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RoK Forums Hacked

Van Hoo III

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People are taking this game too seriously. Whoever is found responsible for hacking into Ragnarok's forums should be banned from the game permanently. If you have to cheat by hacking into a forum, you prove that you are not worthy of playing this game.

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[quote name='CoffeeshopFrank' date='02 March 2010 - 05:22 PM' timestamp='1267568733' post='2211767']
People are taking this game too seriously. Whoever is found responsible for hacking into Ragnarok's forums should be banned from the game permanently. If you have to cheat by hacking into a forum, you prove that you are not worthy of playing this game.
He is banned.

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[quote name='p2die' date='03 March 2010 - 04:49 PM' timestamp='1267656763' post='2213028']
be glad. they choose your allinace over the meny others.
I'm utterly confused by what you're saying here.

I may wish IC destruction to many groups in this game, but I'd never be glad this happened to somebody else's forums - that's just wrong.

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Just to introduce a conspiracy theory, MK has the capacity to spy on so many alliances because bros is such a great guy and helps people with forum building. Theoretically, Big Bros could be watching you.

Still don't think CnG is the new Hegemony? Think again.

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[quote name='p2die' date='03 March 2010 - 02:49 PM' timestamp='1267656763' post='2213028']
be glad. they choose your allinace over the meny others.

You're a sad individual if you can't set aside IC even for a second to realize that what happened here was wrong.

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[quote name='MaGneT' date='04 March 2010 - 01:27 PM' timestamp='1267666243' post='2213161']
Just to introduce a conspiracy theory, MK has the capacity to spy on so many alliances because bros is such a great guy and helps people with forum building. Theoretically, Big Bros could be watching you.

Still don't think CnG is the new Hegemony? Think again.

I laughed.

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I hope Rok goes back online soon. we might have to start spamming from scratch [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif[/img]

At least I can beat Trooper now [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif[/img]

Edited by Fonzy66
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[quote name='MaGneT' date='03 March 2010 - 08:27 PM' timestamp='1267666243' post='2213161']
Just to introduce a conspiracy theory, MK has the capacity to spy on so many alliances because bros is such a great guy and helps people with forum building. Theoretically, Big Bros could be watching you.

Still don't think CnG is the new Hegemony? Think again.
To further your theory, what if bros is the one hacking all these forums in order for those alliances to join his server thing so he can further spy on him? Think about it. [/crazy, baseless conspiracy theory]

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I express my deepest sympathies, RoK. This is wrong, plain and simple, and this should not have happened. Why hackers cannot put their talents to a better use is beyond me, but that they would take it as low as Cybernations is just disgraceful. I somehow doubt that even other hackers would be that impressed with this one's current target. I hope you get things straightened out ASAP.

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[quote name='MaGneT' date='03 March 2010 - 08:27 PM' timestamp='1267666243' post='2213161']
Just to introduce a conspiracy theory, MK has the capacity to spy on so many alliances because bros is such a great guy and helps people with forum building. Theoretically, Big Bros could be watching you.

Still don't think CnG is the new Hegemony? Think again.

While C&G has proven no better than any previous incarnation of "the evil empire" in many IC ways, this theory is beyond even the standards of even the most dedicated tinfoil wearer.

I wish Ragnarok well in their efforts to recover from what at best can be described as the actions of someone who desperately needs OOC help.

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Despite the issues that I have had with Van Hoo in the past and the hard feelings RoK may still have toward me, I would like to state my condolences regarding this hacking. There is a point where a person goes too far, and whoever did this to RoK far exceeded that point. If there is anything that I can do to help, you know where to find me. Hope your new forum transition goes well.

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[quote name='John Warbuck' date='03 March 2010 - 11:17 PM' timestamp='1267680054' post='2213424']
Despite the issues that I have had with Van Hoo in the past and the hard feelings RoK may still have toward me, I would like to state my condolences regarding this hacking. There is a point where a person goes too far, and whoever did this to RoK far exceeded that point. If there is anything that I can do to help, you know where to find me. Hope your new forum transition goes well.

Ditto on what the Warbuckmeister said.

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[quote name='Lord n00b II' date='03 March 2010 - 09:58 PM' timestamp='1267671747' post='2213262']
To further your theory, what if bros is the one hacking all these forums in order for those alliances to join his server thing so he can further spy on him? Think about it. [/crazy, baseless conspiracy theory]
Aye, a very good point. This is all most likely part of Archon and Moo's plot to find all of the people in the world who dislike the NPO, smoke them out, and destroy them all in December of 2012. As we all know, this is under the strict direction of Ivan Moldavi and his secret associate, Prodigal Chieftain.

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[quote name='Van Hoo III' date='27 February 2010 - 11:55 PM' timestamp='1267333149' post='2207567']
As most of you know, the Ragnarok forums were recently hacked. Everyone who had an account on the RoK forums should have received a message by now letting you know that this has happened and that your password is now in the hands of a low-life. If you for some reason have not, this is RoK's official warning to the public.

The Ragnarok forums have been taken offline and we will be moving to a new home. We will let everyone know where that is once the move is complete.

It goes without saying that this is a pathetic move by an individual who takes a game far too seriously. Regardless of alliance affiliation, such acts are something the that the vast majority of this community frowns upon. I doubt the individual responsible cares, but they should be ashamed. You are now the lowest form of life in this community ... congrats.

A heartfelt thanks to bros of MK for all his help. You're a stand-up guy, man. :wub:

Van Hoo III

Emperor oF Ragnarok

Note: There is an ever-growing master list of all passwords from the RoK forums currently up on pastebin.
IC Differences aside, this is NOT COOL, and extremely NOT FUNNY. Too many people put too damned much time and effort into building this game and community to let it get taken down by some jackass kid sitting in mommy's basement. Any OOC help I can offer is extended, and I encourage anyone in the community to offer their own IT expertise as well. This is a community problem, not bound by IC allegiances. Best of luck Hoo.


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[quote name='wickedj' date='28 February 2010 - 03:19 AM' timestamp='1267345422' post='2208000']
It was discussed in another thread and i dont recall what became of it but someone mentioned it would be hard due to international laws
Maybe you can't do anything legally (I don't pretend to know), but most ISPs, in my experience, don't care to be associated with those types. I've never dealt with an ISP in NZ, but all the ones I've spoken with in the past have been very good about canceling accounts of hacker/troublemaker types. I admit it's been a while since I had the dubious pleasure, though. Regardless, it's worth a shot to ask, especially if you can provide evidence of repeated trouble (and it sounds like you can).

Edited by Vhalen
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[quote name='Van Hoo III' date='04 March 2010 - 03:07 AM' timestamp='1267672338' post='2213269']
Wait ... what?

I think that was a lousy attempt to make a joke. :) (As in be glad, you have done something right so people atleast are so intrested in you that they would hack your forums) But thats only how i read it.

I would hope people would use more spies in the game, but spies as in "infiltrate alliance X get to power, leak information" Not like this, hacking forums, and leaking passwords is just wrong, you could seriously damage someones life doing it.

(People, i know this has been said in ten different places allready, but still: CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS :P)

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[quote name='terveis' date='05 March 2010 - 11:13 AM' timestamp='1267787866' post='2214755']
I think that was a lousy attempt to make a joke. :) (As in be glad, you have done something right so people atleast are so intrested in you that they would hack your forums) But thats only how i read it.

That's how I read it as well...

So chill out peeps, I don't think that anyone here wants to cause us OOC harm. IC harm, of course, but not OOC

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