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UBD Government Announcement

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I am pleased as my first act as Minister of Foreign Affairs this term to bring you the Directorate election results and ministerial appointments.


Port Royale



Minister of Internal Affairs: Shellhound
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Russell07
Minister of Defence: Slybomber
Minister of Trade: Marti
Minister of Recruitment: Corran Dralling
Minister of Education: Toneloc35
Minister of Finance: Zak.R

Minister of Foreign Affairs
On behalf of the Directors of UBD

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[quote name='FreddieMercury' date='01 March 2010 - 07:59 PM' timestamp='1267473793' post='2210156']
Boo UBD, your evil hegemonic past will never be forgotten! :awesome:

Also, o/

Decorations of honour can easily be removed...


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[quote name='Lord Brendan' date='01 March 2010 - 08:33 PM' timestamp='1267475817' post='2210202']
Congratulations to the newly elected.

Hurry it up with those reparations, will ya? :P

I know, we're still trying to free up slots so we can accept your tribute :smug:

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[quote name='mdnss69' date='01 March 2010 - 03:05 PM' timestamp='1267474124' post='2210164']
Wait... I got a job? A Director job? How'd that happen?!!! :blink:

Spying, probably. :v:

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[quote name='kamino' date='02 March 2010 - 12:59 AM' timestamp='1267491774' post='2210561']
Congrats guys, how long has Lyons been a director now? He was a director when I was there over a year ago.

Lyons hasn't been a director for at least a couple of terms now. I'm glad to see his return to office!

[quote name='Joe Stupid' date='02 March 2010 - 01:45 AM' timestamp='1267494552' post='2210614']
Russ, you should have couped UBD awhile ago :)


All in good time... :P

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[quote name='AirMe' date='02 March 2010 - 04:08 PM' timestamp='1267546344' post='2211353']
Oh look at that, the guy that tried to infiltrate MK is back in gov. How the hell are you guys still alive?

Because we have good people in our alliance and as allies, and that people like you and the old dude tech raider somewhere above are not there.

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[quote name='mdnss69' date='02 March 2010 - 04:35 PM' timestamp='1267565942' post='2211680']
Because we have good people in our alliance and as allies, and that people like you and the old dude tech raider somewhere above are not there.

I have never tech raided. But it should be pointed out that in an attempt to get guides, instead of asking your allies, you came up with a cockamamie scheme to use what you thought was a deleted MK nation to access toe MK forums. Yet you couldn't even do that right. You chose an MK member who still had a nation and occasionally did log into the forums.

If you believed in your allies, you would have asked them for guides instead of attempting to infiltrate an alliance to get some.

That little example right there proves your judgment is terrible and your membership shouldn't elect someone with such poor judgment to a leadership position. I think I am going to nick name you RMM Jr.

EDIT: Not to mention Tech Raiding, while it might be totally acceptable in some circles, is a hell of a lot more acceptable overall than an attempted infiltration of an alliance that's goal was to steal intellectual material.

EDIT2: It is not good to talk to a person and type at the same time. Words get intermingled.

Edited by AirMe
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its not acceptable if an alliance, instead of solving a problem diplomatically, decides to milk a situation for all it is worth and even bring in allies to attack smaller nations to totally demolish an alliance who had no idea of the dealings of a very select few (3) government members. And still claim to hold the moral high ground? that isn't a war that's an excuse to raid tech and practice your curb stomping technique.

[quote]EDIT: Not to mention Tech Raiding, while it might be acceptable in some circles, [b]is a hell of a lot less more acceptable[/b] than an attempted infiltration of an alliance that's goal was to steal intellectual material.[/quote]


I was in UBD for 6 months and there is no better alliance in CN in terms of community and friendship, and no better person to lead such an alliance as mdnss69 (..... Except me... cuz i was awesome. ) he has proven time and again he is a competent and admirable leader.

you all would do well to stop digging up the past and allow him to lead UBD through their rebuild.

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[quote name='Combat Pope' date='02 March 2010 - 05:16 PM' timestamp='1267568377' post='2211758']
its not acceptable if an alliance, instead of solving a problem diplomatically, decides to milk a situation for all it is worth and even bring in allies to attack smaller nations to totally demolish an alliance who had no idea of the dealings of a very select few (3) government members. And still claim to hold the moral high ground? that isn't a war that's an excuse to raid tech and practice your curb stomping technique.



I was in UBD for 6 months and there is no better alliance in CN in terms of community and friendship, and no better person to lead such an alliance as mdnss69 (..... Except me... cuz i was awesome. ) he has proven time and again he is a competent and admirable leader.

you all would do well to stop digging up the past and allow him to lead UBD through their rebuild.

Fixed my original statement sorry for the bad wording.

We worked diplomatically for 2 days and heard at least 3 different stories from the same gov member. We even called in your allies to mediate and consult. There was every opportunity to come clean but the fact that people were still attempting to cover for the dude and justify it after the 2nd cover story was blown kinda sealed the deal.

I would be willing to give him a second chance if he would just admit to the screw up in the first place.

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To the best of my knowledge he did, and accepted his punishment which he shared with the 2 other members in the form of a ZI. This alone would and should have sufficed as punishment, but rolling a whole alliance for the sake of 3 members? I will never accept that as just.

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