotic thing a you could have done. How many idiotic things do you have to do before you realize what an epic failure you've become.

Good luck savaging your horrendous reputation TOP. Maybe in a few years people will actually respect you again.
We understand that you don't like TOP and that what they did was ill advised. Can you please stop with the same line over and over again? At least come up with some new thing to insult TOP about. Everything you post is an eyesore.

On topic: This cancellation seemed long overdue. Hope you guys can stay friendlier than some of the posts in the thread indicate.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' date='20 March 2010 - 08:21 PM' timestamp='1269076886' post='2231164']
Wait, what?

You do know that your government's main complaint was that TOP contemplated attacking one of your allies in the course of this war (when \m/ and NpO were still going at it) and that the "friend of my friend" argument was their main objection to our move?

Read the topic. Your government is all over the place about it. That said, your reaction is more in line with how your people has been acting when it comes to treaties.

I think you might need to read it mate. TOP wanted to attack Fark, who is our direct ally. When that wouldn't fly, they stopped talking to us and attacked CnG. That was our "main objection", seeing as we declared on IRON and all.

I think our reaction ranges between "Take responsibility for your actions" and "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining". Both of which apply here.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' date='20 March 2010 - 09:21 AM' timestamp='1269076886' post='2231164']
Wait, what?

You do know that your government's main complaint was that TOP contemplated attacking one of your allies in the course of this war (when \m/ and NpO were still going at it) and that the "friend of my friend" argument was their main objection to our move?

Read the topic. Your government is all over the place about it. That said, your reaction is more in line with how your people has been acting when it comes to treaties.

I am not MHA government, my views are not that of my alliance, my views are that of mine and mine alone. Also I think you are mistaken with the course of this war, it has nothing to do with \m/ vs NpO, not sure why you claim it is, CnG or TOP and co had not made any dow within the \m/ vs NpO war, TOP and co. DoW CnG the day \M/ and NpO gave each other white peace, the following day everyone else within the \M/ vs NpO war gave white peace. then the dow's for tops actions vs CnG rolled in.

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[quote name='Timeline' date='20 March 2010 - 06:02 AM' timestamp='1269079327' post='2231174']
I am not MHA government, my views are not that of my alliance, my views are that of mine and mine alone. Also I think you are mistaken with the course of this war, it has nothing to do with \m/ vs NpO, not sure why you claim it is, CnG or TOP and co had not made any dow within the \m/ vs NpO war, TOP and co. DoW CnG the day \M/ and NpO gave each other white peace, the following day everyone else within the \M/ vs NpO war gave white peace. then the dow's for tops actions vs CnG rolled in.
Grub personally approved our entry into the war that was then being waged. We were to target C&G and ensure that they would not interfere with Polar's operations. He neglected to tell us about the white peace arrangement.

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[quote name='Banksy' date='20 March 2010 - 12:51 AM' timestamp='1269046245' post='2230756']
u mad?

People drift- and MHA drifted away from TOP.
People drift all the time, but cancelling during a war after watching them being taking apart and doing nothing is lame. Oh yeah they drifted apart, one has 11m NS and the other is passing 4m NS on the way down. One alliance put their infra before friends and one didnt MHA are the new ODN.

[quote name='flak attack' date='20 March 2010 - 02:41 AM' timestamp='1269052847' post='2230852']
It was TOP's fault they got beat down. Seeing anyone try to complain otherwise is hilarious. They started the war, didn't they?
The only people who think TOP started this war is MK and its puppets. If there was no war raging the attack wouldnt have happened unless you are saying MK was going to do what MHA did and sit back and watch their friends burn without lifting a finger. It wouldnt be the 1st time they did but I dont think it was the case this time.

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I don't know what all the fuss is about. Both sides seem happy with the cancellation, as it's obvious that both sides don't have the same level of relationship as they did prior to the war.

Stuff about aiding and that is bullcrap, and all of you /should/ know it. You aid people fighting on the same side of you in a war, who may not necessarily be in your alliance. I did that, and many other people did that. If that aid so happens to go to someone who's fighting an ally... well, it's not very nice, but sometimes can't be avoided either.

The classlessness of MHA member's actions here really highlight how far MHA has fallen. Where has the class gone? Where are the cool headed posters addressing the post rather than the poster? While a gag order isn't needed, there should've been at least an order for civility from members.

