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[b][SIZE=23][font=Impact]--------This is the Unity Front!--------[/SIZE][/font][/b]

[b]What is UNITY FRONT?[/b]
Unity Front is an alliance that is sick and tired of the bickering in CN. No more treaty webs, no more fancy governments, we just agree. And if we don't agree...then...well...to hell with you! We have no goals, plans, or future, but it doesn't matter, because whether we win or lose, we will be [b]united[/b] throughout the whole ordeal. We're in this for the long haul, unless we agree not to be. Suck it.

[b]How do I join UNITY FRONT?[/b]
You just DO! If you're fed up with CN squabbles, then you're in! I mean, having a forum account and the right AA might help, but if you're with us, we'll stand [b]united[/b] with you. If you want to attack someone under our AA, go right ahead, but unless we were [b]united[/b] in your war, we will not defend you. Of course, if we [i]were[/i] [b]united[/b], we would all attack. Our military force is the finest in the land, with the possible exception of all those alliances with structured militaries. Suck it.

[b]So how does UNITY FRONT conduct war?[/b]
We just DON'T! Alliancewide wars are for the weak, each nation is obliged to look out for itself, and only itself. Aiding other Unity Front nations is encouraged, but not mandatory, as true [b]unity[/b] cannot be forced. If a whole bunch of Unity Front nations decide to go to war against the same target, it is their choice, and they have done do because they are [b]united[/b] against a common enemy. The war was not, and never will be, sanctioned by the alliance leadership, largely because there is none. Wait, what about the admin? Ok, he's a special case, he has the added bonus of controlling the forums. But, if a Unity Front nation wants to start a separate forum for the alliance, it is their choice, and if people move to that forum, they are free to do so as well. Why wouldn't that make the alliance un-[b]united[/b]? Because it's how we roll. Suck it.

[b]How does UNITY FRONT handle foreign affairs?[/b]
One simple answer: come on over! Our forums are welcome to everyone, and everyone has an equal say. We do NOT have official embassies on our forum, as that would cause dis[b]unity[/b] amount the diplomats. You can start a thread for members of your alliance to post on, and of course you can have your flag and such in your signature and avatar, but keep in mind that Unity Front will only sign treaties if we are all [b]united[/b] around the concept. And we probably won't be. Suck it.

[b]What color is UNITY FRONT?[/b]

[b]Ok, really, what color is UNITY FRONT?[/b]
Any color you want. We like green, black, and white, since they're the colors of our flag, red, since the founders were red, blue, because it's a nice placid color, brown because of poop, and every other color because we believe in a [b]united[/b] color wheel. That's right. Even the colors will stand together. Suck it.

[b]Do I always have to capitalize UNITY FRONT in these questions?[/b]
No, but you have chosen to do so. (hint: I'm the one asking the questions!)
We like capitals because this is the internet, and our [b]united[/b] yelling voices sound cool. Suck it.

[b]Does UNITY FRONT endorse sucking it?[/b]
From the bottom of our hearts. [b]Unity.[/b] Suck it.

[b]Is UNITY FRONT basically anarchist?[/b]

[b]Are there any other stats about UNITY FRONT I need to know?[/b]
Hells yes! Without further ado, here are the vital statistics about Unity Front.

