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The Slavic Federation


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Caucasia and Dalmatia have long been close allies, from the year Dalmatia was founded, and have remained so since then. Our friendship has survived the EU and death thereof, and many political crises. As such, Caucasia and Dalmatia hereby merge together to form the Slavic Federation.
The Republic of Greater Dalmatia and the Kingdom of Caucasia, recognizing close political and cultural bonds, do hereby form a union in the form of the Slavic Federation.

Article I. Head of State
For as long as the Slavic Federation exists, the Monarch of Caucasia shall be the head of state, the Monarch of the Slavic Federation. He/she is authorized to take all actions for the defense of the Slavic Federation, provided those actions do not infringe upon the rights of the people. The Monarch may block any legislation from the Slavic Congress. The Monarch rules until death or abdication.

Article II. Head of Government
For as long as the Slavic Federation exists, the Prime Minister of Dalmatia shall serve as the head of government, the Prime Minister of the Slavic Federation. The Prime Minister is permitted to appoint a cabinet of five members to assist in his or her duties. In the absence or illness of the Monarch, the Prime Minister is authorized to act as monarch of the Slavic Federation until the return of the monarch to active duty. The Prime Minister is elected every four years by the citizens of the Dalmatian part of the Slavic Federation.

Article III. Legislative Body
The Parliaments of Caucasia and Dalmatia shall be merged into two bodies, the Senate and House of Representatives, collectively known as the Slavic Congress. The seats of Congress shall be divided between Caucasia and Dalmatia by population. The Congress may pass bills, but they will not become laws unless signed by the Monarch.

Article III.A. Senate
The Senate of the Slavic Federation will consist of 150 seats. These seats will be divided between the former nations of Caucasia and Dalmatia by population, and further divided into Senatorial Districts. Any Senator may propose a law, which will first be voted on by the Senate, then, if passed, moved on to the House.

Article III.B. House of Representatives
The House of Representatives of the Slavic Federation will consist of 500 seats, elected from 500 Congressional Districts. Representatives may propose laws, which, if passed in the House, will be moved on to the Senate.

Article IV. Justice
The King and Prime Minister are to appoint thirteen judges to form a Slavic High Court. The Monarch and Prime Minister must be in agreement before any appointments are made. Each judge will serve until death, resignation, or a mutual agreement between the Monarch and Prime Minister to remove the Judge.

Article V. Public Order
During the lifetime of the Slavic Federation, should either nation find itself subject to extreme disorder that cannot be contained by the local forces, the other is required to mobilize forces into the region to help stabilize it. Should disorder continue, the land is to be annexed by the other nation.

Article VI. Termination of Merge
Should either nation wish to withdraw from the merger, they may do so at any time, and will become independent with all assets previously held by their nation.[/quote]

The Slavic Federation will incorporate all of Caucasia and Dalmatia, and the protectorates of Caucasia shall be annexed into the Federation to provide a better link. All treaties held by both nations are considered active.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' date='17 February 2010 - 02:14 AM' timestamp='1266372861' post='2186695']
"Oh good God."

- Stephen Colbert

"Oh good God."

- Statement from Alvonia

"I agree, God is good."

-Stephenov Colbertov

[quote name='Vince Sixx' date='17 February 2010 - 02:43 AM' timestamp='1266374624' post='2186744']
Vincente Sicetti: "Oh my god who designed your flag, it's beautiful."


"A great artist by the name of Vincent Sixxov. The background was originally yellow, but that clashed horribly, so I made it white."

-HRH King James II

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='16 February 2010 - 09:18 PM' timestamp='1266373097' post='2186701']
*Terminator passing the CNRP universe before passing back out again through his time wormhole.*

OOC: No. Just no.


"We congratulate our friends on this merger. Slavic Unity is an admirable goal, one we hope you achieve one day."

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"So we have the Slavic Union, the Slavic Federation, and Slavorussia, and I think all three are claiming to represent all Slavs...Alfred, get me the good vodka, the one I save for wars and silly diplomatic situations." Uberstein turned up the volume on his TV, wondering how long it would take for Europe to get crazy again.

The Republic of Finland recognizes this new nation and we are glad to see they are for peace in Europe."

Edited by BaronUberstein
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[i]"The government of Vauleyo-Buryatia offers its congratulations to the Slavic Federation upon the occasion of its foundation. While we have thus far limited our diplomatic outreach in Europe, we hope that the diplomatic relationship that existed between Vauleyo-Buryatia and Caucasia can be significantly expanded with the new Slavic Federation."[/i]-Vauleyo-Buryatian Diplomatic Corps

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[quote name='comrade nikonov' date='17 February 2010 - 08:54 PM' timestamp='1266440082' post='2187940']
"The Slavic Union recognizes the Slavic Federation... but comments on the disturbing lack of appropriate Slavic symbolism on the flag.."
OOC: names getting a bit silly now...

"The flag is based more on regional history than the culture. Horsemanship was a major part of warfare for centuries, dating back to the Parthians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Armenians, and more. We felt it was appropriate."

-HRH King James II

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[quote name='Pikachurin' date='19 February 2010 - 02:45 AM' timestamp='1266547501' post='2191039']
"Just for our own records, we would like to know what are the official languages of the Slavic Federation, as well as it's capital."

(OoC: I need them for my embassy database.)

"The Federation contains many, many languages, and it would seem foolish to sponsor one above the others. As for the capital, we are based out of Tbilisi, currently, but may or may not move the capital in time."

-HRH King James II

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