[quote]I think you might need to read it mate. TOP wanted to attack Fark, who is our direct ally. When that wouldn't fly, they stopped talking to us and attacked CnG. That was our "main objection", seeing as we declared on IRON and all.[/quote]
Yeah... but they didn't attack Fark did they? You could've also forced some communication as well, seeing as you /were/ allies and all, or did you not make the effort? I wouldn't know, since I'm not in either party :P

Edited by R3nowned
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[quote name='Alterego' date='20 March 2010 - 06:11 PM' timestamp='1269079867' post='2231176']
People drift all the time, but cancelling during a war after watching them being taking apart and doing nothing is lame. Oh yeah they drifted apart, one has 11m NS and the other is passing 4m NS on the way down. One alliance put their infra before friends and one didnt MHA are the new ODN.

The only people who think TOP started this war is MK and its puppets. If there was no war raging the attack wouldnt have happened unless you are saying MK was going to do what MHA did and sit back and watch their friends burn without lifting a finger. It wouldnt be the 1st time they did but I dont think it was the case this time.

I seriously laughed through this whole post, thanks for the good chuckle Alterego.

We actually put friends before infra, but don't let your tunnel vision stop you.

TOP asked us if they could hit FARK without us being involved, would you think a "friend" would do that?
TOP cut Communication after that, would a "friend" do that?
TOP hit a well known Harmlins ally, would a "friend" do that?

Also TOP's undoing is a result of their own actions, don't sit there and say that they were a innocent party, and to burst your little bubble we were drifting apart before this war, the war was just the icing on the cake as it goes.

Nice try, trying to use hypothetical situations to enforce your views.

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[quote name='R3nowned' date='20 March 2010 - 06:15 PM' timestamp='1269080087' post='2231177']

Yeah... but they didn't attack Fark did they? You could've also forced some communication as well, seeing as you /were/ allies and all, or did you not make the effort? I wouldn't know, since I'm not in either party :P

Aww come on R3nowned, your smarter then that. How can you force communication, communication is a two way street.

Don't you love me no more? :(

Edited by nutkase
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[quote name='Alterego' date='20 March 2010 - 09:11 PM' timestamp='1269079867' post='2231176']
People drift all the time, but cancelling during a war after watching them being taking apart and doing nothing is lame. Oh yeah they drifted apart, one has 11m NS and the other is passing 4m NS on the way down. One alliance put their infra before friends and one didnt MHA are the new ODN.

The only people who think TOP started this war is MK and its puppets. If there was no war raging the attack wouldnt have happened unless you are saying MK was going to do what MHA did and sit back and watch their friends burn without lifting a finger. It wouldnt be the 1st time they did but I dont think it was the case this time.

There's so little about this that's based on reality, it's hard to know what to respond to.

"Watching them being taken apart" is laughable as MHA has been occupied with 6 alliances attempting to take us apart. What was TOP doing while we were attacked? Oh yes, aiding those who attacked us.

I feel sorry for TOP loosing so much infra (although the fact you bring it up while trying to claim TOP doesn't care about their infra is funny), but perhaps they shouldn't have initiated an aggressive war for flimsy reasons?

MHA most certainly did put our friends first over infra when we went up against IRON (who are more than capable of defending themselves), and then to be attacked by 5 other alliances. We did so because we wanted to defend our friends against the aggressive war. Just because we didn't throw our weight behind your side doesn't mean we haven't put our infra on the line.

The last point I won't even bother with.

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[quote name='nutkase' date='20 March 2010 - 08:23 PM' timestamp='1269080600' post='2231180']
Aww come on R3nowned, your smarter then that. How can you force communication, communication is a two way street.

Don't you love me no more? :(
I still love you XD

Seriously though, bug them until they talk to you. It's frustrating, but if you truly desire to keep a relationship going, sometimes one party has to try harder than the other. Not saying MHA was wrong or anything (I think TOP was in the wrong for stopping communications), as I fully agree with the cancellation, but just saying... :P

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[quote name='Alterego' date='20 March 2010 - 11:11 AM' timestamp='1269079867' post='2231176']
One alliance put their infra before friends and one didnt MHA are the new ODN.[/quote]
Well I'm pretty sure we did go into war to defend our Farkin friends and Gramlin brothers. Having eaten 2 nukes, lost more infra during entire conflict than I started with, and participated in burning over 42kNS - I can hardly see how that move could be considered infra-huggin. But I guess you're entitled to your own opinion, however strange and absurd it might seem to me. I'm probably biased.
The rest of your post relates to subject not being discussed here.