Name: Unity Front
Color: Invisible
Government: [URL=http://www.traveljournals.net/pictures/l/21/213456-32-stockholm-sweden.jpg]Hello[/URL]
Alliance Anthem: [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rAHrHd2lcw]Beautiful![/URL]
Alliance Bird: [URL=http://i47.tinypic.com/k3xg81.jpg]Parrot Biden[/URL]
Alliance Catfish: [URL=http://moldychum.typepad.com/moldy_chum/images/2007/06/05/catfish.jpg]Catfish[/URL]
Alliance Dog: [URL=http://z.about.com/d/crime/1/0/O/8/cash.jpg]Catfish[/URL]
Alliance Euphemism: [URL=http://www.flickr.com/photos/jhofker/3531854435/]Gettin' your bone on.[/URL]
Alliance Freedoms: [URL=http://images.huffingtonpost.com/gen/71847/thumbs/s-RUSH-LIMBAUGH-VF-large.jpg]Vast[/URL]
Alliance God: [URL=http://www.kinthara.de/Bilder/Galery/screen/ra.jpg]Ra[/URL]
Alliance Hat: [URL=http://www.amazingsuperpowers.com/ee/2009-12-28.jpg]Top[/URL]
Alliance Interruption: [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FRo9W-os3E]Kanye[/URL]
Alliance Jew: [URL=http://www.hephey.dk/media/Mel_Gibson/Mel_Gibson_210x180_01.jpg]Not who you would expect[/URL]
Alliance Kramer: [URL=http://latelequemepario.files.wordpress.com/2006/12/cosmo-kramer.jpg]Creepy as hell[/URL]
Alliance Large Hadron Collider: [URL=http://www.liveindia.com/news/Large-Hadron-Collider2.jpg]This one[/URL]
Alliance Mascot: [URL=http://www.flickr.com/photos/frankfarm/192242446/]Beard Papa[/URL]
Alliance Name: [URL=http://i47.tinypic.com/2na43lh.jpg]...Unity Front?[/URL]
Alliance Obelisk: [URL=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_IzgH5zYM1A8/SZ4cgU4PR-I/AAAAAAAAAAM/Cak0P0hVjpw/S220/Egyptian-Obelisk-in-Central-Park-New-York.png]Chinese[/URL]
Alliance Parrot: [URL=http://wfnx.com/blogs/sandbox/blog%20images/June09/joe_biden_topless.jpg]Biden again[/URL]
Alliance Quarantine Zone: [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouagadougou]The city with the secksiest name in the world[/URL]
Alliance Rascals: [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9f/Ourgang.jpg]The one gettin' his bone on with the goat and the fat one.[/URL]
Alliance Sandwich: [URL=http://bensbiz.mlblogs.com/assets_c/2009/09/Trenton%20--%20Mustache%20Night%20Huge%20Sandwich-thumb-450x675-1543051.jpg]Huge[/URL]
Alliance TRACTOR: [URL=http://www.skyvalleyantiquetractor.com/images/tractor06.jpg]OMFG TRACTOR!!![/URL]
Alliance Unity: [URL=http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelbuffer/68435601/]Abundant[/URL]
Alliance V: [URL=http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0635.html]Badass[/URL]
Alliance Wilson: [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-zaO-hUYag]Floaty[/URL]
Alliance X-Word That Isn't Xylophone: [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IgH2M02xek]Xerox[/URL]
Alliance Yams: [URL=http://www.tiu.ac.jp/~bduell/sp/usasp/pics/candied.yams.dish3.JPG]Candied[/URL]
Alliance Zealot: [URL=http://www.usdat.us/secretary/archives/2003-pat-robertson_1.jpg]Pat Robertson[/URL]

We wish you good luck from Unity Front. Roq awn.

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[quote name='raasaa' date='19 February 2010 - 05:24 PM' timestamp='1266600266' post='2192191']
You are the former leader of Christie Kreme...that merged into GATO....

Isnt GATO currently at war..... :o

He is, they didn't, we are.

Good luck with this.

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I love it when a new alliance announces it's existence, you can bet your last dollar that someone will say NEW TECH RAID TARGETS!!!!!! in the first couple of responses.

If I ever found an alliance I will get a protector and not even bother announcing it. The people who need to know will know and that will be all. Existence announcements only attract the kind of attention that a new alliance does not need.

I would rather wait till I am at the 100+ member size with a decent stock of nukes before I would risk attracting the attention of raiders by announcing myself.

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All I can say is LOL....not because I think you're going to fail. :P I have never read any post on these forums that made me 'lol' more so than this one here. I like laughing, thank you so much.

I hope you guys succeed, and well keep doing hilarious things. :D

o/ Good Luck

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