[quote name='R3nowned' date='20 March 2010 - 11:15 AM' timestamp='1269080087' post='2231177']
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Both sides seem happy with the cancellation, as it's obvious that both sides don't have the same level of relationship as they did prior to the war.

Stuff about aiding and that is bullcrap, and all of you /should/ know it. You aid people fighting on the same side of you in a war, who may not necessarily be in your alliance. I did that, and many other people did that. If that aid so happens to go to someone who's fighting an ally... well, it's not very nice, but sometimes can't be avoided either.

The classlessness of MHA member's actions here really highlight how far MHA has fallen. Where has the class gone? Where are the cool headed posters addressing the post rather than the poster? While a gag order isn't needed, there should've been at least an order for civility from members.

Yeah... but they didn't attack Fark did they? You could've also forced some communication as well, seeing as you /were/ allies and all, or did you not make the effort? I wouldn't know, since I'm not in either party :P

One part of why MHA members are somewhat 'pissy' right now - I covered earlier. I could furthermore elaborate, that if we were indifferent toward TOP, we would probably be more cool-headed about it.
I don't understand this conception that somehow only MHA had any power over this treaty. WE were the ones who cancelled too late. WE were supposed to warn that commiting acts of war against our nations is a bad thing, WE were supposed to jump up and down for attention when a "no-comms" policy was introduced by our treaty partner.

I want to remind you, that MDoAP's are a form of [i]bilateral[/i] agreement.

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Apologies to the rest of Planet Bob. The bravery shown by watching these tired, circular arguments by clearly uninformed and biased people is commendable. Your massive lost of time is a testament to our struggle.

Edited by Working_Class_Ruler
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[quote name='Cormalek' date='20 March 2010 - 08:39 PM' timestamp='1269081541' post='2231188']
One part of why MHA members are somewhat 'pissy' right now - I covered earlier. I could furthermore elaborate, that if we were indifferent toward TOP, we would probably be more cool-headed about it.
I don't understand this conception that somehow only MHA had any power over this treaty. WE were the ones who cancelled too late. WE were supposed to warn that commiting acts of war against our nations is a bad thing, WE were supposed to jump up and down for attention when a "no-comms" policy was introduced by our treaty partner.

I want to remind you, that MDoAP's are a form of [i]bilateral[/i] agreement.

Indeed, I agree, and I am saddened by the fact that TOP stopped communicating with you guys. As I said before, however, you guys could've tried extra hard to communicate with TOP, even if TOP were being stupid about it. You are MDoAP partners afterall. If your partner is throwing a hissy fit and not talking to you, you should try communicate with them anyways.

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[quote name='Simon De Montfort' date='20 March 2010 - 01:28 AM' timestamp='1269062872' post='2231047']
I mean I guess nations only fight ONE alliance ever in a giant coalition war right?

The very notion that even this ONE aid screen condemns MHA to the same reputation of TOP after the countless streams of aid to GGA, is ludicrous, tbqh. The fact that you even try to make that argument, says alot about you.

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[quote name='Cormalek' date='20 March 2010 - 10:39 AM' timestamp='1269081541' post='2231188']
Having eaten 2 nukes, lost more infra during entire conflict than I started with, and participated in burning over 42kNS
What? 2 nukes for 42k Ns..
[quote name='sethb' date='20 March 2010 - 02:25 AM' timestamp='1269051913' post='2230843']
Don't take this as a slight against MHA but those alliances aren't exactly war machines. :x
If we aren't exactly war machines, why did MHA need to get Fark to ghost declare on us so that FOK! could hit us?

Man I need more beer, for this stuff.. >_>
Either way good luck to both parties I guess.

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[quote name='nutkase' date='20 March 2010 - 11:28 AM' timestamp='1269084484' post='2231201']
More to war then just nukes :awesome:
Or they were just super nukes. :awesome:

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